56R-3265 ,....... ---'- RESOLUTION NO. 3265 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWES! RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF DETAILED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ALL PLABT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQ.UIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INOLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFOBMING ALL WORK NECESSARY FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IllPROVEMENT: A STEEL- DECK GRAND STAND, WI!'H PRESS BOX, AT LA. P ALRA PARK IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3082. WHEREAS, the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim did oause to be published in a newspaper of general oirculation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit, the Anaheim Bulletin, on the 28th day of April, 1956 and the 4th day of Kay, 1956, a notice inviting sealed proposals tor furnishing the following: Detailed plans and specifications in accordance with and oontorming in general to preliminary plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Anaheim and on file in the office of the City Engineer, and all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, inoluding power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to oonstruot and complete, in a good and workmanlike manner, in striot acoordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the offioe of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, and the contraot doouments for the construction and completion of a steel-deck grand stand at La Palma Park football stadium with a seating capacity of 7,100 seats, approximately, to be paid for as follows: 60% upon the delivery of the materials at the site of oonstruction; 20% upon the actual commenoement of construction; and _.r" 20% after final aoceptanoe by the Oity and 35 days after the filing of Notice of Coapletion or, if no Notioe of Ooa- pletion is filed, 90 days after com- pletion and acceptanoe. Plans and speoifications to be submitted with the bid for ohecking by the City Engineer and to conferm in general to preliminary plans and specifications prepared by the City of Anaheim. Said grand stand to be oompleted on or before the 15th day of September 1956, and penalty for failure to complete within the time specified to be $200.00 per day for eaoh day'. delay. -1- .-. .- '-"~.- AND v!HE3.EAS, sb,F:, notj,ce invit2.n[' sealed proposP,ls 1'0:' sD.ic';, -)lJ.bl ic i:"(l'r)!."o"':.reDC n t d4.0. :]j:",ovl(1e tl:c-' t ser:.,led Dl~O"OO 88.18 -- .. -- \vonld be !'ecelveo, :.)~! -I:'he CJt," Cou!'lcil of the City of Aneheim {-~_.t tl1e C~'i~:~_ce 0:"' -~~~~e 02. t., Cle::-->~. ()f t.he C"l_ t.", of i\ne....iLe im UD to 'tl:.e 110,1!1 Q",C> 7:00 otc,'.-l_()c~:.~P.l,:. on t;~.e 8tt. c_~_._' of 118.y, 1956 for jL:.,e fur~' ~_.'<; in,~' 'J:' c:"ctc'_~._-~_cc_ ,."_rIC' c-,~ 8::?ecif~:_cc.tlon8 in acco:.~d- [:'Lce Nlt" [~t~c'_ cr-)n~~-r;r~.i2:"l-' 1:'1 ~:e::err" to }l:--'eliminr'ry :J1Clns Hl1d~ 3pecj,fi,c: t "oDsJ:'e-'2recl by the Ci t;' Ensc::ineer of the City of ,d31Y.~~e:1.:'1 :'.~1~- O~-l ~-'-'_-L2 .1.l! t.h.e O:'$1J'e 07'"' the C~':.ty En,zineer, and alJ_ ..llr)~~~1:, J..cbnr, f~(~rv:i cer, T:-l.::te1"ti~ ~ .s:n.c_ eq~:'~";:Jer.t, and all util- !,t'\.es a:'Q tl'~'.'l,s')O:rt"t';on, incl~1Clin',,', pOl'fer, fueJ. and vlater, al,d perfol';iL1,ilCj ell Hor.'." Df'Cessc.";' to acc'.Jire, c<:mstl'uct ano, complete, '\.1'1 a goc,:', ('La. l':O:.':.G:w:l.:,ike d:':lne:r, the pu'bl.ic 5.mYJl'ovement here in- l 1Te :nn-~e -~'jt:,.1~.t.-;_C1l1[J i.le -~t'i,,-,'Lec-_ p,~'ld 6.e;'3cr"i.bed, Qr:.c_ \vhich notice CU.C'. Gt8,~C :~.nd (_eclFre tr2.n.t .:)U~-'8lJ_r~.nt, to tl~e "-)rOV~L8ion8 of Sect:}_nn t??O o=~ t L2bl)~ Co(~e J t.