56R-3285 .-- _. 19 RESOLUTION NO. )185 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL J.. SPECIAL ELECTION TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE HEREINAFTER DE~ SCRIBED TERRITORY THE QUESTION OF ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. f.;d..~r.n'... '11*''':'_~;ji..4..ti,~' . , , - - filed a written request with the City Council of the City of Anaheim requesting tne consent of the City Council to the commencement of proceedings for the annexation of certain in- habited territory, more particularly hereinafter described, to the City of Anaheim pursuant to the provisions of the Annexation Act of 1913 (Title IV, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Articles 1 to 4 inolusive, of the Government Code of California); and WHEREAS, the City Council did on the ~,th day of September , 19 t)1) ,refer said request and applicat- ion to the City Planning Commissionj and ll1HEREAS, on the 27th day of Selitember , 19~, the City Council did reoeive from t e City Planning Commission its recommendation approving the proposed annexationj and WHEREAS, the proposal for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim has been submitted to the Boundary Commission of the County of Orange for its report to the proponents with respect to the definiteness and certainty of the proposed boundariesj that said Boundary Commission has (has not) reported upon the petition or proceedings within twenty (20) days after it was submitted to it; and 'JHEREAS, said City Council did, on the 27th day of 8Apt.P.lllhAl" , 19 C;C; ,adopt Resolution No. 2939 giving its consent to the oommencement of said annexation pro- ceedings and approving the ciroulation of a petition for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheimj and WHEREAS, on the lith day of October , 19 55 ,said proponents did publish a notice of intention to oirculate a petition for the annexation of the hereinafter de- soribed property to the City of Anaheim, and within ten (10) days thereafter did file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim a oopy of such notice of intention to circulate a petit- ion for the annexation to the City of Anaheim of said territory, whioh notice contained the names of the proponents intending to circulate the petition and the specific boundaries Sf the terr- itory proposed to be annexed, accompanied by a printed state- ment, not exceeding five hundred (500) words in length, oontain- ing reasons for the petition, together with an affidavit of the publioation of said notioe of intention to circulate said petition; and :lHEREAS, within fifteen (15) days after the fHing of said notice of intention to circulate said petition, accompanied by said affidavit of publication, the City Council did, on the J..7th day of OCfa:ber , 19 51) ,adopt Resolution No.~ finding an determining that it would be to the ad van- tag~ for the best interest of the City of Anaheim and the qualified electors residing within the hereinafter desoribed territory, to approve the circulation of a petition for the -1- . ~ , "';'; '" . ,-, r:" i" 'O'i t",.,. , Pauline D. Lansdown Leo N. Lansdom Irene B. Lansdown Theodore Carlson Leona Holstrom l"larguerite Brown Howard Byrd Hazel Byrd Jack Cleveland Nro:ylee Cleveland Albert 1. Hernandez Hary T. Hernande z James p. Jolmson Flora Mae Jolmson Pat Richard Jack Richard j'1arion E. Sisson Richard H. Sisson Sylvia L. Callahan Eunice B. Nelson Alfred R. Nelson 3essie I. Gray .'JYI' ':'.J'i,. '...."'" ::--~'4~; _i:':~,:~m~i-7 ,"- '_'~_ !;", ~,l' , .; Mrs. Mrs. Robert M. Cook Mrs. . Harvin W. Cook Robert V. Nicholas ~~s. Robert V. Nicholas Chas. B. Cook l"lildred N. Cook Guy S. Balser Mrs. Ruth A. Balser Mrs. Geraldine Hanson Arnold V. Hanson A. W. Lo Porto Esther 11. Lo Porto Grace E.l'iillia'Tls Dan R.Williams Fae E. Barron Enid j,. Williams P. N. Glover Elizabet!l Glover Edria Thompson Don vi. TilOmpson "..... . .! ""~. ~ .... annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim and did there- apon approve the circalation of said petition; and ~'ffiEREAS, on the 22nd day of May : 1956, the City Coul1nl1 did receive a petition signed by not 1esFl 'l;han one-fo~rt~ of the qualified electcr8 reet~iLV within tt0 ~8r~ltory hereine.f"i:'J:I" c.o8~ril.:2d, a.s shown by the C::Ll."':~.:;' Rcgj.s tra'':"lcn c1' Vote~'s ,J(;l1'ca.in:!.hg a descrintion of the nrl''' territory proposed to be anneX5Q to the Ci toy of Anaheim and e.skil!g that said terri tory be annexed to the City; and the City Gounc!