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WHEREAS, on the 10th day orJanu~~ lt~6
, .
filed a written request with the City Council of the City of
Anaheim requesting the consent of the City Council to the
commencement of proceedings for the annexation of certain in-
habited territory, more particularly hereinafter described, to
the City of Anaheim pursuant to the provisions of the Annexation
Act of 1913 (Title IV, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter I, Articles
1 to 4 inclusive, of the Government Code of California); and
WHEREAS, the City Council did on the lOth day of
J",nuLry , 19 56 ,refer said request and applicat--
ion to the City Planning Commission; and
l/iHEREAS, on the Fth day of Feol'uD~ry ,
.. /
19 .)0 , the City Council did receive from the City Planning
Commission its recommendation approving the proposed annexation;
~mEREAS, the proposal for the annexation of said
territory to the City of Anaheim has been submitted to the
Boundary Commission of the County of Orange for its report to
the proponents with respect to the definiteness and certainty
of the proposed boundaries; that said Boundary Commission has
(has not) reported upon the petition or proceedings within
twenty (20) days after it was submitted to it; and
'lIEREAS, said City Council did, on the 14th day of
~-eoruar.y , 19 56 ,adopt Resolution No. 3111
giving its consent to the commencement of said annexation pro-
ceedings and approving the circulation of a petition for the
annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim; and
. WHEREAS, on the 2'-"th day of February ,
19 .)0 , said proponents did publish a notice of intention to
circulate a petition for the annexation of the hereinafter de-
scribed property to the City of Anaheim, and within ten (10)
days thereafter did file with the City Clerk of the City of
Anaheim a oopy of such notice of intention to circulate a petit-
ion for the annexation to the City of Anaheim of said territory,
which notice contained the names of the proponents intending to
circulate the petition and the specific boundaries ~f the terr-
itory proposed to be annexed, accompanied by a printed state-
ment, not exceeding five hundred (500) words in length, contain-
ing reasons for the petition, together with an affidavit of the
publication of said notice of intention to circulate said
petition; and
IHEREAS, within fifteen (15) days after the filing of
said notice of intention to circulate said petition, accompanied
b~ said affidavi t~ of publication, the City Council did, on the
..otn day of ~. e:JrUi::_r~T , 19 56 , adopt Resolution
No. 3157 finding and determining that it would be to the advan-
tage and for the best interest of the City of Anaheim and the
qualified electors residing within the hereinafter described
territory, to approve the circulation of a petition for the
-,. .;~_.,.-..",.,-"--,.",,,---~,=--;".,~<,,_.
annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim and did there-
upon approve the oirculation of said petition; and
WHEREAS, on the 4th day of September , 19..5,6.
the City Council did receive a petition signed by not less than
one-fourth of the qualified eleotors residing within the territory
hereinafter described, as shown by the County Registration of
Voters, oontaining a descrintion ot the new territory proposed to
be annexed to the City of Anahel. and asking that said territory
be annexed to the City; and the City Council does find and de-
termine that said proponents have done and performed the acts and
things required to be done and performed by the Annexation Act
of 1913, at the time and in the manner as required by the pro-
visions of said Act; and that said petition was circulated more
than twenty-one (21) days after the publication of notice of in-
tention to circulate such petition and that it is signed by not
less than one-fourth of the qualified electors residing within
the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the County
Registration of Voters and as appears from the certificate of the
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim presented to the City Council
at the time of consideration of said petition and prior to the
adoption of this resolution; and does further find that more than
twelve (12) qualified electors resided within the boundaries of
the territory proposed to be annexed at the time of the filing
of said petition for said annexation; and does further find, from
evidence and reports received and from said petition, that at
the time of the filing and presentation of said petition, that
said new territory proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim
did not form a part of any other city or municipal corporation,
and that said territory was, at the time of filing said petition
inhabited territory and is contiguous to the City of Anaheim; and
WHEREAS, the City Council does further find that it
would be to the advantage and for the best interests of the City
of Anaheim, and the residents thereof, and the qualified eleotors
residing within the territory proposed to be annexed, as herein-
~fter more p~rticularly described, to submit the question of the
annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim to the elect-
ors residing within said territory; and
WHEREAS, the City Council does further find that said
territory should be designated by some ~ppropriate name by Which
it may be referred to upon the ballots Used at the election at
which the question of annexation of said territory to the City of
Anaheim shall be submitted to the electors resi41ng within Said
territory and that an appropr.\ate deaignation for such territory
is KA':i:EiJ..A . ____ AN"iEXA'I'ION; and
VlHEREAS, the City Council finds from said petition and
evidence and reports received that the boundaries of the territory
so proposed and sought to be annexed to the City of Ananeim are
as fOllows, to-wit: Said territory is situated in the County of
Orange, state of California, and the speCific boundaries thereof
are as follows:
A parcel of land being a portion of Sections 22, 23, 24~ 25,
26 and 27, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base
and Meridian and more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at an angle point in the existing Anaheim City
Limits line as established by the Disneyland Annexation to the
City of Anaheim, Annexation No. 48 as passed by Ordinance No. 932
on October 13, 1954 and filed with the Secretary of State on Dec-
ember 30, 1954, said point being the point of intersection of a
line parallel to and 40 00 feet northerly, as measured at right
angles from south line of said Section 22 (said south line also
being the centerline of Katella Avenue), and a line parallel to
and 30,00 feet westerly, as measured at right angles, from the
east line of said Section 22 (said east line also being the center-
line of Haster Street); thence,
-' .
