56R-3156 ~.....-"'- RESOLUTION NO. 3156 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PfiOPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT 'ro THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLi.NT, LAooR, SERVIO:!:3, I1A'f=.;rnALS :.ND EQUIP11ENT AlJD ALL UTILIT::::ES A~:D 'I'HANSP::.2irA~ION, INCilJDING POtIER, FUEL AIID vlP, TEfl, AND ?ERI;'0 mUNG ALL we RK. NECES- SARY TO CC!:STLUGT AND COHPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIJ Hlr'PO./-::<j\:J1NT: THE IMPROYEMENT OF CERRTTOS A. VENUE. FROM WAL~~T sinET 'fO 1 JOO FT.F.'Y', MORE OR LESS, WEST OF HE OUTHERN PACIFIC RAIl ,ROAD , JOB NO. 110 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did oause to be publiShed in a newspaper of general oirculation, printed, publiShed and ciroulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim BullotirJ, on t:'lO l'\th day and t!uL23:rd dJ'lY of E.llbruari ... .. ..., 956.. , a notICeJ:nviting sealed pj-oposa s for fi.ir"riismng tne?'ol101'11ng: All plant, labor, servicest ma~erials and equip- ment, and all utilities and transportation, in- cluding power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construot and complete, in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the Offioe of the City Clerk qf the City of Anaheim, the improvement of Cerritoe Avenue, from Walnut Street to 1300 feet, more or less, West of the Southern Pacifio Railroad, by excavation, paving with 4-inch plant-mix, adjusting existing manholes to grade, construc- tion of cono~ete cross-gutters, and appurtenant work as indioated on the plans, Job No. 110. in aocordance wi th the designs, plans, profiles and specifioations of said publio improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and --'~ \VHEREAS, said notice invi ting sealed proposals for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be re- ceived by the City Counoi~ of the City of Anaheim at the Offioe of tho City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 7:00 o'clock P,H. on the 28th day of February ,1956 for the fu::'ll LJh ing of all plfH~t. ll;.bor 3 sEJ1"vir 63, ma t<:lrials-arid equipment, all ,l":_:ili~~~_cs and tran''''j:,Qrtation, bc:.udinC power, fuel al1d wa!.;er, and perfo~~l"'.ing a1.1 HCl'l~ no COSS:lry to cor,a~:'Ucc and nompleto, in a good an d ~vcrknanlike marmor, tho public improvement hereinabove more partioularly mentioned and described and 'iV'hioh notioe did state and deolare that pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of' tho :::''3.bor Coce, the C: ty Counci~ uf the City of Anah~im had ascertf'.ln6d 'cb.o pT'c,-eilinc rato of wages in t:le locality in which this type of lG."b,;.r 1.3 to be pel'formod for (oach craft or type 01' workman or mechanio needed. to execute the cO:Jtract and did set forth the prevailing hourly wage soale so ascertained; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did receive the following sealed proposals prior to 7:00 o'clook P.M. on the 28th day 0 f Februar~ ' 195 6 ,in response to the notIce aforesaid inviting sea ed proposals, to wit: -1- - strATi OJ' CALI:JORll'U ) COUN!Y OF ClIWf3E ) ss Cr!Y OF AIlHIIM ) ~- I DElE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the Oity of Anaheim, 10 hereby cerUf;r .that the foregoing resolution wa~ adopted upon a fiaal reading at a regular meeting of the City Qounci1,of the auy of .&naheia, held on the 28th day of Februari7, 19.56. by the followiag vote of the members thereof; AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser' NOES: COWOILlofim: None AllSDT : COUNCILMDa Van Wagoner .AID I :r1lllmER OERTUY that the Ifqorof the 01t7 of Anaheim approved and slgaed said resolution on ~he 28th day of :r..ru.ry, 19.56. DI' WITlDSS WHI!:RlIOF I I have hereunto SElt m;r hand and affixed the seal of. the Oit7 of Anaheim this 28th day of J'ebruary, 19.56. lL"-;7(. ~ /~~ CITY OLEIlX OF 'BE CITY OJ' AlWDlIX (SJW,) ~.- "" - ~ ~~~ BID P.f,U Cl TOTAL PRICE R. J. NOBLE COMPANY ...-. SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COV~ANY $11,101. 80 11,918.60 0< WHEREAS, the Ci~y Couneil did t~.reupon reter 88id bide totb. . City ~n!U{r I tor .....'1011,.. at on and report to the I C1t,. Council., and .a1d .-Q1l~ ..bK1neet; I d14 examine and tabu- me ialcl lea 4. propo.ala and did report. to the Council the re.w.t ot hll eUl11mlt1on and tabulation; and l.UUlEAS, the City Counc1.l tioos. that the sealed proposal 8u"ltted 1:11 R. J. NOBLE COMPANY, P.O. B~X 620, Orange, California, 1. '.. In.." r..ponalble proposal 8uba1th.a. tor the l'ur-nbhlng Of all plant, labor, services, material. andiequlpment, all utilities and t.