} does find and de- termine that said propon~nts have done an(l performed the acts and things required to be done and performed by the Annexation Aot of 1913. at the time and in the manner as required by the pro- visions of said Act; and that said petition was oirculated more than twenty-one (21) days after the publication of notice of in- tention to oirculate such petition and that it is signed by not less than one-fourth of the qualified electors residing within the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the County Registration of ':'Ct0,~S and as appears from the certificate of the Oi ty Clerk ofche C" 't:r of Anaheim presen'G8d tc the City Council at "I';11e time of cons.i.c1era tion of said peti tion ana. prior' to the adoption of this reAolution; and does further find that more than twelve (12) qualified electors ~esided within the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed at the time of the filing of said petition for said annexation; and does further find, from evidence and reports received and from said petition, that at the time of the filing and presentation of said petition, that said new territory proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim did not form a part of any other city or municipal corporation, and that said territory was, at the time of filing said petition inhabited territory and is contiguous to the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, the City Council does further find that it would be to the advantage and for the best interests of the City of Anaheim, and the residents thereof, and the qualified electors residing within the territory proposed to be annexed, as herein- after more particularly described, to submit the question of the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim to the elect- ors residing within said territory; and WHEREAS, the City Counoil does further find that said territory should be designated by some appropriate name by whioh it may be referred to upon the ballots used at the election at whioh the question of annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim shall be submitted to the electors residing within said territory and that an appropriate designation for such territory is WEST ANAH1i:D1 ANj,iEXATION; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds from said petition and evidence and reports received that the boundaries of the territory so proposed and sought to be annexed to the City of Anaheim are as follows, to-wit: Said territory is situated in the County of O~ange, State of California, and the specific boundaries thereof are as follows: -2- WEST ANAHEIM ANNEXATION r A parcel of land being a portion of Fractional Section 6 and Sections 7, 8, 9 and 18, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meri- dian and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the existing Anaheim City Limits line as established by the Gilbert Street Annexation to the City of Anaheim, Annexation Ko. 37 as passed by Ordinance No. 868 on Nov. 24, 1953 and filed with the Secretary of State on January 11, 1954 said point also being the intersection of a line parallel to and 20.00 feet westerly, as measured at right angles of the easterly line of NWt of said Section 18 (said easterly line also being the centerline of Gilbert Street) and a line parallel to and 20.00 feet northerly as measured at right angles of the southerly line of said NWf of Section 18, (said southerly line also being the centerlineof Orange Avenue); thence, 1. Northerly 1300 feet, more or less, along said existing Anaheim City Limits line and also along said line parallel to and 20.00 feet westerly, as measured at right angles, of east line of NWt of Section 18 to the southerly line of NEt of NWt of said Section 18 (said southerly line also being the centerline of Broadway), thence, 2. Easterly 5 feet, more or less, along said southerly line of NEt of NIt of Section 18 