57R-4278 - RISOLUTION NO. 42'28 ./"" A RESOLUTION 0)1' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AN.H!IM )I' INn IHO AND DET!RMIN IN() THAT A CHANGE OF ZOIIE IS NlCESSA.RY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL COD! SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE 0' ZONE. - WHlR!AS, the 'City Planning Co~lsslon ot the City of Ana- b.l. hat her.tofore duly pasl.d and adop\ed a resolution declaring it. Intentlon to chang. the boundar hs 01' the zone 01' zonu hereln.. att.r .entloA.d and delcrlbed and did fix a tlm. and plac. for the holding of a public h.arlng thereon In the mann.r and al pr.lcrlbed In ArUcle IX, Chapt.r 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and did duly hold and conduct such publiC hearing to consider said propos.d change or lone or zones, and did receive evldenoe and reportl from persons In\trllt.d therein; and WHEREAS, within a period of forty (40) days following the fl..1 hearing thereon, the Planning Commission did duly announc. by ro~l r.solutlon Its findings of facts and d.clare Its opinions and ,...onl tor reoomm.ndlng an amendment to laid Artlcl. IX, Chapter 2 or the Anaheim Municipal Cod. to .rrect the proposed chang.. In the ~darle. or the zone her.lnatter mentioned and described; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the City Planning Commission, the City Council did thereupon tlx the ~day or ~, 19 57 , as the time and the Council ~In the ~h. Clty ot Anaheim al the place ror a ,..llc hearing upon said propo.ed change or zone, and did give notice therlot In the .anner and al prOVided In said Article IX, Chapter 2 ot the Anaheim Municipal Cod.; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed tor laid publiC h.ar- lag, the City Council did duly hold and conduct luch public h.arlng aid did glv. all perlonl Interelted th.r.ln an opportunity to b. h..rd and did r.celv, evld.nce and reports, and did th.r.upon con- sld.r the recomm.ndatlons ot the City Planning Commission, and WH!REAS, the Cl ty Council does tlnd and determln. that the prop.rty and area proposed to b. chang.d from the zone In which It L. no. tltuated to a dltt.r.nt zone, as herelnatt.r set forth, Is .or. suitable tor the zone or zones to which It II propos'd to chang. said prop.rty and area and that the Inclullon ot laid prop.rty and ar.. In such n.w zone or zon.1 will Incr.as. the value of said property and ar.a and .111 not d.pr.clat. the valu.s ofprop.rty In adjoining zon... NOW, THERE'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ctty Council of the City ot Anah.lm that all of the property and ar.a 11tuat.d In the City or Anah.lm, County of Orang., State ot California, d'lcrlbed a. tollows, to wit: The West 75 feet of the North 150 feet of the West 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, in Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. (Said property is located at 12362 Orangewood Avenue, Anaheim, California.) -1- . r...I\'~' ,'< IS, I ,........, ,-. be ohanged from R-A. RESIDENTIAL-AGRIOULTURAL ZONE to 0-1, NEIGHBORHOOD- OODEROIAL ZONE, upon the following conditIOiis: ' . 1. That the owner of subject property deed to 'the Oity of Anaheim a strip of land 10 feet in width along Orangewood Avenue, for street widening purpcses. . 2. That the owner of subject property place of record Standard Oity of Anaheim 0-1 Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney. 3. That all engineering requirements of the Oity of Anaheim, such as ourbs and gutters, ,sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities or other pertinent work be complied with as required by the Oity Engineer. 4. Said ohange of zone shall not become effective unless within sixty days, or such further time as the Oouncil may grant, the restrictions herein required to be imposed upon the property shall have been executed by the owners of the property, submitted to the City for approval and filed of record, nor until deeds for street widening or utility purposes, when required, have been executed and delivered to the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City Council an amendment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to amend said Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the object herein found and determined to be necessary and proper, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this day of December , 19 57 . 17,th - f ~ ~ ~ !Jr --:- ... . .. . . J!RK of 'I'~~M' -2- - - SUT]l OJ' CALD'ODIJ.) CODn OJ' O1QIE ) BB. CI!T OJ' D'U1:M ) J I. D:DI M. VILLUMS, City Clerk qf the City of .bah.ia. do hereay certif7 that the forecoiD& reBol*tion Wall illtroduced IUI4. adopted at _ e4.10ume4 regular .e.ting provided by law of th. CU7 Couuil of the Oity of ~ia. held ~D the l'Z.th dq of DeC_1.er, 1957. ~7 the fcillowiJag nt.l ' ' .A.TJlS ; OOUl'CILIIII: Pear SOD , Coona. l'r7. Schutte a;a4 Wi..el', .O.B& OOlmCILMD; Sone, .enel COUI'CILlCRI SODe. .uD> I 'J'&!DR CE!IJ'Y t:taat th.- ~r of the Ci t7 of .baheia approTed and Bignet Bait r..olutioa Oll the "17th d.q of Dee_ber, 1957. m WI!DSS...:r. I haTe hereu.1I:o ..t ~ lumd, aJId. affixed. ~e ofticial seal of the Ell.,- of ~.tiI~h1s' l?",h t&7 of D.c....r, 1957. /) , 9-.--:.' ~j~ k --2/~/...b__ ~ CI!T CUll: OJ iI eln OJ' .dlB:IDt (Sw.) '~ li