1954-2488'',ZERE the City Council of the CP,y of +1.0aheiri, has ceived a communication from the Health Officer of the County of OranLe (who acts as Health Officer for the City of Anaheim ender an af with said County), which comunication is in words an!' figlires as follows: "July 16, 1954 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU:.3CIL CF THE CI;Y 01 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS 02 SECTION 2808 OF "SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION, LIMITATION TI0iT AND MAJORITY PROTEST. ACT OF 1U31, "DIVISION 4 OF STREETS AND HIGH?>T.sY CODE OF STATE OF C ,.LI?OR.T:IIA. "Honorable City Council City of Anaheim City Hall Anaheim, California "Gentlemen_: RESOLUTION 'T0. 2488 "As Health Officer of i,he City of Anaheim, Californic, I wish to call your attention to certain, sanitary cond.itioris existin? within your City, as follows: "1. That the City now has under operation an approved. sanitary se wer system; serving the major portion. of the developed area of the City. "2. Thf,. a porion of Tract No. 1245 and Tract No. 1379 have been developed wit residential establishments which are, at present, served with irdividnal sewar;e disposal systems. 113 That the continued. use of individual a,l_ se; awe disposal systems will result in a condition that will. en.antor the health. and safety of the City by the repeated failure of said systems and the possible contamination of the under=ound water strata. Din view of the existirP. conditions described above, it is my recommendation, as Health Officer of the City of Anaheim, California, t proceedings be instituted for the construction of sanitary see-ers to serve a portion of Tract No. 12.45 and. Tract No. 1 Such severs will help to preserve the public health, welfare, and safety of the community. AND 1?H?REAS, the City Council has duly considered the said communica- tion and has received information from the En ireer of ?'Torlti with reference to the proposed sewer improvements, referred to in said cominur.icati_on; NOW, 'T'HE~zwOPE, T?TT'- CITY COUNCIL OF TN:1 CITY OF ArrAHFIM, CALIFORNIA, DOES F?ERPY P7S0LVE, DECKER", FIND, DETNRMINF'. AND OR'F'R as follows: -1- "Very truly yours, (si. ?ned.) Edw. Lee Russell, M. D. Health Officer Orange County" Sk.CTIOE 1. That the improvements referred to in said communication above quoted are the construction of sanitary sewers in Narda Street and other streets and alley, known as Sewer Assessment District 19;4 -1. SECTION 2. That the said City Council Does hereby find and determine that the construction of said sanitary sewers and incidental work in connection therewith, and each of then, is necessary as a health measure and such necessity for such construction is found_ to exist. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed_ to spread the contents of said on ina.l communication upon the minutes of this meeting of the said City Courcil at which this resolution is adopted. SECTION 4. Thrt this resolution is adopted under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 2808 of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931," Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and. the City Council in ad..optin, the same intend:; to meet each and every cond.i ior. and to make each and every finding necessary on its part in order to permit the proceedinus for said sewer improvements to go forward to completion without further reference to or application of the pro- visions of said Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim, California, at a regular b i'7.g -1eroof held this 27th day of July, 1954, by the following vote, to :wit: AYES: COT?CILt: ".'"..'a': Pe, rson, Fry, Schut :e, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COU7CIM None. AFS NT: COUNCIL Nona. 2 Mayor City of Anaheim, California I HERBY CERTIFY that t' e above and fore„oirLE" resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim, California at the time and by the vote above stated. City Cler'- City of Anaheim, California