57R-4277 I~' RESOLUT ION NO. ld1l1. r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON STANDARD METROPOLITAN AREAS, BUREAU OF THE BUDGET, OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ill~ITED STATES, TO RECOGNIZE THE DE- VELOPMENT THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE IN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA IN THE PAST SEVEN YT~S, BY OFFICIALLY DESIGNATING ORANGE COUNTY AS ONE OF THE "STANDARD METROPOLI- TAN MEAS" OF THE NATION. On motion of Councilman Coons, duly seconded and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Orange County, California, has grown into a great metropolitan area with a population of more than 600,000; and WHEREAS, there are now three adjoining cities-- Santa Ana, Anaheim and Garden Grove--each having more than 50,000 population, with a fourth adjoining city-- Fullerton--approaching a population of 50,000; and WHEREAS, the combined population of these four cities now exceeds 25D,000 population; and WHEREAS, a total population of approximately 500,000 now lives within an area with a radius of only twelve miles; and WHEREAS, Census Tracts now on file with the Federal Government verify the urban character of Orange County; and WHEREAS, surveys by the California State Depart- ment of Employment show urban employment in the county to be more than 125,000; and WHEREAS, the California State Department of Employment has seen fit to recognize Orange County as part of what it now describes as the "Los Angeles-Long Beach- Orange County Labor Market Area"; and WHEREAS, Orange County has grown from a popula- tion of 216,000 at the time of the last county-wide Federal Census in 1950 to more than 600,000 today--as proven by more recent Federal Censuses taken city-by-city and reason- able estimates of the population in unincorporated county area--thus making Orange County the "fastest growing county in our Nation's fastest growing State~; and r WHERr::AS, the designation of "Standard Metropol i- tan Areas" across the country started with the 1950 Federal Census and the list has been added to, year by year, as areas qualified for such recognition; and WHEREAS, Orange County is now included as part of the "Los Angeles-Long Beach" Metropolitan Area without being mentioned as part of that area in official Federal Government reports; and -1- - "'"" (' WHEREAS, business and i-ndustry look to the Federal Metropolitan Area reports for valuable information on markets, production and employment; and WHEREAS, Orange County's growth and advantages as a site for industrial and trade expansion would be better known across the country if the Federal Government would give recognition to Orange County as a Metropolitan Area in its frequent reports on such areas; Na~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the mem- bers of the City Council of the City of Anahe1m, County of Orange, California, call upon the Committee on Standard Metropolitan Areas, Bureau 'of the Budget, Office of the President of the United States, to recognize the development that has taken place here in Orange County in the past seven years by officially designating Orange County as one of the "Standard Metropolitan Areas" of the Natiun. Al\jD BE IT "UPTH:::? RESOLVED that we 1. Compliment the Honorable'Thomas H. Kuchel, United States Senator, for his forthright stand in urging such recognition for Orange County. 2. Compliment the Honorable Goodwin J. Knight, Governor of California, for his action in including mention of our county in the designation of the "Los Angeles-Long Beach- Orange County Metropolitan Area" in Depart- ment of Labor reports. 3. Compliment the Honorable James B. Utt, Representative in Congress, for his stand in favor of separate statistical reporting for Orange County. 4. Compliment the Honorable William F. Knowland, United States Senator, for the action he has taken in forwarding to the Committee on Standard Metropolitan Areas up-to-date infor- mation on Orange County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, through copies of this resolution, urge our elected representatives in the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States, and the Vice-President and President of the United States, to assist in securing for Orange County the recognition to which it is entitled as a "Standard Metropolitan Area." THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this lOth day of December, 1957. r ~/ MAYtm OF~~~ -2- - - S!UQ OF CALI:n:mNIA) 00VftY OJ' O*,E ) .s. cm' OJ'~4.'t14 ) I. DID M. WULUMS, CU7 Clerk otlhe C1t7 o'f .bahe1a do ll.ereb7 cerUf7 that 1;4. torecoiac 1'8801u,tioll. was 1:atr04uced ud. ....phll a1; a 1'eplar MeUIIC provilled. \7 1.. ot 1ihe Ci t7 CO'lU1cU ot th. CUy ot .tu.he1a, held. on la. lOthd.,. otheemb.r, 19.57. . b7 th~followUg VOt&: ~ .# .A.DJS I IQ:r.lh .' OOtJl'CI1ICII: P.arson, Coons. Fr7, Sclmt1;e 8Dl Wisser. COUl'CII.ICII: :lone. .AlS~: ~UlClr.-: 10... ~ I J'UIlmE (3I!rIJ't ,that the JI.,-or ot the CU7 ot ~1a approved uri .iped'said rosoluUon on tae 10th dq. ot Deceaber, 1~57. ' II: WIDlISS -or, I have her..'. .et rq haIld. aII4 aft1xecl w.e o:t:ticial ...1 of 'he 01tT ot J:4aheia this 10th dq of Jlec!llber. 1957. . ~I~ . ~ . ' , O~O'II .omo:.~~~ (~)' J . ..