78-027I~SOLLTZl"OI+ i~i0. 7 ~sI'.-Z 7
A :t'~':~O:LL~'lOI~ OF r~.->'~ Cl'V CQL1%vCI~ Off' ry~I~ Csy'1'
A' VAi T_ F7I~ ~:. -Ir ~ :G yT'~~~7)- 1~~~; `~l 4~ ~ yl~.~ i?-'~:'~i•C; _!.i.~~.y ?'.L"'~Lq
r, y~, ~k. .fy ?~71ft~iiLi'T ~.,~~U.(.~1~.. I.C"riL ~..~~.L, T.?~`'T '~li`~`~ r~~ll
lJOiv II~TG vi~lJ i.'.L L3 L:~~ t'i~~?~".a-i~~i L1.~:e1J A~~~Y~ tll~rjt`'l i2'~;.~ ~t.JV~~~'-
ARII~S ®1 CL ~~A<' ;j-.C r.j e fit, ;:z Tu~~
t~1az~'RLAS, file Cit~J Pl~.nning Corisai ssia~, o~ th~~i Ci-~.~r a ~-
Anahei~rl did bolo a pudic ilearnc~ in I?eclassiiicaticn Pracee~:ings
No. 75-77-G3 to co.~sicer a:n ~~~enc?~:Eent to ^itle l~ c -~.yle f~nah^il~~
i~~unicipal Code relating to zoning, and to consider ~, chane,e i~~ the
boundaries o~ the zany ar zones h~arelna.~.te~. .~~eal...x.an•~•.,; 44~i`~ :'~scrl:~c~;
an, at saic? hearing, vl.w r`CCiVC~ eViC.enC~' c:nv7 r ~artS Trait ~'C;'!"San.
interested therein anct ror~ its si:a:~; any: ..
v°1I~Y..F"aS, L'Tithin c~ ~~Lr~.aC° ~J~~-rJits,~ ~~~} C' ~yS '~Eil~a;J~;~1~:?
Sale YiE3ar.lt1C~', t}.le PlafliilSlCi CO_:t_1SSlai1 t.1C~. t~tlly ~:'v_~t 1 rSSG~I-+"'G101?
C:OntaiiiiilCl .~.~ re~Ort O 1"~S Ti?'i~;lnC-j,;y, c~. SLLTiuitarw ^]~ '~!7ti~ :fir-! ~:ic~Ii.C;.?
Jr-St:nteC~y~_t Sci:~,. m~?Oa.slnc:~ a:iC~ a=i~raV~. 'G~:4 ~~.;=rJ'~a:=v_.- '":.~'~tC!~;,...:I1v
_ i
W }i.~E`au v, E'.r"'cccl=t'~..:C, Ln73. s11~'~ talc. i=1 .:.~ ~C,:~ ~ -'.~ .~.i:::'1,
an intereste~ ~>art~T or the City Council, an its oL=~n r~iotian, causeu.
tale revieL`a of said Plan`li_:g Co~i,~~~iissia~i acti air.; ~,.`i-v.
.7t...«. A~, c:.L tJ~~' :.1 ~.Z1CY -ilc:i~r-,.~ir..~-' 1O:t Sc?1~._i i.'3. 1_1.C:
hearing, the Cite Co:lncil '~.ic~ ~~ol~ anr~ collciuct s~lcil Y;~1r~lic _le~.r-
1_ g any. s.alc`_ c;lv- al ~~e.~sans 11~,'.~, te,_{ t_1L.rv___ u.al a~~:'~al ~u~l ~.,, a
~C- ~:E;c4rC~, c`?:i1C' u1!. r~CE:1V2 ^~Vii~.e~iC~ arc: re'~~artS, c'.:['i~~. _! L.. -~'1~rE"L'E, 0~7.
