1961-7347RESOLUTION NO, 7347
Jacqueline E. Smith
Mrs. Sarah L. Cohen
Dorothy L. Martin
Ruth Dawson
D. G. Martin
J. C. Smyth
Raymond P. Smith
Robert J. Hennings
Verlan A. Marsh
Rachel E. Marsh
Richard A. Foley
Joida Sue Foley
Hymen Cohen
Bernice Harre
Ricarte C. Paz
Doris P. Sibley
Richard D. Sibley
Geraldine B. Burks
James R. Burks
David 0. Dittman
June Dittman
Merrill E. Erickson
Rose Mary Barone
Bernice Erickson
Matilda Harp
Nina P. Hoiten
Frank Riggs
Barbara L. Riggs
Donna D. Wentworth
C. C. Bergman
Mrs. C. C. Bergman
Frank Brad
Susanna Brad
Muriel Ingram
Donald H. Ingram
Martha Bircher
Albert H. Bircher
Reuben R. Moran
10622 Larry
10652 Larry
10582 Larry
10592 Larry
10582 Larry
10611 Larry
10622 Larry
9572 Pacific Ave.
10591 Larry Dr,
10591 Larry Dr.
10602 Larry Dr.
10602 Larry Dr.
10652 Larry Dr.
10632 Larry Drive
10621 Larry Dr.
10631 Larry Dr.
10631 Larry Dr.
10632 Larry Dr.
10632 Larry Dr.
10662 Thomas Dr.
10662 Thomas Dr.
10622 Thomas Dr.
10611 Thomas Dr..
10622 Thomas Dr.
9682 Pacific Ave.
9672 Pacific Ave.
10601 Hedlund Dr.
10601 Hedlund Dr.
10611 Hedlund Dr.
8852 Bircher St,
8852 Bircher St,
8851. Bircher St.
8851 Bircher St.
8841 Bircher St.
8841 Bircher St.
8761 Bircher
8761 Bircher St.
8771 Bircher St.
To 5urcels of land, located ir the County of Orann, State of Ciilifornia, belong
portions of Sections 7 8, i nd 19, Township 4 South, Range 12 YA
dencrined as follows:
heninninq ht 3 point 30.00 feet Soutnerly o: the North line and 15.09 feet ifasterl of
the line of the Northeast of Section 19', Toriship 4 South, Range 1 Ot
said point also being the Southeast cornor of the oxistino City of Annneim
C limit line, hs established by tie Gilbert Street No. 2 Annexation, to the City
o Annneim passed by Ordinance No. 99d, June 14, 1955, ind filed. with the Secretary
of Stato July 15, 1955; thence
1. North 0° 14' Lt, 2727.21 feet along tne existing City of Anaheim City limit line
to a po int, said point being 20.00 feet North of the South line and 1. .25 feet East
of th,r nest line of the Northe3st nnarter ef Section ld, Township 4 South, Range 10
Sinn.n:1., said point, also being the Northeast corner of the said Gilbert Street
No. 1 Annexation; thence
2. South .0" 55' 30.00 feet niong the .:o.rth 1ino of to said G11bort Street No. 2
Annexation to the City of Anaheim to point in the existing City of. Anaheim City
line estaHlished as the Southeast corner of the Gilbert Street Annexcitin to
the Cit of AnahLtm, passed by Lli No. A Novefiner 24, 1953 3nd Into :it::
the Secrotry of :'itate January 11, 1954; thonco
3. North 2" 23' Last 953 feet, enro er io:fs, along the exiniting City of Anabelm City
Li lino to the intection 'At: the iiesterly prolongation of the hortn line of the
Sodth 970.00 foot of the iNost hiilf of the Soothwent quarter of the Northeast gonfter
el Sec tern 15, Townsnip 4 Sol:t.h, .:ancle 10 Y,0:7,t, 9.• s:tid point of inteeooction
also being the most Southwesterly corner of the existing City of Anaheim City Limit
lino, as established by the Troadwey Gilbert Annexation to the of Anaheim,
eassed by Ordinrico Humber 1517, N,ny le, 19d1 nn) filcn] with the Secretary o State
June 19, 1%1; thence
4. North o9' East 675 feet, dure or le along the exlctlne City of Arneyi"l
limit line, and the said Westerly ezolonoatiou and 'earth line ot the Souti, 97('.00
feet of the West half of the Southxeet quarter of the 3ortheast quarter of sald
Section 16 to the intersection with the East line of the We half of the Southwest
quarter ef the Northeast quarter of said Section le, also being in tue amL line. of
Tract 0o. 3055, as shown on a Map recozJeo in Book 92, Pages 17 and 18 of \iEcellaoaoeu
Maps, records of Orange County, California; thence
