57R-4265 - - ,r' RESOLUTION NO. 4265 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COWKCIL or THE CITY or ANABEl. DENYING VARIANCE' NO. 8.58. WHEREAS, the C1ty Plann1ng Oomm1ss1on of the Clty ot Anaheim dld recelve a petition trom t~e ovaers ot certain real property situated 1n the C1ty ot Anaheim, Oounty of Orange, State ot Californ1a, descr1bed as tollows: That portion ot the Southwest ~u$rter of the Southwest quar'er ot Section 18, Tovaship ~ South, Range 10 West, ln the Ranoho LOB Coyotes, as per -.p reoorded in Book 51, Page lOot Hlscellaneous MaP" in the oftlce ot the County Recorder ot Orange County, Calitornia, described as tollows: 1"""'. Beginnlng at a point ln the South line of said Section, distant thereon 294.00 teet East ot the Southwest corner thereot and running thence Korth O. 17' 20M East, paral- lel vith the West line ot said Seetion, 236.00 teet to the Southwest corner ot Lot 7, ot Tract No. 1446, as shown on a map thereot recorded in Book 72, at Pages 5 and 6 ot Hilcellaneous Maps; thenoe South 890 .59' 47" East, along the South line ot said Traot No. 1446, 200.00 teet; thenoe South O. 17' 20" West, parallel vith the West line ot said Seotion, 236.00 teet to the South 11ne of said Seotion; thence North 890 59' 47M West 200.00 teet to the point of beginning. AND WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the 01 ty Hall in the C1ty of Anaheim OR Kovember 4~ 19.57, notioes ot which said publiC hearing were duly given, as re~u1red "by law and the prOVisions of Seotion 9200.17 of the Allaheill Kunioipal Code; and WHEREAS, said City Planning Commission, atter due in- spection, investigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf, and atter due oonsideration of all evidenoe and reports offered at said hearing, did adopt Resolution No. 104 -- Series 19.57-58, reco__ .ending that Varianoe No. 858 be denied; and WHEREAS, thereafter, w1 thin twenty (20) days t'l"om the date ot the adoption of said resolution a written appeal was tiled with the City Oounoil of the Oi ty of Anaheim protesting the actioJl of the City PlanJl1ng Comm1ss10n denying said varianoe, and said appeal was set tor public hearing on the lOth day ot Deoember, 19.57, at 1: 00 o'clock P.M., in the City Hall 1n the City ot Anaheim, and notioe ot such pUblic hearing was duly given as required by law and the provi- sions of Section 9200.17 ot the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and plaoe fixed for said pUblio hear- ing, the Oity Councll did duly hold and oonduct such public hearing and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after due investigation and studies made by itselt and in its "behalf, and after due oonsideration of all the evidence and reports offered at said hearing, the City Council does find that: -1- \ -- -- r' 1. There ls no substantial property rlght pOlsessed by other prop~rty ln the same vloln1ty and zone and d,nle4 the subJeot property. 2. It appears that the 811b1Jeot property oan be ade~uately deTe1oped; and used under the present zone. NOW, T:HEBllJ'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the 01 ty 00uaol1 of the CU1 Of Aaahe1m that the aotion of the 01ty P1annlng Oo_lulon liellJing Varianoe 10. sse re,ue.t1ng Peru,81on to use.. a proposed. store buildlng, to be 100ated on the Jproperty herelnabon liesorlbed, for a Restaurant with Oooktail Bar, be, and the same ls here}jy lustained, and that Varlance Ro. 858 be, and the same ls hereby denied. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ls approved and slgned by .e this lOth day of December, 1957. ~ /;71 ~. J' . ~ .;.. 0407~1f~ OFAiiAKEIX HA.S OF C.ALIFORNIA ) CJOUHY OF OR.AlfGE ) u. CITY OF AJAlEIX ) I, DENE X. WILLIAMS, 01 ty Olerk of the 01 ty of .Anahelm, 40 hereby certify that the foregolng r..o1ution wu lntroduced and adopted at a regular .eetlng provlded by law of the 01ty OOUAoil ot the 01 t1 of Anahelll, held on the loth day of December, 19.51, by the tollowlng Tote: - AXES: o OUICILHEN: Pearson, Ooons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: OOUICILKEI: Rone. .ABSENT: COUROILKEN: None. AID I FUll'fHER OJCR'UFY that the Kayar of the 01ty of Anahe. approved ant signed said resolution on the 10th day ot Dec..ber, 1957. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heretanto se t my hand and atf1xtd the offiolal seal of the 01ty of Anallleim this 10th day of Deoember, 1957. r L~. ~AJ~ CITY OL. OF THE eIn OF IX ( SEAL) -2-