56R-3256 ~-{ESOLm.':;:(Jl] NO. 3256 ,..- 11 RESOLUTION OF 'I'm., C=:TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAf:L~.:ni PROHIBITING PARKING ON STATE H:':GHViAY NO. 174 (SANTA ANA FREEWAY) FROM LOARA ST~~T TO EUCLID AVENUE M~D FROH BROADWAY STREET TO SANTA ANA STRE:LT. WHEREAS, the City Council heretofore, by resolution, prohibited oerking on State Highway No. 174 (Santa Ana Freeway) betvreen LoarH Street Cl':1d Broadway Street, in the City of Ana- heim; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, that it would. facj.Ii ta te the orderly movement of vehicular traffic and would oromote the general safety and welfare to prohibit the parl';in.:; of motor vehicles upon State High,'ray No. 174 (Sar'te Ana Freeway), 'oetw'een Loars. Street and Euclid Avenue 8.nd between Broad.-my street and Santa Ana Street, in the City of Anaheim. LOl'i, I'J:iliREFOHE, BE =T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that no person, firm or corooration shall park any motor vehie-le on either sid.e of State Highway No. 174 (Santa Ana Free.\"ay), bet.'ieen Loara street and Euclid Avenue and between Broac,.vay Street anci Santa. Ana Street, in the City of Ananeim, except author'Lzea. emerF:ency vehicles as defined in See-tions 44 to 1.;4.12, both inc.Lusive, of the Vehicle Cocle of the state of California. BE I'Y FURTF.ER RESOLVED that any orovision of this resolution which regulates traffic or delegates the regulation of traffic upon state high1-!HYs in any WB,y for which the appt>oval of the Depertment of Public \\'o1'1\.s is required by State law, shall cease to be oDe::-'ative six (6) months after receiot by the City Counc:Ll. of written notice of withc.rawal of aooroval of the De- nartme::t of Publ:1 C;I'O:~KS. .4.\D BY 1'1" FUR'l'HlGR RE3CLVZD that whenever this resolution delegates authority to a City officer, or authorizes action by the Oi ty Coune'!. to :"egulpte tl'affie upon a State highvlay in any way which bv State Im-r re(1uirec, the:)rlor a'ooroval of the DeD8.rtment of publlc Works, no s~ch officer shall ~;ercise such authority nor sha..Ll such3.ction by the City CouncE be effective w'ith respect to c.ny St8te highwa.y v::1.thout the ,)rior apnroval, in writing, of the De.:Jartue:Jt )1' PubU.c \'~orl;f- in 2nd to the extent required by Division 9 <'3.no. Division 11 of the Vehicle Code. AJD BE l~ FURTHER RESOLVED that before this resolution srw 1.1 'oeconJ8 effective it siaL. firC't be submitted to and aporoved, in vrriting, by the De1)artment of Public Works, and from and after the date of aDC)rovE..l b',- the De(lartEent of Public 1tlol'ks of the state of Calif~rni~~ai~ res~lution ~hal1 be in full force and effect until resc:1.no.ed by the Cjt~, Coune::.], or as herein otherwise provided. .- '!:J{E FOREGO::::.G RESCLU':'I0N ls aUDroved 2nd signed by me this _~J__.. day of Hay, 1956. /17 / i/ 1 ~) /~. 1.:!AYOR -OF THE /) -e &~~. CITY OF ANAHEIM. '-- ATTEST: .t' ;/_&>~ ./ //. , ~ _ -' . .c.../ J __ ._....'.- ~ "'_.-""'"'106-'__,__""_,,,~~_,,,__~~~~~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. -1- SlATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COmfIV OF ORAlifGE ) 55. tI~ 6F ~M ~ I, DElE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do h$reby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted upon a final reading at an adjourned meeting of the Cit. ~ouncil of the City of Anaheim held on the 1st day of May, 1956, by the following vote of the members , thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMENl None. ABSENTl COUNCILMENl None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the Cl ty. of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution on the 1st day of May, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the 5eal of the City of Anaheim this 1st day of May, 1956. /1. -- -- ,,+-. ' . ~..L~ ./;J(, .) ..~ C CLBtK OF THE cm- . . { Sw.l ~