5. South O^ 23" West 285 feet, more or less, along the existing City of Anaheim City
limit lino and along the East line of the West half of the Southwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter of said Section 18, and the Weot line of said Tract No. 3058, to
the intersection with the Southerly line of said Tract No. 3055; toeo:e
6. North 89» 29' East 659"86 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line
and the South line of said Tract No. 3055 to the East line of said Tract No. 3055;
7. North Oa 23' East 2067 feet, more or less, along the existing City of Anaheim City
limit line and along the East line of said Tract No. 3055 and along the Northerly
prolongation of the East line of said Tract No. 3055 to the intersection with a line
parallel with and 40.00 feet Northerly of the South line of the Southeast quarter
of the Southeast quarter of Section 7, Township 4 South, Range 10 West S.2.13.eJ.,
said point also being in the existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim, as
established by the Broadway La Palma Annexation to the City of Anaheim passed by
Ordinance No. 1492 August 2, 1960 and filed with the Secretary of State September 2,
1960; thence
8. North 89» 34' East 659^94 feet along the said existing City of Anaheim City limit
line to the intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the 'oeot line of Tract Bo~
1633 as shown on a Map thereof recorded in nook 47, Page 50 of Miscellaneous Maps,
records of Orange County, California; thence
9. North O» 17" West 1 feet along the existing City limit line of the City of
Anahelm being the said Southerly prolongation and West line of said Tract No 1633
to the North line of said Tract No. 1633; thence
North 89« 36" East 330^00 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit lioe
also being the North line of said Tract 0o^ 1633, to the Northeast corner of Lot
Twenty (20) of said Tract No^ 1633; thence
11. ':':doth 8' 17' Last 100.00 feet along tho existing City di' Anaheim City limit line
being the :Nast line of Lot Twenty (20) end a portin of the Last lin of Lot Trixety-
one (21) of said Tract No. 1633, to the intersection :it n tho-hota line di Tract No.
1569, o3 shoNn on a Map recorded in eook 47, phgo 17 of Ascellenhous Maps, fecoros
of Orange County, California; thence
12. North 89° 36 Fast 290.33 feet along the existing City of Annhelm City limit lino,
being a portion of the North line of Lot One (1), and the North line of Lots Two (2),
Three (3), Four (4) and Five (5) of said Tract No 1569, to the Northoast corner of
said Lot Five (5); thence
13. South 0° 17' East 28.19 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line,
also beino the East line of Lot Five (5) of said Tract No.1569, to the intersection
with the Vksterly prolongation of the North line of Tract No. 2587, as shown on a
log thereof, recorded in Book 80, Page 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange
County, California; tnence
14. South b9° 40' East 715.00 foot along the existing City of Ananelm City limit line,
being the said Westerly prolongation and Northerly line of Tract No. 2557, to the
Northeast corner of said Tract No. 250; thence
15. South 0° 17' East 1107.92 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line,
being the East line of said Tract So. 2587 and the East line of Tract No.h151 to
the Southeast corner of Lot Sixty-six (66) of said Tract No. 1851, as shown on
recorded in Book 56, Page 26 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, Crqi-
fornia; thence
16. North 89' 32' West 395.76 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit lino,
also being the Southerly line of said Lot Sixty-six (66) and its Westerly prolongation.
