'~::'SOLU'l'IO,: :'10. 72R-264
OF l\iJA?TIT: m:;T,[rTG V}':..RIA-!CE NO. 2375.
\'7IIEE<.EAS, after a request for variance by EmlEST L.
D.Al'JI<ER, ET. AL. f owners; CL.l\SSIC DEVELOpr1E~'iT CORPORATION, agent,
was received, a public hearing before the Planning Corr~ission of
the City of Anaheim was held upon due and proper notice as a
result of which Variance No. 2375 was denied covering the follon-
ing described property~'
l~ll that certain land situated in the S.tate of California,
Count~1 of Orangs, ;:~ancho3antiago de Santa l\na, described
as follm.r" z
PAj"{C=-:L 1"
Bf~ginninCJ at a point on the exterior boundary of the
Rancho Santiaoo de Santa Ana where the said line intersects
the line betw~en Ranges 8 and 9 West, S.B.B. & M.' thence
South 30 chains' thence T'Jest 6 chains; thence north 42 1/20
Tvest 15.50 chains to the exterior boundary of said Rancho;
thence North 390 East 18 chains to Station 35: thence
'\1orth 450 East 6.45 chains to the point of beginning.
Excepting therefrom the portion lying Southeasterly of the
Northwesterly line of the land described in the deed from
JothiJ.m Bix]:)y Corcpany and others to Santa Ana Valley Irriga-.
tion Company r~corded July 18, 1934 in Book 685, page 255
of Official ~ecords.
Also exccptinq tr.at portion (not heretofore excepted)
included within t~e followina:
Beginnins: at a point in the East line of that certain tr3ct
of land conveye:l to San.ta l',r.a Valley Irrigation Company
by deed recorded April 18, 1905 in Book 112, page 64 of
Deeds, said point being 20 feet ~orth from the most
~ortherly corner of that certain tract of land described
in the deed recorded July 30, 1901, in Book 62, page 314
of Deeds; running thence :-'Jest 15 feet at right angles to
t~e said East line; thence South along a line parallel
with the said East line to the center line of the Santa
~na Canyon Road as same is described in the deed recorded
June 7, 1928 in Book 171, page 144 of Official Records;
thence Northeasterly along the said center line of the
Santa .l\na Canyon l{oad to the intersection with the said
East line: thence ':Torth alon,! said East line to the
point of beginning.
Also excepting therefrom the portion, if any, included
within the land described in the deed to Aristea N.
Harquez, recorc1.ed July 13, 1911 in Book 197, page 354 of
Also excepting tnerefrom that portion described as
beginning at a point on the exterior boundary of the
Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana where said line intersects
the line bebleen 2.anqE' 8 an(; Range 9, 8.B.3. & r1., said
point being the most northerly corner of .that certain
parcel of land described in deed recorded November 17,
1942 in Book 1170, page 207 of Official Records, runninq
thence South 00 20' 20" West, along said Range line, .
224.60 feet to a point,' thence South 740 04' 30" West
324.87 feet to Station 35 of said Rancho; thence North
450 00' East 443.68 feet to the point of beginning.
Also exce?ting that portion conveyed to the State of
California bv deed recorded Januarv 28, 1968 in Book
8497, page 8~4 of Official Records~
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 36, Town-
ship 3 South, Range 9 vlest, S.B.B. & M., running thence
West 6 chains; thence North 6 chains; thence East 6
chains; thence South 6 chains to the beginning.
Exceptin~r therefrorn that portion lying Southeasterly of
the Northwesterly line of the land described in the deed
to Santa Ana ~lalley Irrigation Company, a corporation,
recorded July 18, 1934 in Book 685, page 255 of Official
P [,RCEL 3.
That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest
quarter of Section 31, Tmmship 3 South, Range 8 West,
S.B.B. & M., described as follows:
Beginning at a post on the West line of said Section 31,
15 chains South of the intersection of said West line
with the north line of the Rancho Santiago de Santa l\.na:
thence South 540 30' ~ast 9.21 chains to a point on the
:'1esterly line of Lot 12 of Tract ;;0. 117, as shovvn on a
Map recorded in 300k 11, page 15 of Miscellaneous Maps,
records of Orange County, California; thence South 10.66
chains to the "ortheast corn,sr of I.ot 11 of so.id Tract
'10. 117; thence 'Tes~.:, alor:gl.:heJort.h line of said Lot.