~::e C :1t:c, Co"_~ncil h8.C_ E'"scertsJ.necL the ~')re- vn:ilin l<(;:.tc ai> ~I(Jce;::~ j.D tI'~e locs":: i t~r in 1'Jhich this tYge of lebor if' to be gel.fo:_l;}e5. fo::~ en,c.; Cl",p,~~~t O}'"l t~,.:)O O~.... v,rOT'km8..':1 or mecr...a.nic neecled "C') c~eeC'1ce th.e contrect .";~;:' c1:1, (I. set :fort!-. the ljrevi:l.ilirl"..' ~~lo1.l.rly lr'~",sc 8CP":~_8 so F}s('CT'tr :!,.nec:.; aed .vHEREAS, tj:'8 C,:.t, Council of t'1e Clty of Aneheim did receive ~ne follow~n se~led lro~or~l urior to 7:00 o'clock P.k. or. the E3th (I,Hr Df lI2,~c, 1956, in resT)onse to the notice aforeseid in\ritin~' s8P.led:ll""opoF'P.lr;, to \-lit: "~'Al'i1E TOTAL PRICE -..-,- Pi ttsbul'i;h-Des :,;oines Steel Conpe,ny $138,560.00 i.;,HD \IHERF.AS, the City Council cUd. thereuoon refer said D:LC; to -;;ile Cit;'. Encineer :fo!' exp.minat:1.on ano, reTJort to the City Cae.mci 1, ar'd se td Encineer die examine said sealed propose,l and, die" reoo"'t to t11e Cot'nci,], tl:e result of his examination; and ;':HETIAS, tLc C~ ty C')lmc:',l finc1s t1,",a t the sealed :oro- )02,01 submi ttec. by P i ttf',>m"~:'-De '" ;,10 ine 8 Steel Comnany, P. O. 30x 2012, El ~onte, Culifo!'nia is the lowest responsible pro- noep] 8lt":Jf!1':tec. :fen' the fu~'ni2hi..' of detailec1 ulans and spec- ificetions, 8:'(, 81' Dlent, 18001', services, mn.terials and er~_:~;-)Len t, End p"l~_ ut i~!_ i "':::ie:3 o,~~d. trp-.;1sport(? t ion, inclucLing pm'Ter, =~ue ct;-CL vlater, pnC' ')erfor::inI7 all uox'!: necessar:T to construe t ,:'~(;, cOLFJlete s" ::'.().:Ju,bli.c im:opovenent hereinabove ,ae:.tlo:1.8lt P!lct L,8SC:"LiJeo" to':eth.::l' o;i tr t~'le apnurtenances thereto, anc', [',f i")eci,fied in t1.e notice 1nvi ting seole6.nroposA..ls, a!1d tl"~i': t sF~'-".d ',:)J."'ol,)o8;~'.1 of' sr~~_{.. f".bO'lE' nrj'~ecL bidcler s:'loulci be accepted_ ;)..~-lG. D. Cf)atrrtct :.l1ifB-l'lQC(, to sPL.-le bi(~c1er in accord,:u1ce tl1ere1'li th; and ,FlSl{J;:;AS, tee 01 t,. Cou:lciL finQG that the Pi ttsburgh- Den ,;01:1es Steel COLl~'!H'-:/ is a resljo::1sible cor'ool'etion 8:1d that ~~~e J1'o)08:.1 submj -::teo. if' the best suite a. end fitted for the :)ubl.ic impI'oveuent to be constructed. -~ ",-. . :O'\'J, T h"E?.EF ORE , B,r:; IT 'C-IESOL'ri;D by the City Council of the C1 tJ 0:" Anp.LeiLl tj~ct tne see,led Dronosn,l submitted by PI'l'TSBU~{GE-DES JWL:ES STEEL CCI:IPAJ.Y, P. 0, Box 2012, El Monte, Calii'or:1.ie., foI' the furnisLi of detailed plans and specifica- tions and c,11 ')12nt, l~'bor, servj,ce8, materials ano, equipment, al', utiLit'~es 1''1(1, tr8JlS)Ortp.t;.cJYl, includi,n;' povrer, :fuel and ,vater, p.1doerfo!'in'L::1' pl':' 1T01'~-' :1eccssary to construct and com- 111ete in a Good anc'c 1rmrlDllFdllike Lwnner, in strict accordance v[ith theolellS u1ci drn;Jn .f. theY'efor submitted to the Ci t;)' and approved oS' tile C:Lt:;~ Enc'ineer [':'10, 'clw r:otiee inv'~ting sealed.qro"oosals, the ;JUi'JJ~ic ',:or::s CoDe, improvemerlt her'einabove more particularly Iaention- au and described., to,'etile]' vlj,th t.'le Ct})l)Urtenances thereto, be, and the same if1 hereby, acceoted, a;-ld treat a contrnct for the construct- ion and comoletion of' s8io, Dublic il!l1)rovement be, and the same is -2- .- - l1ereb~~T, al.,:'"rl11d{>~~_ to tilO sala. e.;Jove Ylcuned bic~der. -.,,-,. "1.";D S~ ::: ~ JURTIG::l RESCL1f'::D the.c the successful bidcier De, relIC:. 5. t is Lereby :~ecuLc'e(1 to exect1.te a contract in the re- qui:~ect j'Ol',;, .iit'..~ the Ci.ty of Anc.18im, unon the terms a.nd con- ciitions specified in ~he notice inviting sealed propooals and the T'o)o~;,;l 8ubm5.-:::;te(c by sr',.c'. 