1962-0049RESOLUTION NO. 62R-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DESIGNATING A DRILL SITE AND GRANTING STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA PERMISSION TO DRILL FROM SAID DRILL SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. Planning WHEREAS, STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, a California Corporation, did make written application for a permit to drill for and conduct operations from a drill site within the City of Anaheim for the exploration and recovery of oil within the City of Anaheim, such application having been in writing and meeting the requirements of Section 17.12.050 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council on October 3, 1961, did refer said application to the City Planning Commission to hold and conduct a public hearing thereon and to examine, report, and make recommendations thereon; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on November27, 1961, at 2 :00 o'clock P.M. after having duly given notice of said public hearing as required by law and in accordance with provisions of Chapter 17.12 of the Anaheim Municipal Code and did make its recommendation to the City Council in connection with such application after conducting such public hearing and after examining evidence presented at such hearing did make recommendation by Resolution No. 164- Series 1961 -62; and WHEREAS, after receiving said recommendation from the Planning Commission the City Council did hold a public hearing on the 2nd day of January, 1962, at 7 :00 otclock P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and due notice thereof having been given in accordance with the requirements of law and Section 17.12.080 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the City Council having received the recommendation of the Planning Commission and considered the same and having heard witnesses for and against the granting of said permit and having received evidence for and against the granting of said permit did close said hearing on said date; and WHEREAS, the City Council did defer action from January 2, 1962, to January 16, 1962, to consider the matter; and WHEREAS, on January 16, 1962, requests having been received from both sides, the City Council did reopen the hearing and did receive further evidence both for and against the issuance of said permit and did again close the hearing and defer final action to January 23, 1962, at 3:00 o'clock P.M.; and WHEREAS, on January 23, 1962, the City Council did discuss the application of Standard Oil Company of California, the testimony received in the hearings, and the evidence received in the meetings and did find and determine the following facts: -1- 1. That the exploratory area proposed is that area in the City of Anaheim bounded on the north by Orange Avenue between Euclid Avenue and Gilbert Street; bounded on the west by Gilbert Street between Orange Avenue and the Southern Pacific Railroad Right of Way; on the south by the Southern Pacific Railroad Right of Way, between Gilbert Street and the extension of Loara Street, if it is extended; bounded on the east by Loara Street, or the extension thereof, between the Southern Pacific Railroad Tracks and Bali Road; and bounded on the east by Euclid Avenue between Ball Road and Orange Avenue. 2. That the area described can be adequately explored and developed from the site selected and one least offensive to the surrounding area. 3. That the granting of such permit and the drilling for or producing of oil thereunder will not create a nuisance. L.. That the granting of such permit will not be detri- mental to the public health, safety or welfare. 5. That the granting of such a permit, or the drilling for or producing of oil thereunder in the location specified, will not create a fire hazard or other hazard detrimental to the public welfare. 6. That the granting of such a permit will afford equal protection to all property owners within the area affected by the granting of such permit. 7. That the granting of such permit will not deny to any property owner the enjoyment of a substantial right granted to other owners in the same vicinity affected by said permit. 8. That the granting of such permit will conserve property values and encourage the most appropriate use of the land in the immediate vicinity and area affected by the granting of said permit. 9. That the granting of said permit will not be detri- mental to the orderly development and expansion of the City of Anaheim in the direction of building development according to a well ordered and zone planned, as is evidenced by the overlays of the area prepared by the Planning Department. 10. That the granting of said permit will not be in violation of any State law, regulation or court decision, or any of Anaheimts City Ordinances. -2- 11. That the granting of said permit will not violate any deed or tract restrictions relating to any tract or property affected by said permit, unless said permit is consented to, or the said restrictions waked in the manner specified in said deed or tract restrictions or in the manner required by law, provided, however, that in the event that any applicant for permit has inadvertently obtained an oil and gas lease covering property containing such restrictions, that such applicant shall be given a reasonable opportunity to obtain a waiver of such restrictions, or may be permitted to quitclaim such property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that a permit be, and the same is hereby, granted to STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA to drill, redrill, whipstock, side -track or deepen any well or conduct any other operations for the drilling for or producing of oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substances within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim at the following described location, to wit: The north 200.00 feet of the east 100.00 feet of the west 880.00 feet of that portion of Section 20, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, city of Anaheim, county of Orange, state of California, as per map recorded in book 51 page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of said section 20, South 0 27' 0O't West 952.60 feet from the northwest corner of said section 20.; thence East 1332.70 feet; thence South 0 31' 30' West 4.72.80 feet; thence West 1332.09 feet to the west line of said section 20; thence North 0 27' East 472.80 feet to the point of beginning. upon the following express conditions: 1. Compliance with the conditions specified in Title 17, Section 17.12.050 through Section 17.12.410 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 2. All access to and from the drill site for operations will be from Brookhurst Street along a 20 -foot private road along the north side of said property. 