WHEREAS, the City of A.nahe1m is 1he owner of the
hereinafter described real property; and
WHEREAS, said real property is no longer needed
for muniCipal purposes; and
WHEREAS, Jay W. De Dapper and Marguerite W. De Dapper,
husband and wife, have offered to purchase said real property
for the SWIl of #7,740.00 cash, lawful money of the United
States, to be deposited in escrow at Bank of America National
Trust and Savings Association, Fullerton Branch, Fullerton,
California, and paid to the City at the close of escrow; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is for the
benetit and best interest of the City of Anaheim to accept
said offer and sell and convey said real property to said Jay
W. De Dapper and Marguerite W. De Dapper, hUSband and Wife.
upon the terms and conditions hereinafter specitied.
of the City of Anaheim that the offer ot Jay W. De Dapper and
Marguerite W. De Dapper, husband and w1t'e, to purchase the
following described real property situated in the City ot
Anaheim, County ot Orange, State of Calitornia:
The Westerly 130 feet of'1he Southerly 173 teet
of that parcel of land located in the City of
Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Calif'ornia,
and being a portion of the SE i of Section 3.
TownShip 4 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M.
described as f'ollows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Schaffer
Oswald Subdivision as shown on a map thereof in
Book 7, page 41 of Miscellaneous Maps of Orange
County, California; thence Westerly along the
north line of said subdivision, 785.10 teet to
its intersection with the East line of North
Olive Street, 40 feet wide; thence Northerly
along said east line of North Olive Street 667.15
teet to the south line of the land conveyed to
Cal-Juices, Inc. by deed reoorded January 26,
1938 and filed in Book 922, page 262 of Official
Records of said Orange County; thence East along
said south line 742.05 feet more or less to the
West line of the right of way of the main line of
the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company
(now known as the AtChison, Topeka and Santa J.Pe
Railroad) 1n said Section 3; thence Southerly
251.91 feet along said right of way line which
forms a curve, concave easterly with a radius
of 5764.65 feet to its intersection with the east
line of the Wi of the SEt of said Section 3;
thence Southerly along said east line 419.10 feet
to the point of beginning.
for the sum. of $7,140.00 cash, lawful money of: the Uni ted
States, be accepted upon the following tenns and conditions:
1. That $1,740.00 cash, lawf'u.l DlODeY of the
United States, be pla~ed in escrow with
Bank of America Natioilal Trust and Savings
Associatien, FUllertom ~aao$, FUllerton,
California, to be paid to the Oity at the
close of: escrow. s~d escrow to be complied
wi th on or before the 15th day of July,
1956, or as soon ther~after as possible,
unless a written demamd for the return of the
money or instruments bya par1lrto said escrow
is delivered to said escrow holder subsequent
to such date and prior to the recording of
any instruments provided for in said escrow.
2. That said property shall be sold subject to
covenants, conditions, restrictions, reserva-
tions, rights, rights-of-way and easements
of record.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City
Clerk be, and they are hereby, . authorized to execute a good
and sufficient deed oonveying to said Jay W. De Dapper and
Marguerite W. De Dapper, husband and wife, the real property
hereinabove described, and to deliver said deed ~to escrow
at Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association,
FUllerton Branch, Fullerton, Califor.oia, to be delivered to
said Jay W. De Dapper and Marguerite W. De Dapper, husband
and wife, UPOD coapletioD of said escrow azad the payment of
the full purChase prioe as hereinabove provided.
.AND BE IT FlJRTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of
the City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authorized and
directed to certify a copy of this resolution and cause the
same to be at~aohed to t~e_deed to be exeouted by the Mayor
aDd the City Clerk on behal.t of the Ci ty of Anaheim.
THE FUREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by
me this 12th day of June, 1956.
iiiiI Si
d 6T~~M.