57R-4293 .- - r- RESOLU'l'IO)J )JO. 4293 A RESOLU'l'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OIl' AlfAHEIM ACCEPTIBG A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO '!'HE crn OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPER'l'Y FOR AN EASBMDT FOR...!!Q.~ .AND PUBLIC UTILITY PliJRPOSES. ~S, the City Councilor the City or Anaheim is ...trous ot purahasing the hereinarter described real property tor public purposes, to wit: An easement ror road and Dubl~e utilil~ ,Dr.".. i an ~~S, the ownerL- or said property have otrered to sell ~d convey the same to the-aitYi and WHERBlS, the City Councilor the City or A~aheim rinds that it is tor the benerit and best interest or the City\or Anahelm to accept sald otter and purchase said real property. HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ot the CUy ot Anahelm that the orrer or GEORGE J.. GAINES and .AD E. ~ahelm the rollowlng described real property .iVQated in the City or Anaheim, County or Orange, State ot Calit- orDia, to be used ror .. e~nt t~ lOad and Dubllc utility uuruo.es, ~d aore particularlY aescribed as 01 owe: An ease.ent for road and pUblic utility purposes over, uDder ant. across the Southerly 60 teet (as m.asured to the aonuaentl4 center 11ne of Katella Avenue) and the Easterly )2 teet (as ....ured to the monuaented oenter 11ne ot N~nth Street) ot that parcel of land, located in the Oity of Anaheim, County ot Orange, State ot California, described as tollowa: Parcell. The Easterly 184.50 teet ot the Southerly 259.75 te.t ot the Southwest quarter (awt) of Section 21, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, 8.B.B. & M. ~. Beginning at a point 60 teet Northerly ot the South liae,-.n~-62 teet Westerly ot the East line ot said awl ot Seotlon 21, said point also being the beginning ot a curve ooncave Northwesterly and having a radius of IS teet; thenee Easterly and Northerly along said ourve through a oentral angle of 890)5116-, an arc d1stanoe ot 2;.45 teet to a point 32 teet We.terly of the Ealt 11ne of la1d SWt; thence, Southerly and parallel with sald East 11ne of SWl 14.89 feet to a point 60 teet Northerly ot the South l1ne ot said awl; thence, Westerly and parallel with the aaid Bouth line Of awi 14.62 feet to the po1nt Of beginning. ,I"'"""' be. and the same is hereby, accepted by the City Council ot the C1ty of Anaheim, and that the City of Anaheim accept a conveyance of said property. BE IT FURTHER ~SOLVED that the City Treasurer of the City- ot Aaaheim be, andlhe is hereby-, authorized to pay to the owners of aald real property, out or General Funds of the City of Anaheim. the aua ot One Dollar ($1.00). -1- .- (~ 'fS PORIGOIlIG UIOLt1'fIOI 18 elln.4 .nd .pproved b,. .. 1iA1. 171;h da,. 01' D.ceaber 19 51 . ,}! ./, -:/Z . . ~ID:~ 8Y"~I. AIS''f: ,- / &O:rO~U ~ 88. oft\r OJ' AlWIZIM ) I, D:qIE X. WILLI.AML I 011t,. Olerk ot the Clt, ot .-'111,.. d(l hitr.b,. c.rUt,. that the l'or.,01nc R.solutlon ..8 p....d .... a40p,.4 .t .. n adjol.U'ned reQular . rae,.tlng of the 01 ty Oounon >>l4 oa.. l;Zth. day or D.o..b.r , 1.9 ->7 , b7 .. tonO.1nc. ..,. otllhe m..bere thereot': AIIl8l . ClOUNCI~N: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser ROES: COUNe ILMIlN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMENl None AND I FURTHER OERTIFY that the Mayor 01' the 01ty 01' .~.".111 eigned .nd approved said Resolution on the 17th day ot Deo..her , 19 157 . IN WItNESS WHERZOF, I have hereunto set my hand .na -,tixed the sed 01' the City of Anaheim this 17th.. daJ ot Deoouer , 19 51 . ~~F~I. r -2-