56R-3096 - ~ ~'-..~,( RESOLUTION NO. ~p96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNClL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF AlfAHEIM CERTAIN iREAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEHBNT!lOR ~U!llL!C UTiLITY PUQOSI!lS WHEREAS, the City Couno1l of t~e City of Anaheim Is desirous of purChasing the here1nafter d scribed real property fOr publio pUrposes, to wit: An easemen. for PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES J . and WHEREAS, the City Council of t~e City of Anaheim finds t~at it is for the benetit and best 1ntetest of the City of Anaheim to accept said offer and purChas, aaia real property. ows: An easement for road and publi~ utility purposes over, under and across the Northerly )0 feet of that portion of the Northerly to acres of Lot 4, Anaheim Extension, located in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map by William Hamel, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, being more particulc:.rly described as folll1lws: Beginning at the Northv;est corner of said Lot 4, being in the center line of Sycamore Street 49.5 feet wide; thence Southerly along the West line of Lot 4 and the East line of North East Street, 151.55 feet; thence North 74c3l'10R East, p~rallel with the center line of Sycamore Street, 190.l~ feet; thenoe North 15005'20R West 151.55 feet to the North line of said Lot 4 and the center line of Sycamore Street; thence South 740 31' lOR West along the North line of Lot 4, 190.73 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. be, and the same is hereby, accepted by ~he City Council of the City of Anaheim, and that the City of An,hetm accept a canvey- a~ce of said property. r-. .--.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th~ City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim be, and he is hereby, aUfhorized to pay to th& o~ers of said real property, out of Gentral Funds of the City ot Anaheim, the sum of One and no/lOO Do lars (~l.OO). -1- - ,r'. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is si~ned and approved by me this _24th..-_day of ~_~__19 56 . t ..... .. -.. , ) -i~~~~~nr AT.7J~~ - ~~, ' ~--------~~~ ClLTY CLERK OF TB.Z CTTY 01 MAl STATL OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORAHG-E ss. CITY OF Ai,AHEUi I, DENE. M. WILLIAl~S ,0~ty Olerk of the City of Anaheim, do he-,-"eby-c-ert.Cfy-thc':"tt.0.:c-7orAigo1ng Hesolution was passed and adopted at a REGULAR.' meeting of the C.ity Council held. on the~ ~~b.=dayUoT:J~u~___, 19...56-, by the following vote of the members theireof: AYES: NO;::;S: OOUl'CIUiEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. oaUbC IU"iEN: None. COUl-ICIUIEN: None. ABSENT: AND I FURTHEri CERTIFY the,t the Nayor of the City of Anaheim signed and a:,yprove6. said Resolut,ion on the ....?!tk..day of ____..Ja.uu.ary_ ~~_~__.' 19-.56... IN .JITi':ESS<HE-{EOF, I have here'unto set my hand and affixed the sea: of the City of Ans.heim '.;his _g4th day of _ __ ~. .J:.a.R~;ry _ _ _.__' 19--59_.___. -~~~&~T.m~ vIT'Y CL.i!.i9.K OF '.'lIE CI1Y OF ANAru..h1 r