COi1S1.C~.er ti1C ;~Ll.'e:li:ic`i.r_i' a~ CViC°i?C :' al~.,•'.. :i"t::~a~L v~ s__?:~.ilnC;;~ s ~:l~::'
Pl'2ltiiil~~ Car~?tiissian; :~_.~' ~. ..
.~..L' -~ `:; C CltTj COlliiCil C'~Oe S .::ins ~ 1?t __,=: t..c~i'CiYie tla~,:
.~_~>~ , 'L.Zl 4.
the araenc~~s`~lvnt to ~'itle l~ a file ~aanahei~j. I-:tu~~.ici?~al Cac:~e s^allj~~ ~~.e
a~.apte~. anca cxla.t thw I~ra~.~erty '.lereir~.a ~=cer ~escril;c~~. selaulc;. b-~
e~>c.~uc~eu _~_rorr the zorYe ar zo~ies ~!= L'7nlca~. It is na~'T sl'~uG u~~ a
lsicor~ari.tE:~ lil c~A e zan~e o ~- zeiza as 1Ye1 `~v, raa!- L~~~ s ~.' ~. w•a~, L~l
i30i, `t'3-~4-~Tt=~~'O??F, ~~ I`~~ -,:'~SOL~T~~ by -cic Ci .°:~ Council a_~
. , _ . _ ~_
t':lE CitsT of 1~nans:lrt~ treat sitle 1~3 0~' the Ana`7~~111;. i''ii7.n1C ~~al CacW~y
JJe-', and t.~.G Sai::t? 1S ?'lerC'3V, aIl'.O~C7=?C a73Gt t±lat the 1.ailaL'il~f- :'C-
SCriA @{.''~ t1rO~.CrtµJ, Situa tG~~ ? i2 :S:e C1t~J a.T ln~~i-1Ci ~:t, Cal?n'~°t' C'-
Oraii:~e, State a~ Cali~or.~.ia, to T.,,it. .
P~ai2C~:~ 1.
T?lase ~orticns of Lot 1 os: sirs. 3us'1's 51~~'.ivisian
o~ a portion of tilt' Push Trs.c'c, as y~,ar crap recarce
in k~oo~. 36, page 52 a`~- I'~~liscella3<eaus ~ecorc~s in -L=~e
OTiiCe ar the COllnt_~ I~eCarC"- r a'•`' LOS Al'i:~ leS '~;all:il'°1 ,
-1- ! C7- ! i-~J
California, of the Third Class Lana allatte:.~ to 5'. Y.
de Cota accordincs to a r~~a;~ attacheC. tc ~.n~.'~ r;aw~e a
part ofi the Decree of Partition of the Rancrlo Ca:wlor~
d.e Santa Ana rendereCt in Case i~ao. 1973 of file 17-~h
Judicial District Court o?" Ca1i~:ornia, a certified
copy of which is recorded in book 2v, tinge 1~`~ o'~
Deeds in the office of said County Recorder and of
-the land allotted to ~'Iaria Peralta cae Alvarez in
Decree oi: Partition of the Zancho Santiago de Santa
Ana, recorded in Boole B of Judgments of safe: 17th
Judicial District Court, described. as a whole as
beginning at an "~" in the paverlent marking the in-
tersection of the center line of the Santa Ana Canyon
Road as surveyed in 1926 by t?ze County of Orange with
the Southerly extension of the ,ast line of said Low
1 of IrSrs. Bush's Subdivision, said ,point l3einc 30.00
feet I~lortherly from the Tdorthwes-c corner of .Lot l oz
Tract Lv"o. 936, as shor'rn on a raa recorded in heels 3fl,
pages 1 anu 2 of ~~?iscellaneous F~~aps, recoress of Orange
County, California, tElence Llorth 0° 12' 30" tdest alone
said extenciec~ line and along the .~asterlt.* line of said
Lot 1 aL TZrs. Bush's Sux~d.ivision anv t>~!e ~~IorthErly e~
tension thereof 1251.7 feet, r~lore or less, to tine
Southeast corner of the lane? d.escri =.;ec~ in tYle cir~~:r~: to
Oranere County County 'a~~ater District, recorded F~uc;ust
29, 190 i~l boo}: 1059, .~~age 193 of Official I:ecor<ss,
Sa].~ point bein~i 2f1..~J~~ fvCt 1IOr'~il ~° 1'~' 3fl" ~''cS"$~ fro!::
t!"1.^-. i_~Orthe~.St COrS~!er t~f Sc iC,: .swot 1 C~~ 1tiIrS . ~uS h' S ~?uJ-
d1VZSlOn, tr].ei2CC ~'.~OrL".~l ~~_° 42' fl~~" t~a!eSt 16.~~ .~e~3t
aloncr the 5outilcrl~T line oar tiiti lane?. -wc_~scrib~~c:~. it°a sai~~i
dc'r'c; thel'!C;C L'3ort'L1 ~~~° •~~' LJr3" 6'veSt 23:i. 2`' f~ a it alo_ry~
(tile SOU[[t~~//1~~er1~~~^^line of the la mac:: c~:esc.-i:ce.~ in S_?" ~ ~''-e- ~.