line of
.l ine of
Northerly 1200 feet, mo~e or less, along said existing
City Limits Line and also along said line parallel to east
Section 22, to a point in the southwesterly right of way
Manchester Avenue; thence
2. Northwesterly 340 feet, more or less, along said existing
,c,naheim City Limits Line and also along said southwesterly right
of way line of Manchester Avenue to an angle point in said right
of way line; thence
30 Westerly 60 feet, more or less, along said existing Anaheim
City Limits Line and also along said right of way line of Manchester
Avenue to an angle point in said right of way line; thence
4< Northwesterly 2200 feet, more or less, along said existing
Anaheim City Limits Line and also along said southwesterly right of
way line of Manchester Avenue to an angle point in said existing
AnahBim City Limits Line; thence
50 Northeasterly along said existing Anaheim City Limits Line,
and also along a line crossing said Manchester Avenue at right angles
to its centerline, to a point which is the most southeasterly right
of way corner of Midway Drive and said Manchester Avenue; thence
60 E'l'lsterly 1640 feet, more or less, along said existing Anaheim
City Limits Line, and also along south right of way line of said Midway
Drive, as said right of way line is shown on a map of "The Joseph Fis-
cus Subdivision" as recorded in BOOK 8, Page 73, Miscellaneous Maps I
Records of Orange County, to a point in the westerly right of way line
of Los Angeles Street (also known as State Highway No. 101); thence
I c.
line of
.ilne of
Northwe~terly 340 feet, more or less, along said existing
City Limits Line and also along said westerly right of way
L03 Angeles Street to a point of intersection with the east
NEt of said Section 22; thence
8. Northerly 400 feet ~ore or less, along said existing Anaheim
City Limits Line, and also alonr said east line of NE1 of Section 22,
to a point of intersection with the northeasterly right of way line
of said Los Angeles Street; thence
9. Southeasterly and following said northeasterly right of way
line of Los Angeles Street and the existing Anaheim City Limits Line
to a poirt in the north line of SW{ of SW{ of Section 23, T4S, RIOW,
SBBM; thE nee
10. easterly 1060 feet, more or less, along said north line and
the existing Anaheim City Limits Line to the northeast corner of said
swi of swi of Section 23. thence,
c.",A,""_"'~'"""_" ,,_-~""'_~__"~'~'_""""'-
no SoutherlY,1280 feet, mar? or lessj along the existin~ Ana-
heim City Limits Line and the eesr line of said sw-i of the SWt of
Section 23.T4S, RIOW, SBBM. to. HD0ngle point, said point being
feet northerly from the soutn lIne of said Section 23 and the
center line of Yatella Avenue: thence
12. Easterly along the existing Anaheim City Limits Line, said
line being parallel to and 40 feet distant from the south line of
said Section a cisLance of 695 feet, more or lass, to a point of
intersection with the northerly prolongation of the westerly line
of the land conveyed to Beulah Peckham, a widow, and Virgil Wo
Peckham, a married man, by deed recorded in Book 3133 at Page 28,
Official Records of Orange County; thence
<<. Southeasterly along the westerly line of the last described
parcel and its northerly prolongation a distance of 470 feet, more
or less, to the southwest corner of said parcel; thence
l~~ North 890 57i ~5n West 197.~5 feet to a point; thence
150 South 10 ~2g ~5n West 116,,90 feet to a point; thence
16. South 830 5Ii 45" West 168030 feet to a point on the nortb-
westerly right of way line of a 60 foot wide road owned by the State
of California; thence
17. South 400 390 3011 East along said northeasterly right of way
line a distance of 78.00 feet to a point of intersection with the south-
erly line of land conveyed to Chester L. Herbert by Deed No. 2~776
recorded in Book 2979 at Page 510) Official Records of Orange County;
18. South 890 57' 45" East a dlstance of 598051 feet to the south-
east corner of last described property? said southeast corner also being
on the southwesterly right of way Ilne of the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company (60 feet wide); thence
19. Northwesterly along the said southwesterly right of way line
of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a distance of 680 feet, more
or less, to a point on the existing Anaheim City Limits Line; thence
tance of
being on
Easterly along:,he existing Anaheim City Limits Line a dis-
3100 feet, more or less, to an angle point, said angle point
the easterly right of way line of Placentia Avenue; thence
210 Northerly along the said easterly right of way line of Pla-
centia Avenue and the existing Anaheim City Limits Line a dist~ce of
800 feet, more or less, to a point in the southwesterly right of way
line of the A.T. & S.F.R.R.; thence
220 Southeasterly alcmg the sald southwesterly right of way line
of the A.T. & S.F.R.R. to a point of intersection with the westerly
line of the Olive and West Orange Protection District, said line also
being the westerly boundary line of the Orange Unified School District;
2?, South 220 OO~ 00" West a distance of 2675 feet as measured
from the center line of the A 'r & S.F.R.R. right of way to an angle
point; thence
24. South 110 53' ()O" West a distance of 735 feet, more or less,
to an intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly line
of Lot 2 of Tract 71 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 10,
Page 22, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County; thence
