56R-3522 HESOLUTICJl'( NO.3522 -...'-- A H1::S0L;(J~l'IO" OF Tlli~ 01 ,;CUNCIL 0::' THE CITY o:=;- AlJAHLHl, AUTHOHIZING TIU: SALi': OF Ch;RTAIN REAL PROP:C:RTY: AUTHCRIZUIG THE EXECUTIOl: OF A CCl:lfEYAHCE THEREOF; AND RESCLiDnJC RESOLUTIONS NO. JJ19 and. NO. 34]4. dH1REAS, the City 01' Ane.heim is the owner of the here inaftel' d.escri Cc d real propel'ty; nnd dHBREAS, sale real )I'One rty is no longer needed for" municipc,"l pur9oses; and \iHEREAS, Emil ;\;ittmen End H&ttic M. l,ittman, hus- bcmc aDl~"iJ'e, have ofl~ered to ourchase said real property for the sum of $8,278.05 cash, len/ful money of the United States, to be de'')osited in escro\ at BanY;: of America Nation- al 'J.lrust ",nc Savinrc A;.,::;ocicction, Fullerton Branch, Fullerton, CalL'Ol~jlia, c1nd. ),dc to the 01 t~- at the close of escrow; and .,h~HEAS, the 0 i ty Coune H finds the tit is for the benefit and best intercrt o~ the City of Anaheim to accept saL offeI' l:.nd. sell ane, convey 6alo. real DrO!)erty to said Emil Ivll ttman and Hattie k. Hi ttman, husbe,nc'i Dnd wife, upon the terms ane conc,i t:: one: h':1'8 irwftcr specified. 1W." l' ,HEFOHE, BE I::: ?.'~SOLVED by the City' Council 01' the Ci 01' Anc.neim ;:;hat t["e ol':'e1' of Elnj,l Nitcman and He. teie l:l. Iii ttman, j:lUsbanc: a DC!, 1 i1'e, to "ourchase the following descl'ibec, reu.l py'apert;y situated in the City of Anaheim, County of O:::"anEe, StE"te of ,:';al:Lforcia: The Nesterly 1]0 feet of the Northerly 184.92 feet of the Southerly 375.92 feet of that parcel of land located in the City of Anaheim, County of Ol'enge, Skcc of CalUoY'Lia, and beinE.' a por- tion of the. Southeast c;uDrte1' of Se ction 3, To~m8hip 1., South, EEl1e 10 ',rest, E:.:3.B.&H., described. as 1'01101'/6: "--,~ Eef'innine:: at the liol'thees t COl'ner of the Schaffer Os,,,;[:16 Suboivision ep SllOl-'l1 on n mao thereof in Book 7, e ~l of hlscellaneouE Ma~s of said Ol',oLn:~:e County, CElil'ol'Lj,a; thence \'le8terly' along tne l~orth line of s&.1c: subccivision 78.5 feet more or less to a point, 8ai6 point being JO feet East of' the monumentec:, center line of NOl~th Olive Street; tnence Northerl;',! 667.15 feet more or less to the south line 0:' the lr~nci cOlweyed to Cal-Juices, Inc. b:' Deed recol'ded JanuEtYY 26, 1938 und. filed in book 922, oa;'e 262 01' 01 i'icial Records of said O:'llne County; thence Easterl;)' 742.0.5 feet more or less to the '.'Jeste1'ly line 0: the riE'ht of ';,ay' of tw::: I;i&,in line 0:' the Lac Am.'eles [',nd 3cclt LB.ke Rail- road Co ('10\' l{,nown bC h:e Atchison, :l'opeke and 8, n'e Fe :1.<:.:LlrQ[d) in the SE*, of r;aiC. Section J; tLence Sou ther'l,)' 251. 91 feet; more or less a.l 0 11[:' said 1>iL;:I:1 t of Ha.\' lL18 ,'71::i ell forms e. curve, concave Ecstel~Y with e radius of 576.65 feet to its inter- r;ection hitll th,) Ea.st; line 0: 'she 'Ii,} of the SE; of seiG. Section 3; thence SoutherJ.y alan: said East line Li19.10 :"eet more or le~js to the ooin t of be 'inn inc' . EXCEpt:: thL;t 9ort:1.on t.llereof, if any, included wi t.hln -1- -",.,-. t;he IBnc~ ciesc: ibeci :tn D'eed. to the Southern California Citrus Foods, a co~)orRtioh, recorded June 27, 1945 in Book 1322 ,&.ge 193 of' Od'ic1al Hecords. 1'01' the Sunl of :p8,278.0j cD.sh, lal':ful money of the United States, De acce~)ted ul)On the followinV terms and conditions: 1. That $8,278.05 cash, lal'if'ul mone;y of the United States, be placed in escrow with Bank of America NetionalT'rust and Savil1€;s Assoc1ation, Fullerton Branch,. Fullerton, California, to be -odd to the City at the close of esc2'ow, said escro',. to be complied wi th on or before the lOth day of November, 1956, or as soon thereafter as possible, unless a v.ri tt'en demano_ for "the return of the money or instruments by a party to said escrciw is delivered to said escrow holder subsequen t to such lia te and. prior to the recordinr" of an;y instruments provided for in sa1o_ escrow. 2. 'J.'h[.-t sai6 'propert~ Ghall be sold subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions, reser- vations, rights, rights-of-vray and easements of record. BE IT FURTBEH N.:SOLV'iD the.t ti::e Mayor and the City Clerk be, ana. the;y arE' hereby, authorized to execute 8. good ana suf'ficien: G.eed conveying to saio. Emil Mittman and Hattie 1;1. Mittman, husband ancc wife, the rea.l pro.perty hel'einabove described, and to deliver sale deed into escrow at Bank of America National rl'rust End. Savincs Association, FUllerton Branch, FuLLerton, Calij'ornia, to be c;.elivered to said Emil ,:Littman end Hattie E. ;'[ittman, nusband an". wife, upon comple- tion of scla escrow and the ')ayment of the full Durchase price as herein&bove provid.ed. AND .:lE n FURTIlli:'-{ RESOLVED that the City Clerk of' the Oi ty of Anaheim be, and. she is hereby, authorized and directed to certif,y [c CODY or' t:nis resolution and cause the same to be att&.ched to the <leed to be executed. by the l![ayor and. the City Clerk on behalf of the City OJ Anaheim. RLSOLUTIOll,S NO. J319 anll NO. J4J4 are hereby rescinded. thiE; TH~ IcOHEGOIN(i- lli;SOLUTIOi: IS SIGNED AND APPHOV'iD BY me 9th cia;; of October, 1956. ~o"~~. --.. -..'-- ATrrB.ST: -4 ...... "~ }" ..' - . /.' /; Z-<. . _' / -<::.-c A1 . / TY ctE~rTlt C~ OF A~IM -2- - STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. C TI'Y OF AJTAHE IM ~,- I, DENE M. WILLIAM3, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, he~d on the 9th day of October, 1956, by the fOllowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: C01mCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of t.lle City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution on the 9th day of October, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heuuato set lll1" hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 9th day of October, 1956. ~ ~hr );I:~'~ CITY CLERK 'OF THE CITY OF ANAHiIM (SEAL) ~-