56R-3203 RESOLUTIU,1 liO. J203 ,,- A RESCLUTiOi: UFI'ffi, CI'::'Y COUNCIL OF Hili CITY OF jlJ'~A.H:nII El'iPLOYIlJG E. D. JOHN SON AND COHP ANY TO PREPARf~ DETAILED PLAIm AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 'lEt; ItJSTALLATlUl: OF Ji:LECTRIC \rHRING AND LIGdTElG FACILITIL3 AT THE LA PALMA PARK ATHLETIC FIELD. the ti,e WHEREAS, public convenience and necessity require construction ana. cOLlpletic,n CJf Ci. public improvelllent in City of Anaheim, to "Tit: Remoc.eJ. existiLr: floodlii"ht facilities in La Palma P?r~, Job No; 376 AND \'fh'EliEAS, it vJaS deemed necessary by the City Engineer th8.t outslcte ene;ineoring help be employed to draft detailed ~lans, suecificatione and blueprints for the project, in order to e}cpedi to the neCeS8["ry engineering required in connection with said project; and '--. '\IHEffi;AS, E. D. Johnson and CompRny H2;reed to prepare detailea ulane, sDecificat;.ons 2.:::.0. blueprints for the sum of ~4.58.00, Hhich sun, as determined by the City Engineer, is a fair price for such work; and WHKREAS, the City Councn o~' the City of Anaheim does hereby determine that the enginee:::':Lng work is necessary and that t:le)rice of seid. vwrk is fe.ir, ano. that the employment of E. D. Johnson an~ Company is ic the best interest of the Clt~' of Anahe',m. Nmif, THERl.FCRL, BE IT HESOLVED that E. D. Johnson and Co:,,~)any be, E.n~ it is hereby, employed to prepare detailed pl~ns, specifications and blueprints for the remodeling of exist- ine floo(Hight fe.cili ties in La P?lma Park, Job No. 376, in con- form',- ty vlith the reGuireI:1en.ts as determined by the City Engineer, end thn.t e.ny end alJ negotiat.ions of the City Engineer regardine:~ said. e:nployment ere here'by ccnfL'lned ano. ratified, and th2.t the sum of $4.58.00 be pc.i6. E. D. Johnson and Compe.ny when seid de- tc1.iled)le.:~s, s:)ecif'ccations en~ blue;)rints are ap:oroved by the City Engineer. THE FOREGCING HESCLCTIUi is signed and 8.p:oroved by ne t::'.is 2'?tt da~/ o:r j.lal'ch, 19.56, I. /,7 / ."1 / '/ //2 /J ~-~~- j,:AYOR OF THE OITY OF ANAHEIM. ATTEST: /) ~ ~. ~_hL_?;~~~~~___ ___ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF A}>JAHEIVI. ,- -1- ~ . r-- STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORA1GE CITY OF A:'.4..HEHl I, DENE M. 'wILLIAJ.1S, City Clerk of the City of An~leim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 27th day of March, 1956, by the follow- ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, 'wisser and Van Wagoner. ;~OES: COUNCILli~E: None. ABSENT: COUNCILliJEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY ':;:'P..AT the Nayor of the City of Anaheim siglled and a,Jproved s8.id Resolution on the 27th day of I,farch, 1956. IN \iITEESS \lHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Cit:t of Anp.heim this 27th day of !-iarch, 1956. L,~ N-<L;' ~ 'n.~___ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. r -2-