1950-1723lj 2~ 3 ~ 4r I 5 6 7 8) 9 10 lI 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION N0. 1723 A RESOLU~~~TON OF yH?I CI`~Y COUPICTL 0~ H~ CT~'Y 0~' ATvA~-iEIM ACCE;P`.L'iNG T~~1F CON`I~;YAIv'CE OF A FIGHT-OF- WAY IN, OVEP~ A~Ju ACt~OSS FOAL P~?OPE~'TY ~'OI~ ~~U~LIC UTILI`T'Y LINES. ^s~iE~?EA S, Arthur H. Shipkey and CathF nine Shipkey, hus- bank 2..nC1. Wii:'e, ~.:~ e nOti'J trie OJier$ Of fife fOllOv+iln~ descrioed real ~ropert~T situated in Mahe Ci ~;y of Anaheim, County of O~i°an~e, State of California, more particularly described as follows: That ~oortion of Lot ~, Anaheim Extension, as shotrm on a map by ~~illiam F3alel, recorded in trie office of the =:.ecorc_er of Los Angeles County, Califorl,ia, more particularly de- scribed as follo~,JS, to t~Jit: :~e~;innin~--~ at a point on the easterly line of North i~'ast ~~tre~t, sa id point oein~; 1w6. Fs0 feat Southerly from the South line of ~~:u_st Sycamore Street; ther=ce forth '~~° 31' l0" East parallel to said East Sycamore Street a distance of 194.10 feet to z. point; thence South '~~jo O5~ 20" ~~~est ~, distance of 5.00 feet to a point; thenca South 7~° 31~ IO" F^tiest _~ar4a.llel to said East Sycamore Street a distance of 190.12 feat to a point on the masterly line of Baia ?~Icrth East Str;,,et; thence South lso 22' 34" ~^lest ~~lon~ tlie~asterly line of saie_ worth East Street a c._istarice of 5.00 feet to the point of "ae~~innin{ °. and ~~tHET~iEAS, it is necessary ~.nd. desiY~able f oz^ the City of Anali.eim to acquire aright-of--v~=ay in, over a.rid across s~.id. pro- pert,y for ~u~:lic utility lines and that it ,~;ould be for the 'oast interest of s~.id City of j~,nahaim to acquira said rir;ht-of-~tiTay; ~.nd ?`T;~.l_EAS, the said Arthur H. Shipkey and Gatr_.arine Shipkey, husband,;,nd ~~rife, have of'f'ered to convey a ri;;ht-of'-way for public utility lines in, over a.nd across the real property here inabove rnentionad any. describes for a consideration of ;x10.00 and have exacuted and tendered to the Cit;r of Anaheim, ~. grant deed for the cony eyar~ce to the City of Ana~~aim of a rid ht-of-~~ay f'or ~~u~lic utility lizies. over ar~d o.cross tl~e real oro~erty he_^einabove mentioned an~'_ c_escribed; ~wna -1- 1 2~ 3 4 5 6 7 ~~ 8 9 la 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 G~iEREAS, the City Council finds that the land affected ~ by said deed tendered to the City of Anaheim by said Arthur :~. Ship-- k.ey anc~. Catherine 8:nipk.ey is -registered land and ~~~~~atthe names of the registered oUrY~ers are Arthur :rl. Shi~~key ~;d, Catherine Shipk.ey, and t'cat the number o' tine last Certific~~.te is , and that it ~~ill be necessary th~.t t. Tr~:.nsfer~e r s Affidavit ~..nd a re- ceipt for the duplicate Certific~~te of Title be executed for and on be'r_a1f o~' the City of Anaheim. i~30ty, THEREFORE, EE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anah eim that ti!!e offer of Arthur H. Shipkey ~~.nd Catherine ~hiplie~r, husband ~,nc~ c~rife, to convey to the City of Ana- him a ri~_~:nt-of-z-.,ay for ,ou~lic utility ?Ines over and across the rem. p:~~ooerty he~~ein~,boSTe mentioned ~~rld described for the consideration of `x;10.00 be, and the sa~r:e is, hereby ~~.ece?ted, and gnat t'rre deed conveying; sa'~.d ~;ro~?ert~,T to the City of Anaheim be, and the same is, hereby accepted. 3E T1 ~~"tIRTULR RESOLVED that the ~~~a;Tor ar_d the City Clerk, resoectively, of the City of Anaheim be, and t:ney are, ~~ere authorized and. directed to execute the Transf'eree~s Affidavit and receipt for the duplicate Certificate of Title for ~ nd on behalf of the City of Anaheim. THE FOt~~;CxOT1~'G i~,ESOLU'~'TON is signed and o.,;:~proved k:y rr~e this 14th day of r^ebruary, lq_;0. i'~ ,-~ 27 28 29 30 31 32 ATTEST: ~,. CT CLE:t~K C:3 HL CT~~'Y OF A~IAH:~,I~~T -2- 1' 2 3 4 i 5 6~ 7 8 9 10 lI 12 13 Z4 Z5 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 S~i'ATE CF' CALIFUi~~3ZA ) CUUN`~Y CF CFz.ANGE ) ss. Ci`i.'Y CF Ai'~~AHETM ) Z, CHAF~LES E. G~tZFFI`~H, City Clerk of the City of Anahei:r, do :Hereby certify th~~.t the fore`oiii_; l~.esalution ~r~a.s ~~assed and ado~~~ted at a re~,ular rleetint~ of t~•~e Cittr Council of the City o: Anahei 4, held on tine 14th cat' of February, 190, by the follo~~rin~; vote of the mem.uers thereof : AYFa: CCUNCIL~~IETd; Pearson, HeSring, Bonet' and Van Wagoner. i~.U1{Ja. CUUIVCZL2~IET~1: Done ABCE''•T~i•: CUUNCZL~IEN; Pace And Z further certif~r teat the Mayor of the City of Anaheim ',i€_ned a.~cl approved saia !=<.eso7_ution on the 14th a~..y of February, l~?~0. Zip? ~iiI`1'i~~lLSS :~HEr:~,'CF', Z have hereunto set ~iy ha.nJ_ and 'I affixeca. the seal o~' s~..id City of Ana:'~eim triis 14th day of February, 19>0. ~:~ LE--t.K CF L C Y U~' A:.`~?AHH"I~Z 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 _~_