11 and the' ;'Jestc~rl:l extension thereof, 7.50 chains to a
point on the\!est line Of said Section 31, thence ~~ort;.1
16 chains to the point of beginning.
:::xcepi:inc:: t'lcre.::ror' t'.le EollO'Jdng c.cscribed land;
Beginning at a. point in the North line of Lot 11, Tract
::~o. 117, as Snm07l1 on a 'lap recorded in Book 11, page 15
of Miscellaneous ~aps, records of Orange County, California,
saiJ Doint bein~ distant South 890 59' 20 Nest 1.40 feet
from t21e'ort'Jeilst corner of said Lot 11, t:,ence South
390 S9' 2C i~st, along the 'orth line of said Lot 11 and
th2 Fester1y extension t:,ereof, 497.49 feet to a point
in the :>lest linG of Section .31, ~:~o~/7nsll.il? 3 Sou-th 1 Range
C,; I {Test, ~. ;',f th(~nc'::; ~()ri.:i~ :Jo 20' 20;: East along
3al~ ~est line 170.32 feet to u noint in the center line
of Santct-:'.na C:aYP.1011 ~o2.d (l()). ~)O'- feet 'wide) as c1.escribed.
in the de2:~ Lccord::;:'. ,:ru;~,c~';, 1934 in!ook 675, page 300
of Official Eecords; tl1CllCS '~orth ~60 ~GI ~ast along sai~I
center line 218.40 feet; t~lence South 450 ~O' Sast 457~66
feet to t"e ~oiLt of b(~c:dnniIl(f'
Also exccntin':J therefrom tIle portion conveyed to the
State of California by deed dated June 21, 1952 and
recorded June 27, 1952 in Rook 2349, page 334 of Official
PARC:r:L 4;
A Tract of land located in Section 31, ?m!llship 3 South,
Range 8 West, S.L.B. & M., described as follows:
3eginning at a point in the line between Ranges 8 and 9
Nest, Township 3 South, said point being distant North
1385.7 feet froEl the common corner of Sections 31 and
36, Township 3 South and Sections 1 and 6 of Township 4
South of said Ranges 8 and 9 West, said point being the
most Northerly corner of the land nm,7 or formerly of
Betsaida Yorba de Peral ta! running thence ~rorth from saie
point of beginning, along the line between Ranges 8 and
9, 981.81 feet; thence North 450 00' East 797.05 feet;
thence North 630 00 East 321.46 feet to the Westerly
line of Lot 27 of Tract No. 117, as shown on a Map
recorded in Book 11, page 15 of Miscellaneous Maps, records
of Orange County, California; thence South 00 14' West
alonG said last mentioned line and the prolonqation thereof
1330: 02 feet to the -'10rtherly line of the State Highway
as descrihed in deed recorded July 17, 1934 in Book 691,
page 27 of Official~ecordsi thence along the northerly
line of said State Highway along a curve concave to the
South and having a radius of 3050 feet, a distance of
269.73 feet; thence continuing along said line South 270
16' 35 ~est 283.01 feet to the beginning of a curve
concave to the'-lorth having a radius of 1950 feet; thence
Southwesterly along said curve, a distance of 237.65 feet
to the most Easterl v corner of said land nO,"l or formerly
Betsaida Yorba de Peralta: thence leaving said Northerly
line of State Eighwav; l'7orth 540 30' Hest 563.06 feet to
the point of beainning.
~xcepting therefrom the 54-foot strio conveved to the
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company by deed~recorded
Julv 18, 1934 in Book 685, page 255 of Official Records.
Also excepting that portion of said land conveyed to the
State of California by deed recorded Auaust 28, 1951 in
Book 2222, page 180 o~ Official Records:
Beginning at a point in the center of the main ditch of
the Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company, said point being
209.3 feet North of a point 396 feet l'iest of the common
corner of Township 3 and 4, ~anges 8 and 9 West, S.B.B.
& rI., as shown on the ""'caF of the Rancho Santiago de
Santal\na", filed with the Final Decree of Partition of
said :~ancl1o in the case of ?\bel Stearns and others, vs.