and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a line parallel to and 15.00 feet westerly, as measured at right an9le~ of the east line of said NEt of NWt of Section 18; thence, 3. Northerly 1320 feet, more or less, along said parallel line and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a point in the southerly line of Section 7, T4S, R10I, SBBM, (said southerly line also being the center- line of Lincoln Avenue), thence, 4. Westerly 5 feet, more or less, along said southerly ane and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a line parallel to and 20.00 feet westerly, as measured at right angles, of the easterly line of swt of sald Section 7; thence, 5. Northerly 2640 feet, more or less, along said parallel line and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a point in the northerly line of swt of said Section 7 (said northerly line also being the centerHne of Cre8cent Avenue); thence, 6. Continuing northerly 15 feet, more or less, along a line parallel to and 20.00 feet westerly, as measured at right angles, of easterly line of NIt of said Section 7 and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a line parallel to and 15.00 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, of southerly line of said NWt of Section 7; thence, 7. Easterly 20 feet, more or less, along said parallel line and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the westerly line of NEt of said Section 7; thence, 8. Continuing easterly 1980 feet, more or less, along a line parallel to aad 15.00 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, of southerly line of NEt of said Section 7, and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the easterly line of wt of set of NEt of said Section 7; thenee, ,"-- 9. Northerly 1305.94 feet, more or less, along said easterly line and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the northerly line of st of NEt of said Section 7; thence, 10. Westerly 2000 feet, more or less, along said north(line and its westerly prolongation and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a line parallel to and 20.00 feet westerly, as measured at right angles, of east line of said NWt of said Section 7; thence, -3- .~""....... - 'e~ueq+ lelUxo}lTE8 'A+Un08 a6ue~ }O spxo~aH 'sdew }O 9~ a6Ed +e 9~ ~OOH ul papxo~ax }oaxaq+ dEw e uo UMoqS se T9TT .0N lOEXI 10 aUlT AIXa~lXOu aql }O uOl+e6uoToxd ATxa+saM aq+ 0+ aU1T s+lwll A+18 wlaqEuy 6UllS1xa PIES 6uOTe oSTe pUE aUIT TaTTexEd PIES 6uoTe 'ssaT xo axow 'laa} 099 ATxaqlxoN OTT 'a~uaql lT9TT .ON l~eXl PIes }O T0 lOl }O xauxo~ lseaqlxou lSOW aql Ol u01le6uoToxd ATXalSaM sll pUe aUIT qlxou PIes 6uole 'ssaT xo axow 'laal 6T.089 a.~~068N o~T ~aouaq+ laulT SllW11 ^l18 mlaqeuv 6ullslxa PIes Ul pale~oT 6ulaq OSTE lUIOd P1es pUe '(anUaAY eWTed E1 10 aUITxaluao aql OUl9q oSle aUIT uOlloas qlxou Ples) L u01l~as P1ES 10 aUIT uOlloas q+xou aql WDx} .se16ue lq61x le paxnsEam se 'ATxaq+xou +a9} OO'O~ pUE Ol TaTTexed aUlT e qllM UOlloasxa+ul }O lUI0d e 0+ T9TT .0N +oexl Ples 10 uOl+E6uoloxd ATxeqlxou $ll pue aUIT lSaM DuOTe 'ssaT xo axom 'laa} 18"689 M..Og.9voON .ET 'aouaql lAuedwo8 AeMTleH 01110ed uxaqlnos aql .}O aUIT AEM -lO-lq61x ATXalSeMq+nos aq+ Ol aUIT s+1W11 A+18 W1eq~v 6uIlslxa PlES 6uolE oSTe pue aUIT TaTTexEd PIES 6uOTE 'ssaT xo axom 'laaJ 089 ATxalSE3 .vT 'aouaq+ !waaS 'MOTH 'SVI 'a uOll~as JO fMN }O tN JO aUlT ATxaqlnos aq+ Ol aUIT Sllwl1 Al18 wlaqEuy 6ulls1xa Ples 6uoTe oste pue ault Ae~}O -+qclx Al~8lseMqlnos PIES 6uoTE 'ssaT xo axow 'laal 009~ ATxalSEaqlnoS o~T 'aouaql iE~6T 'L~ qoxew uo alElS 10 AXElaxoas aql qllM paTl1 pUR 8~6t 'vl AXenxqa~ uo L88 'ON a~uEU1pxO Aq pessed se 'vg .ON uOllexauuy 'wlaqeuy 10 A+18 aql Ol UOllexauuy xeuoij-uosl1tY eql Ul lUI0d at6ue ue 6ulaq OSTE +UIod PIes 'uollexauuy laaxlS +xeqtlD PIes 10 xauxo~ ^TXalSea lSOW aql Ol anUaAY xalsaqouEW PUE AeM-}0-+461X AeMTleH o1110ed uxaqlnos Ples 6UlSS0XO pUE aUlt SllWl1 Al18 wlaqEuy 6UllSlxa PIes pue aUIT ATxeqlnos Ples 6uoTe 'ssaT xo ax ow 'laal oav ATxalse3 .9T 'aoUaQl iY~T '81 ATnr uo a+elS JO Axelaxoas aql qllM paTIJ pUe v~6T '6 aunr uo ~06 .ON a~UeulpxO Aq passed se 'Ev 'ON UOIlExauuy 'wlaqeuy }O Al18 aql Ol uOllexauuy S .oN eWTed el lsaM aq+ JO xauxoo ATXalSaMqlnos +SOW aql 6ulsq oSle lUI0d PIES '8 uOl+oaS JO lMN }O tN Pies }O xauxo~ +seaqlnos aql 0+ aUIT SllW11 All~ wlaqeUY 6ullSlxa Ples 6uoTe oSTe pUe wass 'MOTH 'SVl 'a UOl+~as JO tMN }O tN JO eUlT ATxaqlnos PIES 6uoTe 'ssaT xo axow '+eaJ ~O~T AtXa+see 6UlnUllu08 oLT 'aouaql i9 uOlloaS PIes }O faN JO faN }O fM }O ~3 }O aUIT lsea eql 0+ aUlt SllW11 A+18 wlaqeuy 6.