to a point, said point being the beginning of a curve concave Northeasterly and having
a radius of 50.00 feet; thence
17. Continuing along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line along said curve through
a central angle of 1$1° 24' 35" an arc distance of 114.68 fee to the beginning of a
reverse curve, having a radius of 50.00 feet; thence
18. Continuing along the existihg City of Anaheim City limit line and said reverse curve
through a central angle of 41° 24' 35" an arc distance of 36.14 feet to a point in a
line parallel with and 25.00 foot West of the center line of Ftircher Street,
Street is shown eh a bap of said Tract No. 1851; thence
19, NeEth !,T.Y:' 1 7' 'N(:Gt i.C6 feet lor tne e, City of Anaheim City lino ,lne
Le;t nlentianed parallel line to the SoutNeeA COIer oi Lot 'ine (9) of said Tract
1 thence
South e(' 43' ;Jest 214,30 feet 10 1itv of Anahoie City 11 it line,
South line of said Lot iiu (9) it5 proloneatiea to a neint
in a line parallel with and h .S0 feet Easteril
TW m5hip 4 South, ranee 10 :e7A,
f the Ct line of Section
21. South 0° 17' 2ac 302 feat, .1.0170 or less, along the existing City ef Anenelm. City
limit line, also being the last mentioned parallel line, to the intersection with
line parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly of the South lino of said Section
said point of intersection being in the existing City limit line of the City of
Anaheim, as established by the Orange Avenue Annexation to the City of Anaheim. passed
by Ordinance No. 914, August 954 and filed with the Secretary of State October
1 1954; thence
22. :Iortb 00' 32' A'est 70.00 feet, along the existing City of Anaheim City limit ne
being the last mentioned parallel line, to the intersection with a lino parallel
with and 30.00 feet Nest of the neat line of Section 8, Township 4 South, Nang° 10
.OA., said point alse being in the existing City limit line of the City
of Anaheim being the East line of the ferookhurst-Lincoln Annexation to the City ol
Anahela passed by Ordinance No. 1227, Aaron 25, 1958 and filed with the Seeretnry of
State April 29, 1958; thence
23. ,florth 0' 17' West 10.00 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line,
laeine the Fast 1 ne of the aforementioned Prookhurst-Lincoln Annexation to the
Northeast corner of the said nrookhurst-Lincoln Annexation; thence
24. South 29p 34' Nect 300 feet, more or lees, along the existing City of Anaheim City
limit line, being the North line cd the said flrookhurst-Linceln P000xacion, tc O
Northwest corner of the said Irookhurst-Lincoln Annexation; thence
25. South 0 e' 10' West 706 feet, more or less, along tho existing City of Anaheim City
limit lino, being the '!e5t line of the said nrooknurst-Lincoln Annexation to the
intersection with the South lino of the North half of the Northeast euarter of the
Northeast quarter of Section Township 4 South, Range 10 lest, S.b.bno., said
South line also beine, the South line of the said frookhurst-Lincoin Annexation;
2. South 69" 50' East 300 feet, mere or luss, along the existing City AoaheimCity
limit line, being the South line of the North half of the Northeast quarter of the
Northeast quarter of said Section 18, to a point in a line parallel with end 30°00
feet 'imot of the East line of the Northeast quarter of said Section l8 said point
also being in the west line of the existing City of Anaheim City limit line as said
West line is established in the Drzn9n Avenue Annexation to the City of &mabeim
passed by Ordinance No. 914 August 10 1954 and filed with the Secretary of State
October 18, 1954; thence
27. South Ov 10^ West 1 feet, more or less, along the existing City of Anaheim City
limit line and the last mentioned parallel line to the Northeast corner of the Orange
8rookburut Annexation to the City of Anaheim passed by Ordinance 3n. 1202 December
