1950-180116 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15! Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton and 0,1*,c 0 and the Sanitary Dietricts of ueua Park Garden Urove La Habra and Placentia; and 1.EAS„ said Cities and Sanitary District* have bertor duly 'passed and adopted resolutions authorizing the City of Anaheim to act as contracting agent for and on behalf o said Cities and Sanitary Districts in the construction of aclid Nagnolia Trunk Sewer Rroject and authorizing said City of Anaheim a each contracting agent to advertise for bids for the purchase of mat oriels and for bids for the construction of said Ilagnolis Trunk Sewer Project end to award contracts therefor„ and to do and perform all things necessary for the construction and compivAion of said. Magnolia Trunk Newer Project; and the City Council of the Ctty o Anaheim, finSe and Txoti OF T.1.11. CiTY COUNCIL OF NIL CITY OF ANAHSItt AUTWRIZIUG Tait 0/TY OLtRX. TO BE A NOTICE,' INVIT/NO 41.1TALED PAOPOSALS FOR TL 00N6TRUCTION OF THE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER PROJZCT AND Iek:,,A FURNININC ALL LABORS ANI1 MATERIALS THIA&FOR. WHEREA4,3 the City of Anaheim is the Jo traoting Agent for the determines that it is necessary to publish a notice inviting 4-ealea proposal for the construction of said U nolis Trunk 'Oewer Project ald for the furnishing of all labor and materials necessary and required to oomplete said kagnolia Trunk er Projeet in “:101Or noe with the designs plans and Specifications hersinabov m0400. tiened; NOW THZRZFCRS ail' IT LSOLVi4.0 BY TI CITY OOUNCIt TEE CITY ArAHNIM. AS CONTRACTING AGENT for the. Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton. and Orange, and for the Sanitary District* of Buena, Park, 4ardet Grove Ls Habra and Placentia, th4itt the City Clerk Qf the City of tIK and he is hereby authoriz and dixect. to publish., notice inviting' sealed prepoaale f the furaithing of tal labor and ?roject of the Or County Joint Outten, Sever; and materials and for the construction of the trunk t:smr .1- 2 Bit IT 70VRTESII, RZPOLVRLI that the detailed designs, plans and specifieations„ estimates of ountitie osts.of labor and material for the Magnolia Trunk 9ower Project as oraparod and edbmitted by Koobig and X0ohig„ consulting erginsera approved, and adopted by staid Cities and Sanitary Districts„ be placed on file it the office of the City 'Clerk of the City of Arsheic„ and made a able to all prospectivz bidders for the furnishing of said labor cM materials for the construction of card Maimolis, Trunk Sewer project; and rft IT' MT StROLV0 that the preVeilitr lfago aotio or Per -4:,s heretofore adopted by the Oity Council by resolutiowand now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be net forth in the notioe inviting bide; and BE IT TURTHIR RISOLVXD that said notice specify thzt the Inlocessful bidder er bidders will be required to enter into a orintract with the City of inabeim:k as such contraotinr er, t form to be approved ht csid Cit7 of Anaheim; and Sf; IT PIURTEVR RtIOL7F9 that th$ 9th day o January 1251„ at the hour of S otclOck P.M. of said day in the City lonosil Chambers of the City Roll of Aneheim b and the same is hereby set ne the day, timo and place fox oponinz of said bids and that the Oity Clerk of the City of Anaheim give due end legal notice by publishing said notice iv he tinahoJA Bulltin, newspaper of general irculation, published in said City and County and that the first pablication of such notice Shall h at boast ton (10) day before the time of opening of bi8 0 and that said notice shall be publish.. ad et least twicenot less than five (5) days snort. TRX T011tOCINO RESOLUTION is apl.:Tov;,.-4, and It gne, by rao this 29 12110a7 of P.20ember 1950. ;71' e 0 T:t