~lSlxa PIES 6uot~ OSTE pUe wass 'MOTH '$VI 'a uOll~as JO taN }O fN a~l JO eUIT qlnos aql 6uoTe 'ssa1 xo exom 'laaJ 086t ATxelsea 6uInullu08 'aT 'a~ueql i8~61 'v~ A~enxqad uo alelS }O AxElexoaS eql qllM paTl} pUE 8~6t 'SI Axenuer uo 088 'oN a~ueUlP~ Aq passed se l8 .0N uOllexeuuv 'wlaqeuy IO Al18 aq+ Ol uOIlExauuy ~U.^Y uOlsnoH aql }O aUIT ATxeqlnos aq+ ul 6ulaq aUIT taTTexed PIES pue (anueAV ~TEd e1 10 eUlTxaluao eq+ 6ulaq oSle aUIT A1xaq+xou PIES) 'a uOI+oaS PIes }O eUIT ^Txaqlxou aq+ }O 'saTDue +qDlx +e paxnseaw SE ATxaqlnos lae} ao.oS'pue Ol Ta1Texed aUlt e 0+ aUIT Sllwl1 ^l18 W1aqeuv DUllS1xa PIes 6uOtE OSTE pue aUIT ATxalsea PIes 6uoTe 'ssaT xo axow 'laa} 06~T AT~aqlxoN 06T 'a~uaq+ i(anuaAY Plt~n3 }O aUITxalua~ aql cUlaq oSTe aUIT ^TXalSea PIeS) 'waas 'MOTH 'srI '8 uOIl~as }O SUIT ATx9lsEe aq+ Ol eUlt SlIwI1 ^+18 wIaqeuy 6UllS1x9 PIes Quote oSTe pue aUlT T&TTEXed PIES 6uoTe 'sseT xo axow 'laaI 099 ATxalse3 "O~ - 'a~uaql 1€~6T 'vt 'oaa uo 9+e+S IO AxElax09S aql q+IM paTl} pue 8~6T 'OT .AON uo 998 'ON a~ueulpxo Aq pes sed SE a~ 'ON uOllExauuv 'mIaqEUY 10 ^+18 aql Ol uOIlexeuuv elliTEd el-PlT~na aql JO X9UXO~ lSaM4+xOU aq+ 6ulaq oSTe UOI+oasxelul JO +Ulod PIes '8 uOl+oaS JO aUIT Alx9lsea PIES }O 'saT6ue lqOlx +E paxnseaw se 'ATxalsea laaJ OO.OE pue Ol TaTTexed aUIT E ol aUIT slIwI1 ^l18 wleqeuy 6ul+s1xa PIes 6uoTE oSTe pUE aUIT TalTexed peqlxosap lseT }O uOlle6uoTo~d ATxalsea 6uoTe 'sseT xo axoW 'l9a} 08 ATxalsea 6ulnulluo8 "Tl -tr- ,.... 22. Southerly 550 feet, more or less, along said parallel line and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the northwest corner of the Loara Annexation to the City of Anaheim, Annexation No. 42 as passed by Ordinance No. 895 on May 11, 1954 and filed with the Secretary of State on June 21, 1954, thence, 23. Continuing southerly 2060 feet, more or less, along said parallel line and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a line parallel to and 20.00 feet northerly, as measured at dght angles, of the southerly line of NIt of Section 9, T4S, RlOW, SBBM (said southerlY line also being the centerline of Crescent Avenue) and said point being the northeast corner of the Montgomery Annexation to the City of AlUlheim, Annexation No. 29, as passed by Ordinance No. 818 on Sept. 10, 1952, and filed with the Secretary of State on October 10, 1952; thence, 24. Westerly 30 feet, more or less, along said parallel line and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the easterly line of the NIit of Section 8, T4S, RIOW, SEBM; thence, 25. Continuing westerly 1320 feet, more or less, along a line parallel to and 20.00 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, of the north line of it of SEi of said Section 8 and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of said Et of sat of Section 8; thence, 26. Southerly 580 feet, more or less, along said westerly line and also along said existing Anahebo City Limits to the most northwest corner of the Euclid Avel!lUe Annexation to the City of Anahebo, A1lI'lexation No. 20 as pas1ed by Ordinance No. 733 on February 20, 1951 and filed with the Secretary of State on March 19, 1951; thence, 27. Continuing southerly 270 feet, more or less, along said westerly line and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line and erossing Manchester Avenue and the Southern Pacific Right-of-way to a point in the southwesterly line of said Southern Pacific Company right-Of-way, said point also being an angle point in the Lincoln Annexation to the City of Anaheim, Annexation No. 40, as passed by Ordinance No. 886 on March 23, 1954 and filed with the Secretary of State on April 26, 1954; thence; 28. Northwesterly 1580 feet, more or less; alo", said southwesterly right-of-way line and also along said existing AnahebB City Limits line to a line parallel to and 20.00 feet southerly, as measured at right a.9les, of the northerly line of st of