Meghan ShigoFrom: Amanda Lauffer
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 1:25 PM
To: Bridgette Bambrick
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Subject: Application No. 2024-00546 - 402 North Lemon Street -
Denial of Vinyl Window Replacement
From: Meghan Shigo <>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2025 4:28 PM
To: Amanda Lauffer <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Subject: Application No. 2024-00546 - 402 North Lemon Street - Denial of Vinyl Window
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Hi Amanda, Please see below re public comments for this item for Mondays meeting. thank you
Subject: Application No. 2024-00546 - 402 North Lemon Street - Denial of Vinyl Window Replacement
Dear Planning Commissioners,
On behalf of the Anaheim Historic Preservation Committee, this letter expresses our strong agreement with the
Planning and Building Director's denial of Application No. 2024-00546 for the replacement of original wood
windows with vinyl windows at 402 North Lemon Street.
As you know, this property participates in the Mills Act program. This agreement between the property owner
and the City of Anaheim provides significant property tax reductions in exchange for a commitment to
preserving the historical integrity of the structure.
Original windows are essential character -defining features of historic homes. Other Mills Act participants invest
substantial effort and resources to preserve not only windows but also siding, eaves, fascia boards, and all
street -facing elements that contribute to a property's historical and architectural integrity.
While we acknowledge the applicant's initiation of a Mills Act cancellation letter prior to the window installation,
the removal and replacement of windows on any structure require a permit regardless of Mills Act status. The
applicant should have consulted with the Planning Department before any work commenced to explore
historically appropriate alternatives or restoration.
Additionally the cancellation of a Mills Act contract is a 10 year process. Approving this application would set a
detrimental precedent, undermining the intent and integrity of the Mills Act program. Therefore, we urge the
Planning Commission to uphold the Director's denial and maintain the high standards of preservation that
benefit our community.
Thank you for your consideration of this important matter.
Meghan Shigo, Chair Anaheim Historic Preservation Committee
Meghan Shigo
CaIBRE # 01243803
Realtor, Century 21
E-Pro Certified, ABR
Phone : 714-273-1381
: meghanshigo(a�gmail. com
12-0V KEALT TO - .-5D
351 E. Center St.
Expert market. kmowledge. True professionalism
Century 27 A.ward CAME noraOM
Anaheim, CA 92805
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