56R-3097 - - ( RESOLUTION NO, 13097 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC~L OF THE CITY OF AlWIBIM ACCEP'lUlG A GRAIT DJl:ED CONVEYIHl TO mE CITY 0' A.JABBDl CZM'AII iREAL PROPBR'l'Y FOR All EASBtIII'1' 1Ql RO~ AND P~BLIC UTILITY PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City Couno11 ot t~e City ot Anaheim i8 desirous ot purcnasing the hereinatter d scribed real property tor publio purpoaes, to wit: An .a.emen. tor road and uubllc ~tilitv purnoaes . I ,and WRBREAS, tn. City Council ot t~. City ot Anaheim tinds that it is for the ben.tit and b..t 1nt.~.lt ot the City ot An~.1m to accept said ott.r and purCh... lai4 real property_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REScx.VBD by the C1ty Counoil ot the City of AnaheIm that the ottar of ~WRENCE 1<:. HUND & BETTY () S& 0 a yo.. . 0 8 prop- erty situated in the City of Anahel., C nt7 ot O1".,ge, State ot California, to b. used tb1" 'fIOJ'l9 f}nd Pll~ Uti1i:! PllrYUA , and ~re partlcular17d.lo1"l al 0 OW8: An easement for road and public ~tility purposes over, under and across the Westetly 27 feet of a paroel of land being a portion of Lot 27. Anaheim Extension located in the City of Anaheim. County of Orange, state of California, mor$ partioularly desoribed as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly c~rner of Lot 59 of Tract 1909, as shown on a map re~orded in Book 59, Pages 13 and 14 of Miscellaneous ,Maps, Records of Orange County; thence South 740 29' oon West, along the Northerly line of said Traot 1909, 255 feet, more or less, to the centerline of Cambridge Street; thence North 15023'37HWest along the Northerly prolongation of said o$nterline, 50 feet; thence North 740 29' 00. East, p~rallel with said Northerly line, 285 feet to the centerline of Lemon street; thence South 15023'37" tast, along said oenterline, 50 feet to the Eesterly prolongation of the Northerly line of said Tract 1909; thence South 74029' 00. West 30 feet to the point of beginning. be., and ~e lame 18 hereby, accepted by ~he City Council of the CUy ot Anaheim, I.lld that the City of A~e1m accept a oalvey- ance ot said property. r- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th, City T:reasurer of the City ot Anahe1. be, and he 11 hereby, au~hor1zed to pay to the O1fner. of said real property, out of Ge~1"al Funds ot the City ot Anaheim, the sum ot One and nO/1OO Do~lar. ('1.00). -1- - THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me tin.l.s _~!.1Jl~_o.ay or ~~~lnRX'Y__J..'7 56 ,r- , ,) ~... . y,/, , ' ~/.. "fi/.~/-~ ~~~ --'-'-_ .~ ~_ _ _~ _D. _ ____ MAYOR 0 THE CITY OF AMAHE ~TT[" T: /~~' .~~~ C lY C1bRr~ Tfi:2- CTTY OF AJAHETIi STATL OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAHGE ) ss. CITY OF Al,AHEIlvi ) I, DENE M. WILLUU4S . ,Jity Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do he-"~ebi -c-erfiTy-th~,:t-fb.:e-:Foregoing Resolution was passed. and ao_opted at a ~_!\egu].~!,,____________meeting of the City Council hel6. on the _24th__day of r-.r.~- __~, 19-...i6...., qy the following vote of the members thereof: NOBS: COUFCILLEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutt., Wisser and Van Wagoner. COUhCILiiiEN: None. COUNC I Ll'IEN : None. AYES: ABSENT: AND I FURTHEn CERTIFY the.t the Hayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approvs6. said Resolution on the 24~day of ____~SJl~n__ ~______.' 19--5~____' INJIn:ESS .,"HET20F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal. of the C~ ty of An9.heim '.;hi8 24th day of ___..~ ;rAl!~,y_ _. ___, 19..3_6_.,___, _~~2L~~ CITY CLt,:9.K OF 'lEE CllY OF ANAHElr1 r" -'