56R-3322 -- ,,-. '~.~~ RESOLUTION NO. ..a122 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH FINDING AND DETERMINING 'IHAT PUBLIC CON- VENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUEL IC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: if~~~3~~I:-: ~:::U~tVt ?f=-t'A Ha. 1.", AND APPROvING TIiE DES[ GNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAW- INGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. WHEREAS, publio oonvenienoe and neoessity require the oonstruotion and oompletion of a public improvement in the City of Anaheim, to wit: 'fhe West street S.....r Iaprovelllent, trom La Palma A.T.nu north to !loueya Br1Te, BY con- struction 01' m.ft~0~e8, 8-inoh V.C.P. sewer ~ateral8, 4-iaoh V.O.P. houae oonneot10ns, and appurtenant york a. 1n4108t.4 on the plana, Job Ho. ~e67. AND WHEREAS, the City Counoil instruoted her.:e E. ~YGu. -.aU11l1W1Aur to prepare detailed designs, PIlns, profiles, draWlngs and speoifications, and estimates of qu4ntities and costs~ and make neoessary surveys for the construo- tion of said publio improvement; and WHEREAS, said a11;y Jjl!l'ueeL-has prepared said detailed de.igns, plans, profiles, drawings and-specitications for the oon- st~uction of said publio improvement and has submitted the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the detailed de- silOS, plans, profiles, drawings and speoifioations for said public improvemE!1t above mentioned are in aooordance with good engineering pr.ctioe and are adequate to serve the needs and requirements of the City of Anaheim and the citizens and residents in said area for th e purp ose s for which they are intended, and that they are ade- quate for the construotion of said publio improvement and should be approved. -~,,- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim that the detailed designs, plans, profiles, draw- ings and speoifioations for said public improvement hereinabove mentioned and described be, and the same are hereby, approved and adopted as prepared by said City Buin.ell" . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said public improvement shall be construoted in accordanoe with said detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and speoifications as prepared by said ~ty It:inW and hereby approved, and such addenda or maarr oat ons ereto as may be approved prior to the awarding o:f' hi ds th er efor. -1- -- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the Oi ty of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to publiSh a notice according to law,invit1ng sealed proposals for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equip- ment, B..."ld all utilities and transportation, 1nelqd1ng power, fuel - and water, and. performing all work necessu7 to- ~nstruct and oom- plete in a good and workmanlike manner, in str.feij. .ccordanoe with said detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and specifica- tions as prepared by said , the publio improve- ment hereinabove mentioned an es r e., and fixing the 1.01;1l day of l~ l l~S', at the hour of 7:00 o'clock P.M. as the c.s.telI:c.. hour Tor tne-opening of said bids at the City Counoil c::r.8"U"c;S in th.e City RaIl in the C1tl Of Anaheim, and that said r ')-.: r: e 1ilall be publiShed twice, the first 0 f whioh publioations ;;hsll be at least ten (10). days prior to the date fixed for tho r.::;i:i'L:0g of bids, and that. said publications shall be at leastfi.ve (;;) days apart. AND BE I':C FURTHER R:;SOLV~ tha.t the sUGW\9ssful bidder or bidde'rs :~-:;;:'1 bfJ required tel enter imto a oontract wi th the City of Anac.1t<lI: in the manner and form approved ~ the City Actor:l':)~T of The C.~;'Y of Anaheim for the construction, installa- ticrl and ccmplptiol1 of said pub:1.lc ~rqvement h<<dnabovemen- tioIJ€d and d08crib ed, in accordanoe with the plans 'and speoifioa- tion::. preparert by f::aid . ,the; notice inviting s8~tJed p:::>oposals ,. this reso u 0 a a apPl10able City . Oo:>d:Lnances or Code Seotions .an d the law. of the StEl.t~ of Oali- f;)mia, and 8r..8.11 be requlred to po.st bOnds and insuranoe in the amounts and within the time required by law, as specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals, and in a form apP~oved by the City Attorney. '!HE FOREGOING RESOLUTI9N was approved $.nd signed by me this ~ day of .1.... , 195..6-. ~: . 0._ ~~nIJliEIM. JA.~~ ANAHEIM. -- ~,,- -2- ana (1F ~~ ' COUIft or __ .. CIft' or '.~"'Ii . I. _ L1II'Rj'q'...., Cit.TClark of the cu;r of bahe1a, lio hereby certify that. the toregoing"'o1v:t.i~n )k).. ,3Ja2,vas . ~ l1'J*tI. &' tiD&1. Naciing at & a.p:lar x..t1ng of the City Cowud.l of the Cit;r ot b&hei.m, hel.d. OIl the 12th day of June, 1956, by the following Tote of the ~" tMreof: 1111: COUIJCIU8J: COClItI, Pr1, $ebtte and Jlianr. ...: ~:. .... .1 Ir . I. t C01fII'~:~. .. I !Ul'HII ", ',Ilh. tMi._....,.. Pro 'f_ ot t.he . City of .~~'" &PJlU~ Dd. .i~ .ai,d~t.1.oil On tu 12th day of JlulB, 19S6. """'""" .,' .. ,\1', I have hereunto aet rq hand and a.rt'i:Dd the lIe&l et t.bI City of ~MiJI thiJI. Uth _ 'of June, 1956. (SIAL) ~ ..-