Leonardo Cota and others, running thence North 185.3
feet to tIle Sout:1',vest corner of a 28.40 acre tract
allotted to ~aria Peralta je Alvarez by said Final Decree
of Partition; thence North 42-1/20 ~est along the South-
westerly line of said Tract allotted to said Maria
Peralta de AlYar~z 1823 feet to a 3 x 1 stake marked
--3 --
~ J
"SiiP set on tl-ce i'Jorthern boundary of the Rancho Santiago
de Santa Ana; thence South 390 West along said Northern
boundary 986.5 feet to a 4 x 4 marked "SHP" set at the
Northern corner of a tract of land owned by E. Walter
Pyne; thence South 39-1/20 East along the Northeastern
boundar',! of the lands of said E. ,val ter Pvne 1078 feet
to a point in tile center of Cie IT'.ain ditci; of the Santa
A.na Valley Irrication Company' thence North 430 45' East
alone: tlw center of said ditcl'1 617.5 feet to a point;
thence continuing along the center of said ditch North 470
15' East 284.7 feet to the point of beginning.
I';:;,ce-::ltinc therefrom that ")ortion of said land conveved
to the Sa.nta Z'ma Valley Irrigation Con!pany by deed recorded
July 18, 1934 in Book 685, page 255 of Official Records.
PAl~C?L 7-
The Northeasterly 239.00 feet of that portion of the lana
allotted to Paula Peralta de Dominquez in Decree of
Partitior of the Hancho Santiago dci Santa Ana recorded
in Book B of Jud~aents of the Seventeenth Judicial Dis-
trict Court of Los Angeles County, California, located in
the County of Orange, State of California, described as
Beqinninq at a point on the 'Tortherlv line of the riaht
of- way granted to Santa 7\na Valley Irrigation Company
by deed recorded October 9, 1947 in Book 1536, page 487
of Official Records of said Orange County, said point
beinG North 380 45' 42" West 72.98 feet from a point on
the center line of the Santa Ana Canyon Road as-described
in a deed to the County of Orange recorded June 7, 1928,
in Book 171, page 14.1 of Official Records of said Orange
County, said point on said center line being 728.55 feet
7')orth 440 00' 3()" East from a bolt marking the Easterly
terminus of a curve in said center line designated in
said deed as having a radius of 450 feet and a central
angle of 370 02' 45".: thence from said point of beginninq
North 380 45' 42' Nest 1051.70 feet to the North line
of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana; thence South 370
15' 18" vJest 37.70 feet to a 6-inch concrete monument,:
thence South 400 24' 030 Nest 440.97 feet to a line
which bears i'Jorth 400 07' 45" ;:"est from a point on the
110rtherly line of said right of way granted to Santa
Ana Valley Irrigation Company said last mentioned point
beincr South 440 80' 30" \"rest 449.01 feet from the point
of b~ginning; thence South 400 07' 45-' East 1016.38 feet
to the I"Tort;:' line of said right of way of the Santa Ana
Valley Irrigation Company; thence "Jorth 440 00' 30"
East 449.01 feet along said right of way to the point
of beginning.
Except therefrom that certain well site, 210.00 feet
by 105.00 feet located in the most Northerly corner of
said land as described in an agreement by p,'; Walter Pyne
and A. L. Marzo and wife recorded January 31, 1934 in
Book 653, page 181 of Official Records of said Orange
Excepting therefron for a period of 25 years from April
15, 1955, 25% of all oil, gas, minerals and hydrocarbon
substances now produced or which may hereafter be produced
in or under said land, but vii thout the right to enter said
land to extract or remove the same, as reserved in the
deed froTt: Clarence Bond and Uazel II. Bond recorded
April 21, 1955 in Book 3038, page 251, of Official
PARCLL 7,.Z\.:
An Easement over a strip of land 20.00 feet wide over
that 50.00 foot stri? of land described in deed to the
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company, recorded October
9, 1947 in Book 1536; page 487 of Official Records, as
said 20.00 foot strin is reserved in said deed to the
Santa Ana Valley Irrlqation Company.
That certain ~>Jell site, 210.00 feet by 105.00 feet ~'Thic!1
was excepted from Parcel 7 above and as described in an
easement by E, Walter Pyne and A. L. ~arzo and wife,
recorded January 31, 1934 in Book 653, page 181 of
Official Records of saio Orange County.