E~tA :rilC :JVL.1. Ldl Y'I l..~t co ri"ler GL t!lV la=1y s,-~~L.t ~3.."w~+~"~- .~[_il Ji.~L~ ~~_
~~eeC:., J~C3..I. ~%' ~a~.nt ~eln~ 23•~~ .f E'~~~(,,. !EJ t7l vll 'J° l.%' .i~II
j'iest.f:-rO~l the Z'?Ortil=^JCSt COrT3r~;" O"F Sc"~'_t~. I,C';;. .L Gf "ire.
Bush `s Subdivision; thence. South 0° 15' 3fl" elas•i:
-~ '7 -s-". 7 '-r_': --fir r'~-~+ it ~--j 17 ;''_
1J22. ~1 fC:et a7.Ong the t~aor~.'lE:r.x.'~r ~:<--'_',..~__.~i..:.i ~i'_ ~1S t':C.7 E.--
er1t~ l? ne of S<3iCL Lot .~ o:i= y'Ir5 . l~uSi1' S ~u_~:'.~=1z7.i.SiO11 c;..lii~?
along" the ~~?esterly li"le ail C` the Sout:~lurl~.~ <>'c~na i o'~1
tiereO 'l:.f? ti?~ C{:y'?1'~.~:r 1111~~ O?= S~.i~:'~. ~a:1tu ~l±lc;. r'a?'1:~OiZ
Ocl.Ci; :h~°i1C° ~+IOrt?7 ~7° ~1` ~'i ~n "._~aS~~ ~lj. :~i ~:~C'.: i:O t:7.O
}7O1.nt O~L ue~J ~_:1"liI"aC~ .
-~?-, a'1 '- +:~GrtlOn 1`'i!i~ ~iOrtl;. 'J t~`:~ ~t7~Z$:'..i t iixcv '- '-
LKC~z t ~.~lci~. _
file i:luisi Callas Cjf ':1t.~° sari'°~a i~.!1c;. Vall'~r_ ~rri~~c:;:1.Cji1
CorG'~ ~ anv .
Z.lso e«cc~1t t?lat °~ortion of said laiict conveyed to the
Irri ga'cio~ Co1~an~? b,~, ceec~ reccr•~~cc± Jtl3_~~ 1~3, ?_~3•"~ iii
c- p ~.c:e 2.3.E a_~ Of~:.ic:i.al ~cecor~ _. ~ .
hoe ~ 6~5 r 1- '' °;-
t31.Cj. Q '+.~. isC~tJ i.. (~..7 C'.: .. c)rtJ~_Qi3 ~.`~__ J('sZ ~. ? KJ.i(.~~.Qd~'t7F^_:~C~4.: o..Q ~.,. `~~,.
