57R-4266 r- ,.-... - - JlISOLtrr ION NO, .Ji:UL A RlSOl.UTIOK OF TH! CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AlWIEBI PIJlIDIJtQ AND DETERMINING, T1fAT A CHANG! OF zam IS N!C!S~ IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND T1fAT ARTICLE IX, C1fAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL COOl SIDILD BE AMEND@ TO ACcaaPLISH SAIl> CHANCt! c:JlI ZOM'&I AND RESOINbIHG RESOLU'fIOH HO. 4191. WHUEAS, the'Clty Planning Co_h.lon ot the City or Ana- h.l.hae her.torore dtly pa..ed and adopt~d a re.olutlon dlcllrlng ite Intention to ciUangl thl boundlrhl of the cone or zon.. hl,.ln.. .tt.r -.ntloft.d and delorlbed and did tlx I time Ind pl.c. tor thl hold'.g of . public hl.rlng thereon In the mlnner Ind I' pr.lcribld In ArUcll IX, Chapter 2 at the Anaheim Municipal COdl, .nd did duly h01d and conduct such public he.rlng to con.ldlr ,.Id propo.ed ch.nge ot leal or zone., .nd did receive evidenoe .nd report. trom per.on. Int.,..ted thlreln, Ind WHEREAS, within I period of fority (40) diY' tollowlng the flMl hear lng thereon, the Pllnning Comml,lIion did duly IMounce by f.,..l re.olutlon It. tindingl ot tlct' _nd decll,e it. opinion. and r...eal for reco..endlag In Imendment to :.aid Article IX, Chapter 2 of tile Anahelll MUnicipal Code to ertect the proposed ChIng.. in the boundarle. ot the zone herelnlfter mentioned Ind described, Ind WHEREAS, upon receipt of the report Ind recommendation ot the City Planning Comml..ion, the City Council did thereupon rlx the ~day of ~, 19-57 , .. the time Ind the Council ~In the ~he Clly ot Anaheim II the plac. tor a pabllc hearing upon Illd propoled change at zone, and did glv. notice therlof In the manner and al provided In .aid Article IX, Ch.pt.r 2 of the Anaheim MUnicipal Code, Ind WKlRu.5, at the Ume and place fixed .for eaid public hear- int., tbe City Council did duly hold and conduct luch publle hearing aad d Idglve all personl interetted therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and report., and did thereupon eon- 114., the reeo.endaUonl ot the City Planning Commillion, and WHEREAS, the City Council does rind and d.ter.lne that the property and area prop.led to be changed trom the lone In which It I. DeW tltuated to a dlrt.rent lone, a. herelnatter .et forth, 1. ..,e .ultable tor the lone or lone. to which It I. propo.ld to chang. .ald property and ar.a and t.hat the lnclu.lon or .ald prop.rty and a,.. In .uch new lonl or lone. will lncr.... the value at .ald property and ar.a and will not depreclatl thl value. ot property In adjoining zon.., NC1III, TH!RUORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City COUncil of the City ot Anahel. that .11 at the property and aria ,Ituat.d In the Cl~ ot Anaheim, County at Orange, Stat. ot Callrornla, d.,orlb.d at follows, to wltr Starting at a point, said point being the center line inter- section of Center and Evergreen Streets, thence West along Center Street a distance of 262 feet more or less, thence North 407.32 feet more or less to a point, thence West 434.26 feet more or less to a point, thence South 437.15 feet more or less to a point, thence 720 feet to the point of beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the South 50 feet. .-1- F J?-:.S-f'~ 9 B1 .J - - ."'-" be changed from &.A, RE~DENTI.AI..-A<fRICULT~ ZONE to c..l. NEIGHBORHOOD- aOKKEBCLAL ZONE, subject to the following 'conditions: 1. The ereotion of a 6-foot ooncret$ block wall along the west and nor1h property 11nes at sucht1me as commerc1al develop- ment take. plaoe. a. That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim, such as ourbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage faci11ties or other pertinent work be oom- plied with as required by the City Engineer; and that these improvements be installed within a period of twenty days from date hereof, or that a sur.ty bond for the aPproximate "Qunt of said improvements be posted with the Oity of Anaheim, said bond to be approved by the City Attorney. 3. That the owners of subject property place of reoord stand- ard C1 ty of Anaheim c..l Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, and that these restrictions prohibit the use of the property for a drive-in restaurant. 4. Said ohange of zone shall not beoome effeotive unless within ninet1 .clays, or such further time as the Celunoil may grant, the restrictions herein required to be imposed upon the property shall have been executed by the owners of the property, submitted to the City for approval and filed of record. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City . Co~ll an am~dment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to amend said Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the object her el. found and determined to be neces sary and prope r. RESOLUTION NO. 4191 is hereby resoinded. THE FCJtEGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this ~day of Dee..ber , 19 57 . ~ ~~ "2- J1:.. .i ~. - STAll! OF CALIFOItJlIA ) COUM1Y OF OIAMCII ) sa. CITY OF AliWmJI ) I, DUE M.. WmUMS, City (:llnk of tile City of- AMhe1a. do 1le.reby ce-rtify tha t thefo1'e9!>ing !i.solution was !vly P&$$ed ame .ptecCat a regulllr ...U,ng of ~__ City COWl~il of the City of ).nQeim held. on the lOth d&;r of n~~:r, 19!17"1;ly _ the followbg vote of the me.wers thereof I .-- .lYES1 COUNCIIJIJII Pear$on, CooJlti~- FrY, SchuH. and Wiss~r NOES. COUNCtUllih None AND I FURTHER caTlFY that_ ~ "yor of th.::Ci ty of Anab.. appl'ovtd ... signed said ll.e&olutiQll on the 10th day of Dec...r, 1957. -- - _IN WnNESS IHEIUIDF. I have hu..to- setay band.and affixed tlle seal of the City_of A,llahflia this lOi:h day of DeC:bber, 1957. ~~ ... ,_- . , .,,.'.... P'""" Crn . 'OF nE ern 0' AlWIiDt ( SIW.) , (~ Ji' u