56R-3455-A ~ HESOLUTION NO. 3455-A A RESOLUTION OF TH2 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Al.1ENDIlJU. RESOLUTION NO. 3423 ENTITLED: II A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ';.'EL CITY OF A lJAHE HI FINDING AND DETERIvIINING THAI A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND::"HAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF Tm: ANAHEHl HUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AI\1ENDED TO ACCOHPLISH SAID CHiiNCfE OF ZONE II , AND CORHECT- ING :'HE DESCRIPTIO;; or '['HE REAL PHOPEHTY DESCRIBED 'I'HERE IN . viHEHEAS, here to1'ore, to vii t: On the 14th day 01' Augus t, 1956 the City Council did adop~ Resolution No. 3423, entitled: IIA RESOLUTION OF I'HE CI'I:[ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALiAHEUI I'Il-DElG AND DETERlHNING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS ;~ECESSMiY IN CERTA-=N AREAS OF TEE CITY AND THA~ ill{TICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM llUt;ICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE Al1ENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE II and hHEHJ::AS, by inadvertance the description of the property~ to be changecL from R-A, RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL ZONE to C-3, ~AVY COp~~RCIAL ZONE was erroneously described in said Resolution No. 3423; and ,H1R};AS, tile City Council does find th2ct said Resolution shoula. be amended by correcting' the description of the real property to be chang'ed as described therein; Nm; Ilc1HEi"UliE BE IT HESOLVIW by the City Council or the City 01 Anaheim that Resolution No. 3423 hereinabove mentioned be, 2nd the same is hereby, amended as follows: TnEt the description OI' tr:.e real nroperty to be clanged from R-A, RES IDENTI AL-AGRI CULTURAL ZONE to C-], Heavy CO~w~RCIA1 ZONEtherein should be amended to read as follows: "1. In order to make the present uses on Lincoln Avenue conform infi: , that the area along Lincoln Avenue for a depth of 330 feet from the monumented center of' the street, be classified as C-3, HEAVY- COlviJ.iERCIAL ZONE." THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signecL and approved by me tl'lis 4th e'.ay of September, 19j6. /L> . /.~ ..:J C .,.~ Ii}, /:z.>/ ~p C~/G'if ~~ HAYOR OF~HE C IT OF ANAHEIM ,'-- ATTEST: -j "-~. ( ,/{.// ~a<--.~ ,_ THE CITY OF ANA ElM ~TATI OF CALIlOIUiIA ) COUIft'I OF OIAD ) aa. Cln OF .lJWIIIK ) , I, DUE H. WIIJ.IAKS, CitT Clerk o~ the City ot Anahe1a, do hereby cv\V1 that the foregoing Ruolution waa &ciC?pt.ed at an adjOUl'ftlld. replar ....t.ba of the City 9puncU of the CitT of A$ahe1a, held. on :the 4th da1 of__ ~r. 1956, by the foJ.lclwing vote of the __l'Il thereot. .AlES: CQU)lCIlMIXr Peanon, COOZUl, Frr. Schutte and Wi...r NOES: COtmCILH!lh Hone. . ABSEJITsCOUNCIL'MElh Hone. AID I FURTHER ClRTIFY that the .or of Jt.he City of Anaheim applo,,"" and signed said a.solution on the 4th dq ot Septaber, 1956. II WITNESS lIIIIIIOf. I have hereunto aet rq haJtd. and aftixed ill the .eal. ot the City of Ana~ilIl this 4th dq ot lept8llber. 19S6. i2~ )X_ ~/~ em CLDI OF THE em or .oAhDl (IKAL) ,