56R-3079 - .- RESOLUTION NO. 3079 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY =~l. ' OF THE CITY OF WHElM COIfSENTIHQ TO ~ CITY OF P'ULIE. TOR E.I.'J.')!;IDING SEWAGE FACIUTIES AND SERVIcr TO TRAC',l'NO. 2910, ALL BEIHG WITHIN THE FULIER'1'oIf SPONSORl!:D' ARIA. WHEREAS, thee owneri of property within the above described territory have requested permission of the City of Fullerton to dia- charge aewage and .ewage waste from said area into the sewage linea aad sevale diSposal system of the City of Fullerton; aDd WHH:REAS, said area is outside the present boUZldaries of the Cit7 ot Fullerton; and WHEREAS, the j oint agreement made and entered into 'by aDd between the Cities and S~D1tary Districtll of the Orange CoUDty Joint Outfall Sever provides that said Cit~.s kftd Sanitary-Districts eoftt~ct aM. asree not to allow or pend t or countenance the depoai t, plao:tn, or diSoharge ot sewage into its sewer sYltem by any person natural or artificial not legally within the boundaries of their respecU.... 'Pity or Sanitary- Districts, and WHEREAS, the City of Fullerton has requested permission, ot .aid Cities and Sanitary Districts to permit the discharge ot sewage into its sewer system from said area above mentioned, and the City Council of the Ci tv of Anah.i~ does find and determine that no good reason exists why such consent should not be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci"l:1 COlIQei 1 of the City of Maheim that consent of the ChJiii of Anaui. be, and it is hereby given to the City of ..; lerton to permit or allow the deposit, placing or di.charge of sewage into it. sewer sy.tem from said area. day of THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 10th Januarv , 1956. /). .. ....;J ~ ,I/Tqr, '---..... .J"'__f~./.._- /-c-_-&..---Z~ , ATTEST: L2.?CL );J( -{!0'~.c.~',,____- Mayor City of AIlaheilll of the Ci ty Clerk Ci ty of Anaheim of the ,......., ,--..., STATE OF CALIFORNIA) CIllUNtY OF ~E ) 55. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WIT TrAMS, City Clm of the C1:ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was a~opted upon a final read~l'i9 at a regular lleetlng of tile C1ty Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 10th day of January, 1956, by the fOllowing vote of the 1Il.uHtn thereof: ""'" lYlS: GW.:ILMEN. P.non, Fry, SchuUe, 1ftaser and Van Wagoner. JI)JS. C~Il,MEN. None. ABIENT. CClJ1O:IJElh Non.e. All> I RIlTlQlt CERTIFY that the Mayor of ~e City of Anaheim appr.ved aRd signed said resolution on the lOth day of Januuy, 1956. IN WITIIISS WHERB>f, I have herewrto set., hand and affixed tile ..u of tile City of ADaheia this 10th day of January, 1956. ~a.C~~~ (~) '.-