1962-0617RESOLUTION NO, 62R -617 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED, WHEREAS, the City Planning Commis n of the City of Anaheim did hold a public hearing in Reclassification Proceedings No, 61 to consider an amendment to Title lb of the Anaheim MunicT1 Code relating to zoning, and to consider a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described, and at said hearing aid receive evidence and reports from persons interested therein and from its staff; and WHEREAS, within a period of forty days following said hearing thereon the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolution containing a report of its findings, a summary of the evidence presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that the proposed amendment be adopted by the City Council and that certain zone or zones be changed as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of evi- dence, report of findings, and recommendation of the City Planning Commission the City Council did fix the 13th day of March 1962 as the time and the City CeunCil Chambers in the City Hall of t e City of Anaheim as the place for a Public hearing upon said proposed amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the exclusion of said property, hereinafter described, from the zone or zones in which it is now situated, and the incorporation thereof in the zone or zones hereinafter set forth; and did give notice thereof in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing the City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing, and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and did thereupon consider the summary of evidence presented at said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report of findings, and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now situated and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby, amended and that the following described property, situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, to wit: PARCEL SEVEN: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot One in Block A of Tract No. 13, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 9, page 12 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot One a distance of 350.37 feet; thence South 89 31' 00" East 220 feet, to an intersection with the West line of the East 112.24 feet of said Lot One; thence Southerly at right angles a distance of 30 feet; 61 -62 -78 thence North 89 31' 00" West 87.76 feet to an inter- section with the West line of the East 200 feet of said Lot One; thence Southerly along the West line of the East 200 feet of said Lot One to an intersection with the South line of said Lot One; thence Westerly along the South line of said Lot One to the point of beginning. PARCEL TEN: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot One in Block A of Tract No 13, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 9, page 12 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California; thence North 0 08' 06" East along the East line of said Lot One a distance of 350 feet; thence North 89 31' 00" West 112.24 feet; thence South 0 08' 06" West 30 feet; thence North 89 31' 00" West 87.76 feet to an intersection with the West line of the East 200 feet of said Lot One; thence Southerly along the West line of the East 200 feet of said Lot One to an intersection with the South line of said Lot One; thence Easterly along a portion of the South line of said Lot One to the point of beginning. PARCEL ELEVEN: The Southerly 350 feet of Lot A of Tract No. 2299, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 70, pages 44 through 49, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. be excluded from R -A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL ZONE, and incorporated in the following zones, upon the conditions hereinafter set forth: That Parcel No. 7 shall be changed to P -1, AUTOMOBILE PARKING ZONE; and That Parcels Nos. 10 and 11 shall be changed to R -3, MULTIPLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE, upon the following conditions: 1 That the owners of subject property shall place of record City of Anaheim P -1 Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, covering Parcel No. 7, which restrictions shall limit the use of said Parcel No. 7 to vehicular parking only, and shall place of record City of Anaheim R -3 Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, covering Parcels Nos. 10 and 11, which restrictions shall limit the height of all structures erected on Parcels Nos. 10 and 11 to 15 feet above the natural grade level. 2. That a landscaped strip of a minimum width of 6 feet shall be installed and maintained along the southerly boundary of Parcel No.7; that plans for said landscaping shall be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that said 2- landscaping shall consist of pine trees of a minimum size of 15 gallons, spaced at 24 -foot intervals, interspersed with oleander trees spaced at 8 -foot intervals, and that adequate facilities shall be provided for watering. That said landscaping shall be installed concurrently with the installation of the parking lot. 3. That landscaping shall be installed and maintained in the parkway portion of the Empire Street frontage; that plans for said landscaping shall be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance; and that said landscaping shall be installed prior to final building inspection. 4 That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 30 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Empire Street for street widening purposes. 5. That sidewalks and driveways shall be constructed on Empire Street as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; and that any requests for access or driveway approaches on Empire Street must be submitted to and approved by the City Council prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. That Lot A of Tract No. 2299, along the westerly side of Empire Street, shall be acquired. 7. That the owners of the property shall deed to the City of Anaheim all rights of vehicular access of Parcels Nos. 10 and 11 to and from Empire Street except for residential purposes in connection with the use of said parcels and adjacent residential property, such dedication to be made prior to the issuance of any building permits for said parcels. 8 That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25.00 per dwelling unit, to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 9 That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a 5 -foot public utility easement along the south boundary line and an 8 -foot public utility easement along the west boundary line of subject property. 10. That the existing irrigation line shall be relocated, if necessary, prior to final inspection of the parking lot. 11. That adequate areas for trash storage, accessible to trash -truck pickup, shall be provided for Parcels Nos. 10 and 11 as determined and required by the Street Maintenance and Sanitation Division of the Public Works Department, which areas shall be enclosed by a solid fence or wall prior to final building inspection. 12. That plot and building plans for Parcels Nos. 10 and 11 shall be approved by the City Council prior to the issuance of a building permit. 13. That a 6 -foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the westerly and southerly boundaries of Parcels Nos. 10 and 11, where a 6 -foot masonry wall does not presently exist, prior to final building inspection. 14. That a 6 -foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 7, which wall shall be constructed concurrently with the installation of the parking lot. 15. That bumper guards or barricades, not less than ten inches in height, shall be installed along the north property line of Parcel No. 7, said guards or barricades to be installed at the time the parking lot is improved, and to be subject to the approval of the Chief Building Inspector. 16. That in the event lights are installed on Parcel No. 7, the light standards shall not exceed six feet in height, and the lighting shall be directed and reflected away from adjacent properties. 17. That parking shall be provided on Parcel No. 7 in accordance with Anaheim Municipal Code require- ments, and in accordance with the open -air parking space standards adopted by the City Planning Commission and on file in the Office of the Planning Department, and such parking shall be provided prior to final building inspection. 18. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is contingent upon the granting and the completion of Reclassification Proceedings No. 61 -62 -110. 19. That the R -3 zoned property shall be developed as a Planned Unit Housing Development in accord- ance with the conditions of an approved Conditional Use Permit for such Planned Unit Housing Development. 20. That Conditions Nos. 1, 4 and 9 above mentioned shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. -4- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City Council an ordinance amending Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the objects herein found and de- termined to be necessary and proper. me this 3rd day of July AT EST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is a `2� R OF THE CITY ANAHEIM owed and signed by 62 F CT O AA I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of July 1962 by the follow- ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte, Chandler, Krein and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 3rd day of July 19 62 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 3rd day of July 19 62 I LERK OF THE C TY OF ANAHEIM