That portion of the land allotted to Paula Peralta de
Dominguez in Decree of Partition of the Rancho Santiago
de Santa ?\na recorded in Book B of ,Judgments of the
Seventeenth Judicial District Court of Los Angeles County,
California, located in the County of Orange, State of
California, descrihed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the:.fortherlv line of the right
of '.>Jay granted to Santa;\na Valley Irrigation Company
by deed recorded October 9, 1947 in Book 1536, page 487
of Official ~ecords of said Orange County, said point
being North 380 45' 42 ~cst 72.98 feet from a point on
the center line of the Santa Ana Canyon Road as described
in a deeC to the County of Orange recorded June 7, 1928
in Book 171, page 144 of Official ~ecords of said Orange
County, said point on said center line being 728.55 feet
'Iort;; 440 QO' 3(1' T":ast from a bolt marking the Easterly
terminus of a curve in said center line designated in said
deed as having a radius of 450 feet and a central angle
of 370 02! 45;~, thenc2 fro~ said point of beginning rlort~~
3S0 11:.)t 4:~ \:c~:;t lC51 fest -co th'2 -Torth line of the
~_~L::n.c>'.C Santiaqo J(~~ ,:::: a. tl ta ~...r:_E:.; thence Sou.t~ 370 15' 13 ':
"Jest 37. 7'J fcet to a S inch concrete monul-;:lent; thence
Soue; 400 24! 0:)' ~;est 44']. '7 feet to a li:1e vThich hear2
";orb~~ 400 07' 4:.1 "c;st frOT" a ':loint on t!lC '>rort11Crl'l line
O'..~.' s~ i,' Y'; '. ,'c 0.;' "'~'.;-"-" c, +- "".,] .;-0' c'.,,, ..'" 7.,.,., ~la11ev Irr irqa-.
. C,._,-..,. '_~_~~"_" .~ ,vr...;.._~ .':;......~...l~-l."-'-~... '- -k..(..-._'-l........ ..-'1...._"-". .... _.~.
tioD. CO!~'::~'all'.l Bai:~:l last n.entioncc~ point being South 440
or! 30 ~~os.t 44~.Ol feet frOB tlle ?oint of beginning~
thence South 4,}0 87' 4S ":ast 1016.38 feet to the ;'Torth
line of s~i~ right of way of the Santa Ana Valley Irriga-
tion :ornal1"; tllen8e':ort'lJAO 00 I 3') :'::ast 4-19.01 feet
along saId ~ight of ~av to the point of beginning.
Sxcept the ~rtneasterly 239.DO feet thereof.
Exceptin:o: for a period of 25 years from April 15, 1955
all oil, Slas, minerals and hydrocarbon substances but
..,i thout the ri~::1t of surface entry, as reserved in deed
from Clarence Dond and wife by deed recorded April 21,
1955 in Book 3U37, page 551 of Official Records.
PltRCEL 9:
That portion of the land allotted to Paula Peralta de
Dominguez in decree of partition of the Rancho Santiago
de Santa Ana, recorded in Book B of Judgments of the 17th
Judicial District Court of California, located in the
County of Orange, State of California, described as
3eginning at a ':Joint on the :.lorth"lesterly line of the
right of \'lay granted to the Santa Ana Valley Irrigation
Company by deed recorded October 9, 1947 in Book 1535,
page 487 of Official Records of Orange County, said point
being 449.01 feet South 440 00' 30" 1>7est of a point
72.98 feet North 380 45' 42 West from a point on the
center line of Santa Ana Canyon Road described in deed
recorded in Boot 171, page 144 of Official Records of
Orange County, said point on said center line being 728.55
feet North .11 4 0 00' 3 J r:ast from a bolt marking the
Eastern terminus of a curve on said center line, said
curve being designated in said deed as having a radius
of 450.00 feet and through a central angle of 370 02'
45' from said point of beginningF running thence North
40007' 45' :'Test 1016.38 fect to a point on the ~10rth
line of said Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana; thence South
400 24' 03" Hest 69.05 feet to Station No. 36 S.S.A'r
said station being marked by a concrete monument; thence
South 46054' 30" ';Jest alann said Rancho line 338.15
feet to a Doint 66.00 feet 'i~Jorth 460 54 I 30" East from
a 6-inch concre.te monument marking Station "10. 37
S.S"~'.. thence South 280 49' 30" East 627.82 feet;
thence South 00 55' 00' "~Jest 372.39 feet to a point on
the center line of said Santa ,Ana Cai.l.yon P,oad as descri1-,cd
in the deed above mcntioned: thence North 810 03' 15"
East along said center line 251.00 feet to the beginning
of a curve tangent concave to the '\Torth width a radius
of 450.00 feet: thence alonG said curve a distance of
7'-) .16 feet through a central angle of go 34' 10" to a
point on the\Jorth\vesterly line of said right of way
granted to tIee Santa }l..na Valley Irrigation Company; thence
~orth 260 49' 10 Last 64.10 feet to an angle point on the
:Jortherly li11l:;) of said right of way; thence :10rth 440
00' 30' ~ast 433.52 feet along said Northerly line of said
rirrht of way to the point of: beginning.