17 1957 and filed with the Secretary of State January 20, 1958; thence
28. South 89° 55' least 410 feet, more or less, along the exlntlon City of Anaheim City
limit line, being the North lino of the said Orange Brookburst Annexation to the East
line of Lot Forty-three (43) of Tract No. 2928 as shown on a Map recorded in Book 95
Pages 13 14 and 15, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of 0ranee County,
California; thence
29. South 0° 10' nest 140 feet, more or loss, along the existing City of Anaheim City limit
line, being the East line of said Tract No. 2928 to an angle point in said East lima
of Tract No. 2928; thence
30. �ortb 89 55' East 20.00 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line to an
anele point in the East line of said Tract No. 2928; thence
31° South Oo 10' West 536^09 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line
being the East line of said Tract No. 2923, to the Southeast corner of Lot Thirty (30)
of said Tract No. 2928: thence
32. South 89 55' West 267.99 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line,
being the South line of Lots Thirty /30\, Twenty-nine (29) and Twenty-eight (26) of said
Tract No. 2928, to the Northwest corner of that parcel of land conveyed by deed to
the Faith Lutheran Church of Anaheim, February 20, 195e, recorded in Book 3417, page
207 of Official Records of Oranoe County, California; thence
South e' 23 f ee 2e feet, or I too, aloe:: the existino City ei Aeeleeiti Cite
limit lino, teihe th Southefly prolonoation of tex eforementioned
oarcel 0 land coneeyed to Gold Faith Lutheran Church ef Anaheim to tho intorpectieo
with a line parallel with and 20•00 feet Southerly of the North lino the Northeaet
eeerter of the Soutneest quarter of sale Section le; thence
34. North 9° 55' Nast eeii feet, more or less, along the existino City of Anaheim City
limit lino, also being the last mentiehed parallol line, to the West line of that
parcel of land conveyed to O. O. Weaver and wife, by deed recorded March 3, 1929 in
nook 247, p9e 428 of Official Necords of ()ranee County, California; thence
35. South 0° 17' ilest 311 feet, more or less, along tho existino City of Anaheim City
limit line, being the West line of the above mentioned parcel of land conveyed to
O. N. Weaver and wife, to a point in the oxistino City of Anaheim City limit line,
said point being in the North line of the Brookhurst Avenue Annexation to the City
o Anaheim posed by Ordinance No. 1150, Juno 25, 1957 and filed with the Secretory
of State July 29, 1957; thence
36. South 89 50' West 2(5 feet, more or less, along the existing City of Anaheim City
limit line, beieg the North line of said Brookhurst Avenue Annexation to the inter-
section wdth the West line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of Section 18, Townshio 4. Soeth, Ranee 10 West, thence
37. South 0° 17' West 331 feet, more or loss, along the existing City of Anehoim City
limit line, being the West line of theseid Northeest quarter of the Northeast eearter
of tee Southemst quarter of Section lt, to the interaection with the South line: of
the Northeatt quarter of the Northeest quarter of tee Southeast quarter o sale Section
lo; thence
3E. North 19' 45' East 629.92 feet along the existine City of Anaheim City limit line,
being the said South line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast eunrter of the
Southeast quarter of Section le, to the interocction with a line parallel with end
30.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the Northeast ouarter of the Southeast ouerter
of salei Section le•, said point o intersection also being in the West line of che
existing City of Anaheim City 1Lnit line as esteblished by the ()ranee Avonee Annexa-
title to the City of Anaheim, pas eS by Ordinance No. 914, August
with the Secretary of State OctoLer lt, 1954; thence
10, 154, and filed
n n' ,1 es t, :n to
1 e ilk "t..i'.
