Item 1 - Patricia Lantz
Bridgette Bambrick
From:Patricia Lantz <>
Sent:Thursday, February
To:Stacy Tran
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Comments on Development Application No. 2024-00041 (from Los Altos
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To: Stacy Tran and the City of Anaheim Planning Commission,
On behalf of Los Altos XII, LP, we would like to provide comments to your Notice of Planning
Commission Public Hearing on 2/10/25. As property owners down the street from 1193 North
Knollwood Circle, we are not in favor of the property owner’s request to establish an automotive
repair and modification facility and parking variance to provide fewer parking stalls than required by
code. We object to their request for the following reasons:
Automotive repair facilities can have numerous vehicles in various stages of repair, with some
for extended periods of time. This, coupled with new customers bringing their vehicles in for
service will result in the overflow of cars parked along both sides of Knollwood Circle. This can
be an issue for several reasons:
o The parking for existing tenants will be impacted because of the overflow of vehicles
from the auto repair shop, causing them, their employees and customers to have to
park further away from their own businesses.
o This is an industrial area and there are several trucks going in and out of buildings every
hour. Having the street filled with vehicles will cause interruptions to the other businesses
and make it difficult for trucks to maneuver through the street and driveways that they
need to enter/exit.
Automotive repair facilities can also be aesthetically unpleasing with all the cars, equipment
and parts visible to the public, thus resulting in a reduction of property values and/or rents.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information.
Thank you.
Patty Lantz
Asset Manager
Northgate Gonzalez Real Estate
1201 N. Magnolia Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 687-7081 - office
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