250 So,::hwesterly along the easterly prolongation of Lot 2 of
said Tract L to the southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence
26. Continuing southwesterly along the southerly line of said
Lot 2 a distance of 747 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner
o~ , parcel of land shown on a Record of Survey thereof recorded
Ll ,-,oak 15, rLC[~e 24, :=1ecords of OranGe County; thence
2'7. 1';ortLerly 205. 'YJ fed along ti1e east line of last de-
sc~ibed parcel of land to the northeast corner thereof; thence
28. ~esterly '783 feet, more or less, along a line parallel
to the south line of said Lot 2 of Tract '71 to a Doint in the eas~
erl,'/ right of way line of PlacentiC'C Avenue (60 feet wide) as shown
0.1 said Record of SurvJY hap recorded i~ Book 15, Page 24, Records
of Orance County; tLence
29. l'Jorthe:cly and 1('llowin,,-; along said easterly right of way
line of Placentia Avenue to a point in the easterly prolongation
of 8. line pan,llel to ,wd JO feet southerly, as measurod at right
a,1Cles, froll} the cGnter J ine of' Or[,ngewood Avenue; thence
~,o. Iesterly [,lone sald line parrellel to and. 30 feet souther-
ly from the center line of 01"o.n;;8,JOod. .'.venue; and its eastel'ly and
\vcbterly prolcng-1t~on to a point on thG southwesterly right of
way line of tl~ Southern Pacific Railroad; thence
J1 ;1(Y.ltLeasterly &lOllC the said Bouthern Pacific Railroad
richt of way to a point of intersection wit~ the southerly line
of Hancho ~~an Juan Cajon dc Santa Ana; thence
~)an. Juan
'.Jay line
C~outh\1TCsterly along the said southerly ::'ine of Rancho
Cajon de Santa Ana to a point on the easterly right of
of Lewis street; thence
JJ. l'iortherly alarg the easterly right of way line of said
Lewis 3treet to the easterly prolongation of the southerly right
of way line of Sim~ons ROua; thence
.14. '.Iestel'ly alone the southerly right of "ray line of said
1immons Road and the easterly and westerly prolongation thereof
'~o the westerly right of ,'Tr1.y line of EastGr Gtreet; thence
35. l',orthol'l,} alone' the vest"r,y right of 1;ray linG of said
i:astur Stroot to the poirlt of iJG[innLng.
..-."""" .-."'----...---_._~,~,~_.."",-=----,...-=~"'"
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim that it does hereby declare its intention
to call a special election for the purpose of submitting to the
electors residing in the hereinabove described new territory,
the question whether said new territory shall be annexed to, in-
corporated in, and made a part of the City of Anaheim and the
property therein be, after such annexation, subject to taxation
equally with the property within said City of Anaheim, to pay
its pro rata share, based upon assessed valuation, of all of the
bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on the
date of the filing of the petition, to wit, the 4th day of
cicutemoCl' , 1956 , or theretofore authorized; and
to be annexed shall be designated as
; and
the territory so proposed
BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 9th day of October
; 19 56 ) at the hour of 7:00 olclock P.M. in the City
Council Chamber of the City Hall in the City of Anaheim be, and
the same is herety, fixed as the day, hour and place when and
where any person owning real property within the territory so
proposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed
annexation, may a~p~~r before the City Council of the City of
Anaheim and show . ~"; 0 why such territory should not be so an-
nexed; that all [e ['1i:8 :-taving any objections to such proposed
annexation are her'J.J7 rotified to a~pear on said day, at said
hour and place, to shov c~use, if any they have, why such terri-
tory should not be so a.mexed, and all such persons are further
notified that any protests against the calling of an election to
submit to the electors residing within said territory the
question of annexation of said territory to the City of AnaheUn,
or any protests against the annexation of said territory to the
City of Anaheim must be in writing and may be filed with the
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim at any time not later than the
hour and date set forth herein for the hearing of objections to
said election.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the
City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed
to cause a copy of this resolution to be published at least once
a week for two weeks prior to the date hereinabove fixed for the
hearing of protests and objections to said election and the
annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim, in the
ANAHEIM BULLETIN, a newspaper of general circulation, published
and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Ormge, State
(')f California.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me
thi s ifth day of September , 19 16 .
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I, DENE ~f. WILLIAHS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
\tereby certify Ghat the foregoing resolution was introduced and
adopted at an Adjourned Regular Meeting provid,ed by law of the City
Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 4th day of September, 1956,
by the following vote:
A'iES: COUNCIIJ.lEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution on the 4th day of September, 1956.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rr~ hand and affixed
the official seal of the CITY OF ANAHEIM this 4th day of September, 1956.
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