8"cc8s8.1'1..'1 bid.G.er and in e.ccord- a:ce lii tL t1:6)1O'11.3 one:. s')cci,'icat ions for s8,id l)ublic imnrove- ment hereinabove <iescribec" end in accordance l!ith the terms, cO~1~iti~nF and 9~oviri()ns of tllis resol~tionJ B_nd that said successf'.'.l birJder no T;rhOl;i the contrrct is alt18rded shall be re- quire<i to ::urniE,.l" a suret\' bor;din an ~LOunt eClual to 10076 of the contrLct "'J~'ice for E'11 lebar, ;1."teri21~ ano eC11..liDment to 'be fu2.'- niE.tleo. o.c,')erfo:o:'!cd as set fortt!. i~l the se9,led p1'0.0088.1 submitted by sc.~.d ',):'c:.der 1'01" ':he constructiop of said Dublic imnrovement, to::eth(L' ~i.'.tL -:1:.e ~;,y;u:'~ten[1:1cec' thereto, as security for the falth:"" L perfOrD1rHICe ur s, .'0. contract, and a seDarate surety bond i:1 !,;;.1 8.:(JU'lt eeual tc 10, of the construction cost of said Dubl:i.c i)])1)rOve:lent covered b;! s.'l.io. contrFctas security for the .oayment of ~11 >')er.C;0ns 'Jepi'or~;,':Jn~' 1Hbor E'.rieL furni8Y~inc'_~ materiel for sHtd :)roject. 3E IT FURTHER RESOLYED the.t said successful bidder be, and it is hereby, required to fUl'nish to the City of Anaheim in companies satisfactory to the City of Anaheim public liability, nroperty O.I',f,18.ge, comoenSi!.tlon, anci ,-yther insurH'1ce in the amountf' and for the l)tn~Doses 8.S set forth aYld s.oecified in the notice invitin,' seal.pd )rooo",e.ls 8.nc', sub,iect to the apjrovAl of the City Attol'ne;, as to form and SUfficiency. M1D BE IT FI~.THER RESOL\~D that the Mayor and the City 0J.01'k 0:" the City of Anaheim be, and the:' 2.re hereby, authorized 'U1C. directed to me.ke, execute 8.'iQ enter into for and on behalf of the C!.t,'i of Anaheim, !' wr:Ltten contract ltrith said sl'.ccessful '05.;cder f'nr the furnisl:in" of il1J. .)lr'nt, le.bor, materials, and ecn::i'jlJe!it ,'0 no. nerfor""iw" 8J.l ,,'ork necessa!'y, as hereinabove mo~>e oartiCc~li'.rly clescrjbecl, for tre ccnstr1..'ctj.on, installation and cOGmlet:Lon of spj.ci. nublic imn1'ovement he:~einabove o.escribed., UDon the terms ~~d cnnd'tions as suecif~ed in the notice inviting s801ec. :)1'0)02818, ~.n e,ccor:S.p'..ce 1-.'i. tll the det8,~.led Dlans and :3ueciftcr t'.ons suiJrni "::teo. by t>-.8 bi.clder p,no. conforninr; in e;enernl 'Go the 'J"o'e'imir;c,.1';" .,-yl"nf ,,1d f'')ecificetions pre,Jared by the City Encineel' .1.,-,0. a'J. adc.encl.p tbe1'eto pne," all modifications incor- 'jol'pted. therein )1'io2.' tn t:1e dete of the openin'" of biccs, and i.n strict rcco)',),81ce \1'~.t~: .:;'L8 ter':ls, concU tions and provisions of t~:is ~'erolution, aYed in accor(1cnce Hi th the contract documents "e 1'e i n c- ')8 C if' i "d. -- ~ ~. C RESOLuTION NO. 3082 1s hereby resoinded. ~;HE FCr~lliGOIl':'G PJ:SCLUTION ip signed a nd an~roYed by me tllis 8tY. de2r of IlIa:.', 1956. /0 ) d/-;:/ .v . .&:~ EAy~.4~IT~t~ AT':'EST: --- "'-." ---. '. .-..-.-.....------..;.._., _"_'_,.."-'_'_._,"'" ___W'_ ..._.... CITY CL~RK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH. -3- STA.TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF.ORlNGE )66. CITY OF ANlHIIM ) ---..- I, DENE M. WILLIllIS, City Clerk or the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution N . 3265 was adopted upon o a final reading at a Regu1ar Meeting bf the City Council of the ett.ty of Anaheim, held on the 8th da,y of May, 1956, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNC:r:LMiN: Pearson, Coons, rri, Schutte and Wisser. , NOES: COUNCll..MEN: None. ABSE;NT: CQUNCll..MEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT that Mayor ot the City Of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution on the '8th day of May, 1956, ~ ~(. 2/~ CITY CLERK OF TilE CIn OF ANAHEIM. I.... ' (SEAL ) .-." .-