PARCI:L l'i;
Commencing at j;')ost marked en I 918.5 feet West from the
Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Section 24,
TOt~7nship 3 South, Ranq-e 9 ~'!est, s.~.=". & f'-1., ~\Thich corner
is also Station 10. 13 of the exterior boundary of said
Rancho; t:-,ence :'";out:l 10 -:5' :C'ast 12,080 frClet to the
- .
ExceDt tile ;!or'cneasterl? 2 3S' .1)0 feet tJ::.ereof.
.. -.
r:xce9tin~, for a period of 25 years from April 15, 1955
all oil, gas, minerals and hydrocarbon substances but
wi thout the ri'::"lt of surface entry, as reserved in deed
from Clarence ~ond and wife by deed recorded April 21,
1955 in Book 3037, page 551 of Official Pecords.
That portion of the land allotted to Paula Peralta de
Dominguez in decree of partition of the Rancho Santiago
de Santa Ana, recorded in Book B of Judgments of the 17th
Judicial District Court of California, located in the
County of Orange, State of California, described as
Beginning at a point on the northvlesterly line of the
right of way granted to the Santa Ana Valley Irrigation
Company by deed recorded October 9, 1947 in Book 1536,
page 487 of Official Records of Orange County, said point
being 449.01 feet South 440 00' 30" "Test of a point
72.98 feet North 380 45' 42 West from a point on the
center line of Santa Ana Canyon Road described in deed
recorded in Book 171, page 144 of Official Records of
Orange County, said point on said center line being 728.55
feet North 440 00' 30 Fast from a bolt marking the
Bastern terDinus of a curve on said center line, said
curve being designated in said deed as having a radius
of 450.00 feet and through a central angle of 370 02'
4.5 L frop said point of beginning; running thence I'Jorth
400 07' 45\' \^7est 1016.38 feet to a point on the North
line of said Rancho Santiago de Santa Anai thence South
400 24' 03" Nest 69.05 feet to Station No. 36 S.S.A.,
said station being marked C)y a concrete monument; thence
South 450 54' 30" '>Test along said Rancho line 338.15
feet to a point 66.00 feet North 460 54' 30" East from
a 6-.inc~1 concrete monument marking ~3tation 1~JO. 37
S.S.A.7 thence South 280 49' 3D' East 627.82 feet;
thence South 00 55' 00 %'est 372.39 feet to a point on
the center line of said Santa Ana Canyon Road as describect
in the deed above mentioned: thence North 810 03' 15"
=ast along said center line 251.00 feet to the beginning
of a curve tangent concave to the North width a radius
of 450.00 feet thence along said curve a distance of
75.16 feet through a central angle of go 34' 10" to a
l)oint on the "Torth,,'esterly line of said right of way
granted to the Santa Ana valley Irrigation Company: thence
'.:orth 260 49' 10 East 64.10 feet to an angle point on the
Jortherly line of said right of way: thence ~~orth 440
DO' 30" East 433.52 feet along said Northerly line of said
ri~f'lt of vlay to the point of beginning.
