57R-4304 - .~ 1""". RlSOLtJ!IOJl' :10. 4304 .l BUfLU'l'IOI' OF THE CITY COUllCIL pF 'mE CITY OP 'Jl'UI:tK. .lCCBP'J.'IJG A GR4I'1' DUD CO~llG TO THE ern OF .lI'ABlIH CBItTAIJl' UA.L PROP~ FOR A.Jl' Ms.tlt! POI .. AND PUBLIC UTI~'1'I PURPOSES. ~"8, the City Council of the City of Anaheim is .....JJOUot P\U'ohaslng the hereinafter deiacrlbed real property tor pu.bUe ptU'Poa.s, to wit: An ease.ent for' road. and ~u~;J.lc ~~11j,u..... lUll"... ; ana- .,,~.8, the ov:ner.lL of said proplerty ha!!... ottered to ..11 and oon.oy the aame to the~ity; and WP~S, the City Council of the City of ~aheim finds that 1t la tor the ~neflt and boat interest of the City\ot Anahei. to acoept ..1d .~t.r and purchase said real property. I'OW, !BIRBPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ot the 01'7 ot ADahel. tba t the otter at PETE B~lt'lOJER an4 ELLA ~L;8Cf~Jn, ~ty of Anaheim the following deBcribedreal pro,.rtT si,-_te4 in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Calit- orala, to be used for ~ o~t for 10~ and pub1iq utl11ty nurnoles, and ~re particularly .scr e aa fol ows: An easement for road and public utillty purposes over, under and aoross the Southerly 57 feet (as measured to the mOIl.UIlented center line of La Palma Avenue) of that parcel of land looated in the Clty of Anahelm, County of Orange, State of CalU'ornia, described as follows: Beginnlng at a polnt ln the Northerly llne of Lot 9 of Milo. Ranoho as shown on a map f11ed ln Book 4, Page 7 of Miscel- laneous Mape, reoords of Orange County, Californla, distant Westerly 328.98 feet tram the Northeast corner of Lot 10 of said Miles Ranch04. thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Lots 9 and 10, 17 .66 feet; thence Southerly in a direct line, 1,319.20 feet, more or less, to a point in the Southerly line of said Lot 10, dlstant Westerly 156.32 feet trom the Southeast corner of said Lot 10; thence Westerly along the Southerly llne of sald Lot 10, 174.66 feet to a point distant Westerly 33Q.96 feet from the Southeast corner of sald Lot 10; thence Northerly ln a direct llne 1,319.30 feet, more or less, to the point of beglnning. 1""", be, an4 the ..me is hereby, accepted by the City Council ot the Oity ot .....i., and that the City of Anaheim accept a conveyaace of said PZ'OP-r'Y. BB I! PURTHBR RESOLVED that the qlity Treasurer of the C1ty ot .....1. be, and~e is hereby, authori;ed to pay to the owner. at .a14 real property, out of General Pundsor the City of Anaheim, the 'lIa ot 0.. Dollar \ .1. 00 ) . \ l -1- -- ~ ~- till. .,. ....101. lIIIOLUfIOI 18 '14.." anel approTeel b7 a. 2~d 4&1 ot DeQellber , ! l' 57 . AI. II I ........... qr~=... opIA ..~. . ..... . 0....0. .. ) ) '1. ) I, D9E M. W1.W.J:~ A"11l(ft1l1a,40 _"1>>7 ~rhtl 1lha1i 1Ii ~......,W aI't ..;.MJo~P.ed rtnlar -140.._ --.Drd. ..., 0' .. . .. fo...~. or.. ..aMra A18-1. OOUIOIL8I: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and WIsser 1018: . COUICl ILIIIlh None O.Nf: OOUIClILHlNI None AD I l"mU'BR OZR'l'Il"Y that theM&70r ot the City ot ~.,rtr.1a a1CMA and approoved said B.eso1uUon on the 21rt 4a1 01' Deq...r , 1951 . II "1;1..8 WlIIUOF, I have hereunto set 111 ~ii4 a_ _tbed the .eal ot the 01ty of Anaheim llhi. 23rii 4q ot D84ellber , 19 '57 . ~~ r -2-