Mate O: CaIiV.:Gr:illcl ~~~r ,~'.G~i:? :;:CC:rJr~' =~C: _ a~=G~ 2, ~ ~ •7_ ~ i'-_
boo> 1731, ,~~ic;e 517 of Of:~:icial ~ecor,aa.
Also e kept .t?tat ??ortion of Salta lance l~Tinc, :a?es'~erl_.~
.,,~ of the Easterly li~?4 of Pinney Drivv as she~ri o~.z thy.
ma?~ of Bract vo. «95 , as x~er r;a==~ recorded in :~oo~~
203, Ja~~e 4~ of ~'~iscells.n~ycus _`ya~~s, in -_~.~~ o?=~.~ice:: o_~
tale County Zecorc~er of said Oras~c;e Co~ant~~.
P~~~:CET 2.
.'hat portion of the: land. allotted to the ~~ei:~s o~:
Dorainauea in Decree of Partition cf the P,ai~.cho
Santiago de Santa h~za, recorciec~ in boo3: "~° oL
Judg,aents of the 17th Judicial District Coart of
California, describe-d as fo? IoEas
l3eq i ruing at the intersection of the T~iortlerl~,T ~ro-
Iongation of the i~<<est line of Lot 1 of r, Tact i~3o. 936,
as per reap recorcec in boo:~ 30, page 1 of ~-iiscellan-
eous naps, in the office of the Counts ~ecorc~er of
said Counts, with the center line of Santa Ana Canyon
Road as sho~Tn on saic i~~.ap; thence T~orth 87° Ol' GO"
Last, 1252.00 feet along saic center line; t~:zence
Zvorth 0° 34' Ofl" t~test, 1170.88 reet; thence South
85° 54' 35" tdest, u50.52 feet; thence forth c2° 47'
30" xslest, 599.10 feet to the ~°Test line of laic::. allot-
ment; thence Southerly 126~'r. zs0 feet along said iR~est
line to the point of beginning.
EYCept that portion thereof convevec? to -tne Santa
Ana Valley Irrigation Co~~pany by creed recorcl.e-' July
18, 1934 in book 685, page 255 of Official Recorc~.s.
Also e<cce~t that ?portion thereof; ir~cluc~ec~ ~~~ithin the
boundari es of the lane: conveyer. to Oranc;e County
T~Tater District by deems. recorc;~ed October l9, 1938 i n
boo, 951, page 579 of Official R.ecorr~s.
Also except that portion thereof c~escribec as follo«s:
Deginnir_ at the intersection of the .~ort~~erly pro-
longation of the Easterly line of said Lot 1 ~~it~~
said center line; thence South 87° 16' 00" r-?est,
446.10 feet along said center line to the R~ort'~erly
prolongation of the Vlesterly line of said. Lot l;
thence I~Torth 0° 07.' 00" ~rtest, 44.13 feet alorac~ said
prolongation; thence ±~torth 37° 39' 38" Nast to the
Southerly line of the land c~escribec: in t"see deeu'~ to
tn.e Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Cor:pany, recorc~.cc± in
boo7f 685, page 255,-Official ~2ecords; thence Easterly
along said Southerly lire on a curve concave i~Torth-
erly, having a radius of 355.00 feet to the ~ort?~.erlt~
- 3-
prolongation. of the Easterly line of said Lot l;
thence Southerly along said ~.~asterly line -to t~~e
point of beoir8nin g.
Also except that portion lying north of the South line
of the Main Canal of the Santa Ana Valley Irrigation
PARC~;L 3.
