57R-4275 ."""'" RESOLUTION NO. 4275 Purchas in& Aud.i t1ng r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COlUICIL OF THE CITY or ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE or ONE !!. 256-GAIJ.,ON PUXPER.AND ONE 1, bOa-GALLON l'lDlPER nJR THE J'IRE DEPARTHENT. . WHEREAS, the City Counoi1 does tind and deterain, that publio oonvenienoe and neoe..ity require the purohase ot one 1,250- gallon pwaper and one l,COa-gal1on puaper tor the Fire Department; and WJlEREAS, there are .everal ditferent ooapanies who manu- taoture pampers but said puapera have ditt.rent speoitioatioaa, e'lulpaeni dd prob1e.a ot II&1ntenanoe; anel. WHEREAS, the pumpera or Pumping engine. manutaotured by the Seagrave Corp. have been used by the City ot An.~.im sinoe 1915 and have always given very sati.taotory servioe to the City ot Anaheim, and the Fire Departllent is thoroughly ta.DIil1ar with the Sea&'l"aTe m04el pWDpers or pu.mping engine. and with their operation and ..intenanoe; and WHEREAS, the City Counoil find. that the 10w..t prioe obtainable tor the purohase ot said Seagrave model pumper. or pup- iag eagines is slightly higher than the lowest prioe obtalnable tor other pumper mOdels, but turther finds that the benetlt. ot .tand~ isation ot equipment and the simp1itication ot operation and mainte.. anoe brought about by suoh standardization of equipment will re.ult in a oonsiderab1e saving to the Cl ty of Anaheim over a periC)d ot time, and that as a oonsequenoe of suoh saving by standardization the u11l1mate oost of the Seagrave model puapers w111 be lower than any other mOdel; and WRJCREAS, the City Counoil do.. find that the purcha.e Qf one 1,25o-gallon Seagrave 1I0del pumper or pumping engine and one 1,OOo-gal10n Seagrave model pumper or pumping engine i. tor the best interest or the City of Anaheim; and WHERE.AS, the Seagrave Corp., 2859 E. 50th Street, Los Aage1es 58, California, has offered to furnish one 1 250 &PX tr1ple .O.bination pumper or pamping engine for a price of .24,770.00, plus 4. 8ales tax, delivery r.O.B. tactory, and one 1,000 GPX tr1ple ..mbination pumper or pumping engine for a price of $2,,8".00, plus 4_ sales tax, delivery F.O.B. faotory; and ~. WHEREAS, the 01 ty Oouncil f1nd. that 8ald price. ~e the l~e.t obtalnab1e for the purchale of said Seagrave model pumper. or ~1ng engine., and that the offer of 8ald Seagrave Corp. should bo &eeephd, lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b1 the Oity Counoil of the C1 ty of Anaheim that the offer of the Seagrave Corp., 2659 E. 50th 8~eet, Lo. Angele. 58, Oal1fornia, to fwrnlsh one 1,250 GPM triple oOEbln!tioR pumper or pumping engine for a pr1ce of $24,770.00, plus 4~ sale8 tax, delivery r.O.B. faotory at Columbus, Ohio, and -1- v ,,-- ,...., f one 1,000 GPM trlple comblnatlon pumper or pumplng englne for a prioe of 123,833.00, plus 4% sales tax, dellvery F.O.B. ractory at OOlu.bus, Ohio, be, and the same ls hereby accepted, ~d that the Purohas1ag Agent of the 01 ty of Anaheim be, and he ls hereby author- lzed to purchase said pUlllpers from the Seagrave Corp. fliE FOREGOIJIG RESOLUTION ls approved and slgned b;y .e th1s lOth day or Deoember, 1951. ~~ -...... ~:. , 11ft cGo~AHlCnI 'T~E OF CALIFORNIA ) o oan OF Ofi,A,NGE ) s s. OI'fY OF .ANAREIX ) I, DENE X. WILLIAMS, 01 ty Clerk or the Oity of .A.n.&heim, 40 hereb;y oertlfy that the roregoing resolution was lntroduoed and d.opted at a regular ..eUng proT1ded by law, of the 01 ty Oou.o11 .r the 01ty of Anaull1, held on the 10th clay of DeoeBlDer, 1951, b;y the followlng vote: .AYES: OOURCILXEN: Fear.on, Ooons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. IOES: OOUICILXEN: lone. ABSERT: OOUNCILMEN: None. AID I FURfHER CERnFY that the Kayor of the Clty or Anaheim approved and slgnedsaid resolutlon on the 10th day of December, 1'57. IJI WITlESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m.;y hand. aad &tfu. the offlo1al seal or the 01 ty of Anahelm th1s 10th day of Deo.Biber, 1957. iLk~-' CIn CJLDX OF T~h 'oruAbIK ( SEAL) r-- -2-