1953-2199RESOLUTION NO. 2199 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE AUDIT OF THE FINAL COSTS OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER, PUMPING PLANT AND FORCE %AAIN; APPROVING THE PAYMENT OF THE COSTS THEREOF, AND AUTHORIZ- ING AND DIRECTING THE CITY AUDITOR TO SAKE DISTRIBUTION OF THE COSTS THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID AUDIT AND WITH RESOLUTIONS HERETOFORE ADOPTED EY THE CITIES AND SANITARY DISTRICTS OF THE ORANGE COUNTY JOINT OUTFALL SEWER. WHEREAS, the Magnolia Trunk Sewer, Pumping Plant and Force Main has now been completed and is in use and operation; and WHEREAS, the Engineering Committee of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer has heretofore computed and de- termined the final costs of construction of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer, Pumping Plant and Force Main and the Cities and Sanitary Districts of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer have heretofore adopted resolutions approving the computa- tion and determination of the final costs of said construc- tion by said Engineering Committee and authorizing the distribution of the costs thereof to the various Cities and Sanitary Districts of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer as found and determined by said Engineering Committee; and WHEREAS, a final audit of the costs of construc- tion of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer, Pumping Plant and Force Main has been made by Diehl Company, a firm of certified public accountants, which audit shows that the records kept and maintained by the City of Anaheim as Contracting Agent for the Cities and Sanitary Districts of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer are true and correct, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the City Auditor be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to make final distribution to the Cities and Sanitary Districts of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer of the final costs of the construction and completion of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer, Pumping Plant and Force Main; and that she be and she is further authorized to :sake refunds to those Cities and Sanitary Districts that have paid more than their proportionate share of the costs of such construction; and that statements of the balance due be prepared and sent to those Cities and Sanitary Districts that have not yet paid the full amount of their proportionate share of such costs, with a request that said amount be paid; and that said final distribution of said costs be made in accordance with said audit and the resolutions heretofore passed and adopted by said. Cities and Sanitary Districts, copies of which are on file in the Office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in making distribution of said final costs of the construction and completion of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer, Pumping Plant and Force Main that the transfer of capacities in the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Line ODD 172 and the Euclid Trunk Sewer Line be taken into consideration and that credits be allowed to those Cities or Sanitary Districts transferring capacities, and that the Cities and Sanitary Districts receiving such capacities be debited with the value thereof as shown by the report of the Engineer- ing Committee and approved by resolutions heretofore passed and adopted by all of the Cities and Sanitary Districts of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 14th day of July, 1953. ATTEST: (Seal) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM CITY CLERK THE CI ANAHEIM MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 14th day of July 1953, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser and Heying NOES: COUNCILMEN; None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Boney and Van Wagoner. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Resolution on the 14th day of July 1953• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 14th day of July 1953. CITY CLTC OF TI'I TY OF ANAHEIM 171