said Section 8 (said northerly line also being the centerline of said Crescent Avenue); thence, 29. Westerly 330 feet, more or less~ along said parallel line and also alollg said existing Anaheim City Limits line to an an,le point in said Lincoln lanexation, said point also being the northeast corner of the Richfield AMexation to the City of Anaheim, Annexation No. 57, as passed by Qi-dinance No. 997 on June 14, 1955 and filed with the Secr&tary of State on July 15~ 1955; thence, 30. Continuing westerly 330 feet, more or less, along said parallel lille aJId also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the westerly li_ of Wi of Et of NEt of swt of said Section 8; thence, ,-., 31. Southerly 1300 f.eet, more or less, along said. westerly line aM also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the southwest corner of Ri- of NEt of swt of said Section 8, aaid point also being located in the north line of Tract No. 1775 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 50 at Page 15 of Maps, Records of O:range County, California, thence, -5- f'=-' - 320 Easterly 350 feet, more or less, along said existing Anaheim City Limits line and also along said north line of Tract No. 1775 to the north- east corner of said Tract Noo 1775; thence, ~ 33. Southerly 1286 feet, more or less, along east line of said Tract No. 1775 and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a point of intersection with a line parallel to and 30.00 feet northerly as measured at right angles from the north Section line of Section 17, T45, RIO., SBBM, said north Section line also being the centerline of Lincoln Avenue and said point of intersection being in the north line of the Orange Avenue Annexation to the City of Anaheim. Annexation No. 44, as passed by Ordinance No. 914 on August 10, 1954 and filed with the Secretary of State on October 18, 1954; thence, 340 Westerly 2370 feet, more or less, along said existing Anaheim City Limits line and also along said line and its westerly prolongation, parallel to north Section line of Section 17 to a point of intersection with the northerly prolongation of a line parallel to and 30.00 feet westerly, as measured at right angles, from the east Section line of Section 18, T45, RIOW, SBEM (said east Section line also being the centerline of Brookhurst Street), thence, 35. Southerly 4550 feet, along said line parallel to east Section line and its northerly prolongation of Section 18 and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to a point in the north line of that certain parcel of land described as the south 25 acres of sEt of sEt of Section 18, T45, RlOW, SBBM, owned by the Burmingham Development Company and recorded by Deed in Book 2735 at Page 180, Official Records of Orange County, California, said point also being the northeast corner of the Brookhurst-Ball Annexation to the City of Anaheim, Annexation No. 54 as passed by Ordinance No. 990 on May 10, 1955 and filed with the Secretary of State on June 13, 19551 thence, 36. Westerly 1290 feet, more or less, along north line of said 25 acre parcel and also along said existing Anaheim City Limits line to the northwest corner of said 25 acre parcel, said point also being in the east line of Tract No. 2342 as shown on a Map thereof, recorded in Book 63 at Pages 6 and 7 of Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence, 37. Northerly 450 feet, more or less, along said east line of Tract No. 2342 to the southeast corner of the NIt of set of said Section 18, thence, 38. Westerly 1305 feet, more or less, along south line of said NIt of set of Section 18, T45, RIOW, SBBM to a point of intersection with a line parallel to and 15 feet easterly, as measured at right angles, from the west 11ne of set of said Section 18, (said west line also being the centerline of Gilbert Street) and said point of intersection being in the east line of the Gilbert Street No. 2 Annexation to the City of Anaheim, Annexation No. 56 as passed by Ordinance No. 996 on June 14, 1955 and filed with the Secretary of State on July 15, 1955; thence, 39. Northerly 1360 feet, more or less, along said existing Anaheim City Limits line and also along said line, and its northerly prolongation, parallel to west line of SEt of Section 18 to a point of intersection with the easterly prolongation of a line parallel to and 20.00 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, from the north line of S'* of said Section 18 (said north line also being the centerline of Orange Avenue); thence, ~"'......... 