1960-6219RESOLUTION NO. 6219 THE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that it is necessary to acquire a site for municipal purposes to wit: and for the construction and maintenance of an electrical sub- station; and WHEREAS, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY and NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY are the owners of certain parcels of real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Parcel 1. The Easterly 490.00 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a map recorded in Book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. Except that portion lying Southerly of a line that is parallel with and distant 295.00 feet Northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of that certain 50.00 foot wide right of way conveyed to the Southern Pacific Company by deed recorded in Book 570, page 288 of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, California. Parcel 2. The Easterly 490.00 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 23, Town- ship 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a map recorded in Book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. Except that portion lying Southerly of a line that is parallel with and distant 295.00 feet Northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of that certain 50.00 foot wide right of way conveyed to the Southern Pacific Company by deed recorded in Book 570, page 288 of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, California; and WHEREAS, said parcels of real property contain 7.84 acres and said owners have offered to sell said parcels of real property to the City for the sum of $14,500 per acre or a total purchase price of $113,680, and -1- WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that said parcels of real property are suitable and desirable for the use of the City for an electrical substation and that the price is fair and reasonable and that said property should be acquired. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council take the offer of SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY and NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY to sell to the City the parcels of real property hereinabove described for the sum of $113,680, lawful money of the United States, and the same is hereby accepted subject to the following: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1960 -1961 not yet payable. 2. A Reservation of the Northerly 20 feet and the Easterly 20 feet of Parcel 1 for roads, railroads and ditches, and the reservation of the use and con- trol of cienegas and natural streams of water, if any, naturally upon, flowing across, into or by said tract, and the right of way for and to con- struct irrigation or drainage ditches through said tract to irrigate or drain the adjacent land, as reserved in the deed from The Stearns Ranchos Company recorded February 1, 1908, in Book 91, page 252 of Deeds. 3. An Easement over the Easterly 7.5 feet of Parcel 1 for pipe lines and incidental purposes as conveyed to The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California by deed recorded July 18, 1940, in Book 1051, page 462 of Official Records. 4. An Easement for road purposes over that portion included within Lewis Street. 5. Any Easements for road purposes crossing said Parcel 2. 6. Reservation of all oil, gas and mineral rights located below 500 feet but without right of sur- face entry. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City pay one half of the expenses of the escrow and title expenses and that sellers pay for all revenue stamps to be affixed to the deed and that City pay the expenses of recording documents; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to enter into an escrow with sellers for the purchase of the real property hereinabove described and that the Finance Director of the City of Anaheim, be, and he is hereby authorized to deposit in escrow the amount of the purchase price -2- of said property as herein set forth together with any sum or sums necessary to repay the city's share of the escrow title and recording expenses. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 16th day of August, 1960. AT TEST: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) ss. MAYOR OF -t CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of August, 1960, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 16th day of August, 1960. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 16th day of August, 1960. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM -3-