42. North 69') 3 4' E a s t
5t mentioned
yet, i.iorl or less, alone
nt in ,f i:'3 i.'Lv
1101 lint- to No w t i line of the `'i:, Li Gast
'u,art of the ^cutheast quarter of Secti::n lc:, To''nshi:) 4 South, Rang.' 10 :lest
said north line also bciitt+ in he No! n lino of tho existing City of
Anaidoi m .City limit line, as said North line is established by the North i'rookburst
gall Annexation to the City of Anaheim, pas'eed by Ordinance No. 1233, April t 1958,
and filed with the Secretary of State itay 9, 1956; thence
40. South 39' 34' lest 1,2e9.15 feet along the exi ti;as City of Anaheim City limit line,
being the North line of said North Orookl,u::st hall Annexation to "toe ',`.unt line of the
Southeast uar't' r of the Southeast quarter of said Section 13; thence
41. South 0' 15' West 1 50.72 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line,
being the t''est line of the Southeast quarter or the Southeast quarter of said Section
16, and its Southerly prolongation to a point in a line oar .11el with and 30.00 feet
Southerly of the North line of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 4. Sout "i
Range 10 u'E:st, '.`.i. Said ;parallel line also being in the Southerly line of the
existing City of Anaheim City limit line ;xs established by the ?rookhurst Ball
Annexation to the City of Anaheim passed )y Ordinance No. 990, 2ayy 19, 1955, and fi1
with tire. Secretary of State June 13, 1955; thence
,143.47 feet along the cxl_;tin City of Anaheim City limit line
being the loot mentioned parallel line to a point in the existirle City of Ara5'e
;City limit line, said point being the Northwe5t corner of the Tirookhurst Lill
Annexation No. 2, to the City of Anaheim pasned by Ordinance No. 102, larch
and filed with the Secretary of St --tc April -.-'a, 195'., thence
43. South 0':' 07' West 971.39 feet along the existinn City of Anaheim City limit lire,
boin the ,lest lino of said lrookthurst Ball Annexe iun :o. 2 to a point fiete
92.26 f Southeast t._ Twelve e Tract t r
feet North of the Sout3zea�� ccorner o�� 1 <G. �.�,el�� 12� o r�.c� Rio. 24°
SfBUi'iT'+ on a :;;iat, r eGUrUE'd in ilook 72, paC "en 27 and of ,.i v 'a
"1 G lla he.ou:3 .':ial)S, :I" c,i)x
of °rang;. County, California; t`.3enc>
44. i`orth b9' 53' nest 5.01 feet along the exinting City ci Anaheim City 11:;it line;
`;oi th 07' '::'2st 1i= :1J f
u i t,..1 r1 1, 4.:
lone the exl:; City of Ar atilt.
Ly 1 i ii t line,
a: lino o7 Lot T'.'relvL' (1 o± Said
.raCi. 247'3, and it A°u c4, rl
psulotlC; =j j i'. o to a point in the •ao.. ,n 1 2;;E; of Lot Thirty-ono Cif i o
fee of If t t corner of saa i t Thirty-un (31 as shown
un a ,.c! i of Tract ne '?I3 rc.:GJr' in ioo; C i P o 27 of .Ascoilanco iar);
records of 6r<an e Conn California; th ncl
46. South e9° 53' Eat 1`_")0.00 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line,
ein 7 a portion of the 'north line of Lot Thirty -one (31) and tho North line of Lot
Thirty (30) and the Easterly prolongation of the North line of Lot Thirty (30) of
s aid Tract No. 2273, to the intersection Ath a line para11a1 with and 30.00 feet
`:'e of the last line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 4 South,
Ran e 10 West, .L. ',M., said point of intersection being in the ':;West line of the
existing City of Anaheim City limit line, as estabiis od by the Nutwood Ball Annexa-
tion to the City of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No. 965, January 25, 1955 and filed
with the Secretary of State February 25, 1955; thence
47. South 0° 07' ':'test 1,115.16 feet along the exi .tine; City of Anaheim City limit tine,
beir.q the ','tes line of said Nutwood Sall Annexation, and the last mentioned parallel
line, to t:.e intersection with the Westerly prolongation of the North line of Tract
ic. 2015, as shown on a Map recorded in door 5O, Pages 16 and 17 of Miscellaneous
,Maps, records of Orange County, California, said point of intersection also being
in the existing City of Anaheim City limit line as established by the Midwood Manor
Annexation to the City of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No. 1164, August 13, 1957 a,:,.
