56R-3206 -- RESOLU'!.'IOj\ NO. J.?06 r-. A m:SCLUTICN OF THE 8F~'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AGAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PU:~CHASE AND ACQUISI'l'IOl'J OF CERTAIN REAL?ROPKRTY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSi:E. iVill;REAS, William Friedman is the owner of the herein- eefter 6.escribed l'eal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stflte of California; and ViliEPcE.:AS, saio_ owner has offered to sell said property to the City of Anaheim for the sum of $66,885.00, cash, lawful money of the United States; anQ has also offered to sell certain engineerlng datu pertainin,' to seid property, consisting of topogre:;hical [';repS, soil tests, etc. nmv in the possession of t:18 ovmer, for the SULl of ::;615.00; and tlHEREAS, t.::le C1 ty Council does find and determine that public convenience a"d necessity require the purchase and acquisi- tion of said real .)ro~)erty for public purposes, B.nd that the price which the owner thereof is i'i"il.lin[~' to accept is reasonable and not out of prooortion to the fair jnE'.rket value of said property, and t~l'cCt salel engineerl111: date. pCl'ta 1nin5' to sc.id .oroperty- is also es,;ential and theor:Lce thereof reasonable. :JOW, THK"\EFORE, BE 1:1' ffi;SOLVED by the City Council of tLe City of' An21Leim tllPt the offer of "l'lilliam Friedman to sell s8.id real Jropert,j" 8'_ tuateo_ in tIle City of Anaheim, County of Orange, state of Californi2, described as follows, to wit; PARCEL 1: '::;:hat OOl'tjon of t:ne Soutt. half of the :;ortl::east c;tlarte:.~ of Sectlon 7, in Township 4 South, Ranr:e 10 West, iel the Rancho Los Co~rotes, as show"r.. on a :::ap there07" recorded. in book 51, ua,;e 10, Hi sceLLeneouB 1.18mB, re cords of said ()r,~Le Count:', CleSCl'ibec. 8_8 folloivs: ,,-.. Eee;innin:' B.t the SOl!thv,est cornel' of Tract No. 1161, as shown on a maD thereof recorded in book :16, Dages 2-:5 and 1.,6, >llscellaneous Haps, records of 8[;,id Ora;lge County, Ge.id Southwest COl'ner be- :l.ng in the Westerly line of said Northeast quarter, ,neL runninc thence South 00 Lj,6 l 5011 East along said Westerly line, 534.95 feet; thence North 880 J4l 2511 East 84L.25 feet; thence North 00 46l 5011 v~est 371.8) fe:~t to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Soutrn'i8cterly having a rad.ius of 200.00 feet; chence IJortL\veste~'l.y along said curve through a cen- tral an~l.e of 2Jo 48' 2411 an arc distance of 83.10 feet to the be~;innin!, 0:1' a reverse cUl've, concave Lort>easterly, h,'vin=' c? 1'2dius of 200.00 feet; thence 101'tLerly alow:. sa :La reverse curve through a central angle of 2Jo 48' 2411 an arc distance of 83.10 feet to a line tangent; thence l'ol'th 00 46 t 5011 vlest along said tangent line, O.~O feet to the Southerly line of sE.icl Tract 1:0. 116]~, 81'i6_ point also being the tntersection of said Southerly line with the center line of l<orcv~T street, 88 shovm on 88.id mE'_p; thence South 880 33' ]0" We8~ alon~ said. Southerly line, 815. 2:'~ feet to the ,)oj,nt of bee-inning. -1- - ,,--. PARCEL 2: An undivided Jl/4-0ths interest in and to one-fourth of an acre of land in the form of a sauare in the Northeast corner of the North 10 acres of 'the West half of the Southwest nuarter of the Northeast quarter' of' Section 7, in Townshiu 4- South, Range 10 West, L; tile :tB.':cho Los Coyotes, as shown on e, map thereof recorded in boole 51, oak'e 10, Miscellaneous Maps, records of s~id Orange County. together with the engineering elata now in the possession of said owner above referreQ to, for the sum of Sixty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($67,500.00) cash, lawful money of the United states, be anc'. the S2.me is he y'eb;,' , acce':)ted subject to the follow- ing tey'ms 2nd coneti tions: .L. Seller is to retain the nresent Or8.nr;e Crop on the property and ha s until July 15, 1956'to remove same, EXCEPT that the City of Anaheim may remove trees on approximately three acres at its convenience provid- ing the City gives the seller two weeks' notioe previous to doing so. 2. Water will be supolied to seller by buyer until July 15, 1956 if seller reauests same. ). That subject nroperty shall be conveyed to the City of Anaheim free and clear of all encumbrances except all General and Speoial taxes for the fisoal year 1956-1957 including any special district levies, pay- ments for which are included therein and collected therewith; and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights, rights-of-way and easements of record. BE IT FURTEEH RESOLVED that the City Administrator of the City of Anaheim be, a~d he is hereby, authorized for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim, to sign escro'l'r instructions for the::Jurchese of said real Dro-oertv and to enter into an escrow' wi th the owner of sa'Ld nroperty at Bank of America, National Trust and SaviDfs ASf3ociation, AnaJleim Branch, Anaheim, California; M~D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer be, and she is hereby, authoriz.ed to deposit in escrOllf at Bank of Americ.s, Ne,tional Trust a:1<1 Savin P Association, Anaheim Branch, Anaheim, California, the sum of Sixty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (:j567,500.00) ca,sh, lcH<Tful money of the United States, to be paid to tne OiV'ner of seid real oro1Jerty when a deed conveying saio, 1Jronerty to the City of Anaheim free and clear of all encum- brances, except 8.S hereinHbove set fortL, can be recorded and a ~)olicy of title insurance 1s8ued by a re:outable title company showing sai<i :property veBted in tile City of Anaheim as hereinabove specified; and "rhen said. engineerin@: data nereinabove mentioned is <ieposi ted "ri th said Bank of AmericF" National Trust and Savings Association, Anaileim Branch, Anaheim, Ce,lHornla, for delivery to the City; ",-.. MID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the seller shall pay the usual and cus tom.s.ry seller I s charges for furnishing a policy of title insu!'R.l1ce nece,;sG.ry to show title vested in the City of Anaheim, as herein provided, and. thnt the City of Anaheim shall nay the usual buyer's share in the purchase of said property. -2- _. this 27th THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIUN is signed and aDproved by me o_a;)' of liJ:arch, 1956. r- /,' ... ?;;; / .) ~1AY~~C~;~N~-cA, ATTEST: f) ~ ff~ 7?r k~~;~___ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH. STATE OF CALIFOID~IA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIH I, DENE H. WILLIAl'lS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoini2' resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, Qf the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 27th day of Harch, 1956, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILNEN: Pea.rson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILv~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. AND I FURTI~R CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim. aporoved and signed said resolution on the 27th day of 1-1arch, 1956. IN WITNESS WllEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 27th day of Maroh, 1956. -1:L ~~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ( SEAL) r -3-