40. Westerly 35 feet, more or less, along said existing Anaheim City Limits line and also along said line parallel to north line and its easterly prolongation of swt of Section 18 to the point of beginning. -6- -- ",....... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that it does hereby deolare its intention to oall a special eleotion for the purpose of submitting to the eleotors residing in the hereinabove described new territory, the question whether said new territory shall be annexed to, in- corporated in, and made a part of the City of Anahetn and the property therein be, after such annexation, subjeot to taxation equally with the property within said City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata Share, based upon assessed valuation, of all of the bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on the date of the filing of the petition, to wit, the 22nd day of ~U:ly , 19 r:;6 , or theretofore authorized; and -~'" to be BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that annexed shall be designated as . and -' the territory so proposed WEST .&NAHEDl ANNEXATION BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 26tl day of June , 19~ ) 'U; the hour of 7:00 o'cloo P.M. in t~e City Counoil Chamber of th6 City Hall in the City of Anaheim be, and the same is hereby, fixed as the day, hour and plaoe when and where any person owning real property within the territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objeotions to the proposed annexation, may app8Llr before the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim and show : ,l'll!O why suoh territory should not be so an- nexed; that all pe 1'301,1" having any objections to such proposed annexation are hereJ'J l~otified to appear on said day, at said hour and plaoe.. tc dhoK cause, if a..."1Y they have, why such terri- tory should not be so BYlnexed, and all suoh persons are further notified that any protests against the calling of an eleotion to submit to the electors residing within said territory the question Of annexation of said territory to the City of Anahetn, or any protests against the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim must be in writing and may be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim at any time not later than the hour and date set forth herein for the hearing of objeotions to said eleotion. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk O'f the City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to oause a oopy of this resolution to be publiShed at least onoe a week for two weeks prior to the date hereinabove fixed for the hearing of protests and objeotions to said election and the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim, in the ANAHEIM BULLETIN, a newspaper of general oiroulation, publiShed and oirculated in the City of Anaheim, County of Or~ge, State of California. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me thi s 22nd day of Mav , 19 t)6 . /' ';///~ . /~~.~ . ..... U(/ / .. r?Af8~l'M ~ / ~ ,-. -' A TT:&ST : . ~. ........... . / 0t' k .~. .. ~ ~&~ oF T~Mi' ANAHEIM. -7- ~ -. STATE OF CAURJUUA ) COUJfrY OF CIl.AIGE ) s. CIn OF ~M ) ~ .- I, l1)ElilE M. lU1TH_, City Cleric of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that th8 foregoill9 resolutiol\ was adopted upon a final reading at a regular ~eting of the City Council of the City of AIlah.ia, held on the 22nddayof Mal', 1956, by the following vote of the .-.bers thereofs AYESs COUlJ;:IUIEJh Pearson, Coons, Fry and W!sser. !lOESs CClUJI;IIJilElh None. ABSSJUs COUIEII~EJh Schutte. AND I FURl'IfER CERTIFY that the Mayor of theCi ty of . AnaAeia approved aAd slgned said resolution on the 22Rd day of May, 1956. IN WIDmSS WKmEOF, I have hereW'lto set 1IlY haRd and affixed . the ..al of the City of Anaheim this 22nd day of llay, 1954. L .. ~..... . z'-, .../;1(. fifi~..iO& CITY CLERK OF . CIn OF. AiwfaM. (SEAL) ~.-