filed with the Secretary of State September 16, 1957; thence
48. North 39 53' West 10.00 feet along the existing City of Anaheim City limit line and
North line of said Midwood Manor Annexation, to a point in a lino parallel with and
40.00 feet West of the East line of the Northeast quarter of said Section 19; thence
49. South 0° 07' West 1,54i .24 foot along the exietino City of Anaheim City limit lino,
being the lost mentioned parallel lino, and West line of the said Midwood Manor
Annexation, to the intersection with the South lino of Tract No. 1919, as shown on a
Map recorded in Look 36, Paces 3') and 31 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange
County, California; thence
City of Anallei Iiit ine to a polni. in a lino parallel 2 ..itn and
of tht, YUot lipo of the Soutnoaat uof of o.;:i Suction 1 thence
53. ',forth u Jo' Host 1,:l.O17 foot, ef, or loas, alcan the fmytioned 1iC1 lc
‘,..he iht.o...!.-7,tx.tion with a 1 •lidi anO feet Goutherly OT toc 7orth
.7.outheaat nifTirter na 16 Yectiou 12; tance
1..st YO.C:f/ feet Lhe list .1entica fH.1 parallel lino and lac:,
7 to tho interoection a line parallel -it a 4ie..00 feet hest of too
lioe of 7ortht fluartor the South':;tit oaid :::,oction 12; thanoe
55. '.."01 11° T..i.ast 1,362.7S f:ect alonn.) liof ,ventionea parallel line anf) ot.
lino 1:ionalle1 40.03 foot 'achitirly of tho line of the 'aortha!aet
of daniU 19 t.o tne ntcracai. with tno r.-1outn line a': th. :orth h;-
3ftiH ouarter of nnid .7,oction 12; thcnco
56. !iji of zb NO!' htil
p of fiaie Section 19 to the intor! it line parallel
feet l'.,e! of tae lino of the. 71)rth ,uartcr of Sectieo lii; theneo
57. .7ortn 0' 11' Tast 1,292.79 foot .:ion the laot nlentionoo parlilel tin
witn line nj2Allel WitH :..-.)0.22 feet Soutnarly of tne
ofiirtur of aald Soction 19; thence
An....) 1.,
51 3 i)7 23 oc;t :01:: or loo..n 110no Lino ,;Lt d rj A t;
1 iaa t line, 'dein the 1 '.st .ionLieheo ir3t." t the ;'to' ction Pit tho 7orta
iioo e) oxlf hty f Adf rlity 1 iJ i Oelng 'LPL orth line cif tnc
roo.ioura ea.:inance fl'.CC.: :ilhd
hi to t Secictfry of °:atn Az i 1 9 1 :)`.::•i;
:2,5c:1.04b Dn'; of A City
Ocinn too ::ortn line of said Frooi:hurst l'1ntella Annexation ano
Lion of th:e :.oft lire of ania too":aaorst. Annex.ition leavinq the ox13tln
f P 34° 7 ,iaL.t foot loar; the lost alentienoU parallel lino if!rf i arterly
nrolcnoatin Lo the point of toelnnind.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this
7th day of November 19
hereby certify that
at a re u lar
the ay of 'b
vote of the members
Lrt t..__
WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted
meeting of the City Council held on
ovem er 9 1961 9 by the following
Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson
and Schutte.
AND 1 FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
signed and approved said Resolution on the 7th day of November .9
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of the City of Anaheim this 7th day of November 9
1961 0