3. Said access road will be maintained in good condition with asphalt or by oiling and the drill site area will be asphalted to eliminate dust. Trucking to and from said site will be limited to the hours of 8 :00 A.M. to 6 :00 P.M. except for emergencies. 5. All machinery in connection with both drilling and producing operations will be powered by electricity obtained from the City of Anaheim, and no electricity will be generated on the drill site, however, it may be necessary to convert alternating current to direct current for applicant's purposes. 6. The drilling rig and related equipment will be soundproofed by double covering of soundproof and fireproof material, and shall be painted 'Vista Green," or equal in color. 7. All buildings containing any equipment or machinery will be soundproofed. 8. The soundproofed rig will be kept closed at nights during the hours of 6 :00 P.M. to 8 :00 A.M. except in emergencies or for personnel entry during such hours, also except for the running of the water string in each well which may necessitate opening the derrick door between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 8 A.M. 9. Prior to commencement of any operations on said drill site, Standard Oil Company of California will make further acoustical survey readings at various times of the day and night from the edge of the residential areas surrounding such site. Standard will deliver such data to the City of Anaheim prior to commencement of drilling operations. Similar periodic readings will be taken during drilling operations for comparison and control of the noise level from such operations. 10. Any further conditions or restrictions set forth in the Anaheim Municipal Code will be observed. 11. During exploratory drilling, all drilling equip- ment on the drill site will be surrounded by a tarpaulin covered chain -link fence of a minimum height of six feet. 12. Upon completion of all exploratory drilling and at the expiration of the thirty -day test period, if oil and gas in paying quantities is not developed, the drilling rig and all equipment will be immediately removed from the drill site and the site will be restored, insofar as practicable, to its original condition, except, however, for replanting of any trees that may have been removed from such site. 13. No wells will be produced beyond a thirty -day test period until: (a) Pipe lines have been installed to transport such production from such site to Standardrs or other available gathering pipe lines in the general area. (b) The drill site has been surrounded by a concrete block or cinder block wall, engineered and at a height in accordance with specifications of the Planning Department, not less than eight feet, or more than ten feet high, such wall to be set back five feet from the exterior boundaries of said drill site. Grown trees or high shrubs approved by the Anaheim Parkway Maintenance Authorities to amply screen the wall will there- upon be planted and maintained within such five -foot setback strips to surround such wall and drill site. 14. All production and other tests will be conducted in accordance with safe oil field practice and in full compliance with industry and municipal fire and safety standards. 15. The number of production tanks and other equipment will be kept to a minimum on the drill site for applicant's requirements in connection with operations. Production tanks will be used only for oil produced from the site or oil required in connection with drilling or production activities thereon. 16. It is the desire of the City of Anaheim to encourage the completion of drilling operations at the earliest possible time, consistent with good oil field practices. The City Council on its own motion, or at the request of applicant, at any time after nine months from the date of this permit or after the completion of four producing wells, whichever shall first occur, may give personal written notice to applicant to appear before the Council for the pur- pose of (a) determining the feasibility of the use of more than one drilling rig during a given period of time and (b) the period of time during which such multi -rig drilling is to be conducted. In any event, all development must be completed within two years from date of this permit. 17. Limit the height of tanks to the height of said wall. 18. Subsurface type equipment will be utilitized in pumping wells, 19. Any further safety or other conditions or restrictions that may be imposed by the Anaheim Planning Department or any other authorities having jurisdiction in such matters. 20. Subject to Conditions Nos. 1, 2, 3, it, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 outlined in Exhibit "3" submitted by the petitioner. 21. Subject to the requirement that upon completion of drilling, or after abandonment, each well site shall be restored to its former condition with all holes filled and leveled, and all trash and debris removed; that upon abandonment, a twenty -five (25) foot concrete surface plug shall be required, with a steel plate welded over the top of each drilling hole at least four (4) feet below the natural ground level, that the abandonment shall conform to all applicable state, county and city regulations, and that compli- ance with said regulations shall be effected sixty (60) days after abandonment. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk certify a copy of this resolution and transmit such certified copy to the Standard Oil Company of California as their permit for such oper- ation within the City of Anaheim. -5- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 23rd day of January, 1962. ATTEST: o t CITY CLERK bF THE CITY ANA I- E IM 6,1 MA O' Ok THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 23rd day of January, 1962, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. TEMPORARILY ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 23rd day of January, 1962. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 23rd day of January, 1962. (SEAL)