Conunencing at lc":lost marked e", 918.5 feet West from the
Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Section 24,
To\'mship 3 South, Ranqe 9 "Jest, S.B.B. & M., ,vhich corl.er
is also Station No. 13 of the exterior boundary of sai~
~,ancho; thence SoUt:l 10 ,15' East 12,080 feet to the
Southerly boundary of the Ra.ncho; thence South 390 T':es"t
1080 feet; thence North 10 45' West 12,897 feet to the
Northerly boundary of said Rancho; and thence East 724
feet to the place of beginning and being a portion of the
Second and Thin1 Class Y-,anc.s allotted to Vincente Yorba
and to pr.clckmcio Vor::'a ])y Pinal Decree o:r Partition of
saic~ Ranc'Io rendered February 3, 1874.
rxcepting therefrom .that portion lying l'Torth~vesterly of
the Southeasterly line of the land descrbied in Parcel
Ill. in the Final Order of Condemna"tion rendered in the
Super ior Court of Orange COUl1 ty, Case ')0. 159982, a
certified c01:>Y of ':ll1ic'1 was !::"ecorded Hay 21, 1970 in
boo]: 9295, page 398 of Off icial Records, records of
Orange County, California.
1\11 thctt certain land 5i tUo.ted in th,,, P.ancho Canon de
Santa Ana, described as follows:
Leginnin~r at a point on the :<:ancho line between the
Ranchos Canon de Santa Ana and Santiago de Santa Ana,
said point being :Iorth 400 25' East 23.94 chains from
Station 36 of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, said
Station 36 being 3-1.16 chains West of the Tm-mship
corner at the corner of ~O\-m5hips bet'\>leen 3 and -1,
South, and Ranges 8 ane 9 West, S.B.3. & M., said point
being also the Southwest corner of the 207.73 acre
tract distributed to Brnesto T. Yorba by decree recorded
in book 29, page 233 of Deeds, thence North 10 45" ~'Jest
10.37 chains to a point; thence '10rth 750 18' Bast
12.10 chains to a point on the Grant line; thence
South 460 25 '(Jest 1.09 chains to Station 35 of the
Rancho Santiago de Santa }i.na; thence South 400 25'
nest along the Rancl10 line 16.41 chains to the point
of beginning.
I:xcepting therefrom that portion thereof lying :Northerly
of the Southerly line of Parcel 3A (A.'11ended) as described
in that certain Final Order of Condemnation, Superior
Court Co.5e ~io. 159982, a certified copy of ~.,hich was
recorded October 9, 1969 in Book 9103, page 408 of
Official Records, of said Orange County.
That portion of those certain strips of land conveyed
to Santa N1a Valley Irriqation Companv bv deed recorded
July 18, 1934 in Book 685, page 255 of Official Records
and by deed recorded October 9, 1947 in Book 1536, page
487 of Official Records, lying Northwesterly of the
Northwesterly line of Santa Ana Canyon Road, 100 feet
vJide, lying :'iesterly of the l~asterly line of Parcel 4
hereinabove described and lying Easterly of the Westerly
line of Parcel 7 hereinabove described.
I;xcepting therefrom any portion included within Parcel
3 described above.
\\TIIEREAE ( thereafter, wi thin the time prescribed by
law an interested party or the City Council on its own motion
caused the revie," of said Planning Commission action at a public
hearing noticed and held as prescribed by law and as a result
thereof the City Council does hereby make the following findings:
1. That there is no substantial property right possessed
by other property in the same vicinity and zone and
denied the subject property.
2. It appears that the subject property can be adequately
develope{ and used under the present zone.
,;Jm;, T'TEEEFORE r BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
.the City of AnaheiIl' that said Variance be and the same is hereby
TEE FO'~EGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me
this 27th dav of June, 1972.
A'I'TES't' :
~ ~ ,"'. '~:-rY CLERK OF THE C!::
u ' ,!AT TNt: ; ~,~tG~ 'N"--~ :
~ ) r r,r: 72R-.26.4.. __ [,'LY ;' "
C CLEm OF ,~ OF A~:AHEn~ :J:j=~.~ 'A7~.:_27! 197~.:::..:
CfJ'( (;~_U(K
I, DENE M. DAOUST, city Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No, 72R-264 was
passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held
on the 27th day of June , 19~, by the following
vote of the mem~ers thereof:
AY7S: COU\fCIL:CN; Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton
NOES: COUQCII...LolEN; Sneegas
AUD I FURTHER CT:R':'IFY that the '\lavor of the Citv of
Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 2 7thday of
June , 19 72 .
I~'T t':I?:'::ICE:S l"n:r::REOF I I have hereunto set mv hand and
affix20 tJe seal of the City of ~naheim this 27th day of
June 19 72 .
l-/PH ::w