&n8portatlon, including power, ruel and vater and perto~ng all work MO....,.,. to cOrtstruct and eOllPl..t& ill a good and WOl'k:ma!2- l~e ~r in strict accordance with the.peoifioation., plana and dJoav1nga theretoI' on f11e in the ottiee ot the cu,. Clerk ot th. OU,. ot AnaheIm ot the public blP!'OV.turt; heJ'elnabove mentioned and desorlbed, together with the apPW'teD~ces thereto, and as .p~it1.4 in the not ice invi t1ng sea)..ed p1l'opoaala, and that said prQpo..l ot sa1d above naaed bidder shoul4 be accepted and a con- tract &varded to add bl4der in aeeorclanc4l therewith; and WH~S, the CitY' Councll finds that the above mentioned 8.ale4 proposal ia the low.at responsible proposal received and that the p .1'8011" 1'1rm or corporatior'l submt ttl:ng ..1el p:roposal 11 a r..poealble per8OI1, tira or oorporation and that the proposal aub- a1~te4 1a the b.st su1ted and fitted tor the public improvement to be oonstructed. ...... 1fOW 'l'BERE~RE, BE IT RESOLVED IY 'DIE CITY COUNCIL OF 'mE CI'IY OP' .DBi!M that the sealed propoul tubla1tted bY' R. J. NOBLE co~.,:r. P.O. Box 620. Qra~e, Caltfornla~ for tile .r'\1rn1~ or aU. plant, labor, a~rnce8 t _ terlala and .q\UJlI'ent, all utilities and tratl.portat1~, including power, tuel and water and pe rfor1l11ns all work a.cessa1l7 to construct and CODl- plete in a Bood and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specitications, plan. Illld drawInsa theretoI' on tne in the oft1ce 01' the City' Clerk 01' the City of Anahe1m and the notice 1n- - -2- ... ._~ - - - ~ viting sealed proposals, the public works and improvements herein- above more particularly mentioned and described, together with the appurtenances thereto, be, and the same is hereby, accepted, and that a contract for the construction and completion of said public improvement be, and the same is hereby, awarded to the said above named bidder. ,"-' , AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the successful bidder or bidders upon each contract aVlarded as hereinabove set forth shall be, and they are hereby required to e;~ecute a contract in the re- quired form with the City of Anaheim upon the terms and conditions specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals and the proposal submitted by said successful bidder or bidders and in accordance with the plans and specifications for said public improvement hereinabove described and in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of this resolution, and that said successful bidder or bidders to whom each contract is aWarded shall be required to furnish a surety bond in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the oontract price for all labor, materials and equipment to be furnished and performed as set forth in the sealed proposals submitted by said bidder for the construction of said public im- proVement together with the appurtenances thereto or such portion thereof as is covered by said contract as s,ecuri ty for the faith- ful performance of said contract and a separate surety bond in an amoupt equal to one hundred per cent (100;;) of the construction cost of said public improvement covered by said contract as security for the payment of all persons performing labor and furn- ishing material for said project. AND BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED that said successful bidder or bidders be, and they are hereby required to furnish to the City of Anaheim in companies satisfactory to the City of Anaheim public liability, property damage, compensation, and other insur- ance in the amounts and for the purposes as set forth and specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals and subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and suffiCiency. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the l.fayor and the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to make, execute and enter into for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim a written contract with said successful bidder or bidders for the furnishing of all plant, labor, materials, and equipment and performing all work as hereinabove more particularly described for the construction, installation and completion of said public improvement hereinabove described upon the terms and conditions as speCified in the notice inviting sealed proposals, the ~etailed design, plans, profiles, drawings and general specifi~ cations and detailed specifications and drawings and all addenda thereto and all modifications incorporated therein prior to the date of the opening of bids, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anahei8 and in st~ict accordsncewith the torma, conditions and provisions of thio Resolution, and in accord- ance vii th all the contract documents herein specified. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION J.B signed and approved by me this 28th day of February , 19 56 . ///// r::..,) ----0 C.f~~--.!"'---7"~~ HAYOR OF THE CITY OF Al'1AHEIH - ..:~:~[l~EST: ,. / /1~~ 711 CITYCLE::1.K OF '- '-.~ ~ . ). . [..U ~ .___- THE CITY OF AN.AHEDI -)-