All that certain lance situated in the State of
California, County of Orange, City of Anahei~t~,
described as follows:
Ali that certain real property lyinG within the
land allotted to the Ieirs of Dominguez and. -to
the Heirs of Leandro Serrano in the Decree o'
Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana
recorded in book "r3", rage 410 of Judc.,rr«ents of
the District Court of the 17th Judicial District
in and for Los Angeles County, California, an'
within Lot 1 of z~Irs. Bush's Subdivision of a
portion of the Bush Tract per the T~Iap recorded
in Boole 3&, page 52 of ~Ziscellaneous P.ecords of
said Los Angeles County, sho~~n as "S.A.V.I. CAI~IAL",
46.00 feet in width, on the ~~lap of Tract ado. 4953
recorded in boo}~ 208, pages 43, 49 and. 50 of Mis-
cellaneous Taps, records of said Orange County.
Excepting therefrorG~ any portion of saki land lying
Easterly of the Southerly prolongation of the East-
erly line of Lot 13 of said. Tract IJo. 4953 and ly-
ing i~7esterly of the Easterly line of Pinney Drive,
64.00 feet in width, as shown on said Il~iap,
be excluded from "RS-A-43,000 (SC) " 1'~SIDEi:3''IAL/AGRICUL`rU.~2AL (SCs~,a~tlC
CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZOP1E and incorporated ins the "'~5-7200 (SC) " SSI-
DENTIAL, SI?~TGLE 1~'A~~iILY (SCl/t~TIC CO~P.IDOR OV.Et,LAY) SOT-~L', sus~ject to
the following conditions:
i. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as
required and determined to be necessary, b_v the Chief of the Fire
Department prior to commencement of structural framing.
2. That subject property shall be servec by underc~rounc:
3. That drainage of subject pro`~erty shall be dispos~;d of
in a manner satisfactory to the Cit_v Engineer.
4. ^hat the owner(s) of subject ~~roperty shall pay to the
City of Anaheim the appropriate park anu recreation in-lieu fees,
as determined to be ai~propriate ?~y the City Council, said lees to
be paid at the time the building perr~3it is issues.
5 . r~'hat a final tract z a~~ of subject .pYo~_ erty shall be sv~~-
mitted to and approved by the City Council ans then be recorded. in
the Office of the Orange County Recorder.
6. Prior to the introduction of an orcinanee rezoniifg su;°~-
ject property, Condition No. 5, above-raentioncc, shall be compietec:~.
The provisions or rights granted by this reso~_ution shall beco~.e
nu11 and void by aci:ion of the Planning Com~n~.ission unless sai~y con-
ditions are complied wity~ ~aithirx one year from the date hereof, or
such further tirie as the Planning Cordr.2ission r?ay grant.
7. shat Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above-~entione~~, sha11 be
coittplied with prior to final building anr~ zoninu inspections.
~~; IT r UibT:r~L?? ~'~:sSOLV`~L1 that the City Attorney ? e, anc°
he is hereby, authorized. and cirectec? to prepare anc? su~~ tit to
the City Council an ordinance a=tending Title l~ of tl~^ ~lnahei~a
Municipal Code to accorc~plis:~ the objects herein found anci c~eter-
minec~ to be necessary and proper.
r ~-~-,~r~ -tom Fz'SC7LL'' ±'l0i'? 15 approvet~ BTIC~ aC'C3i'• ~~' ` b1r th:'
City Council of the City of Anaheim this ~,dth du~T o~= JanuarX
19 ~g
~ ~ '" ~ ,,,~ ; ,r v
/.~ Y
7T~ h
`~'f1.~`]. lli4 of r~`"I _n; C 'f'~r vZ~ ,'1~,si t.. ~;,..-
CTTv ~'LERI: OF ^_~i~ CIT`.~ O.~ ~~)a~~'~iRli!
JLT : fm
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Resolution No. 78R-27 was introduced and adopted at a regular
meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim held on
the 10th day of January, 1978, by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Seymour, Roth and Thom -
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said
Resolution No. 78R-27 on the 10th day of January, 1978.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have .hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
City of Anaheim this 10th day of January, 1978.
ft ~,,
I, LINDA D. ;tOBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify hat
the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 7$R-27 duly passed and adopted
by the Anaheim City Council on January 10, 1978.
,~ ` $+