1949-1694RESOLUTION NO. 169k RESOLUTION GRANTIN A VARIA:CE U'HEEAS, Jtck Fenix and. Taylor Fe:ix, -s o of cer- tain real proeerty sit;eted at 1_23 North Palm Street, in the City of Ana'reim, Coun3, of Oran Stato of Celifornif, described as the 1:orth 100 feet of South 332 feet ol Lot A, lines Rancho, has filed Leh the City Pl:nnin, Commission of the City of Anaheim a Petition rocuestine the t a 7erince be ranted. )ermittin: ':hem to e 60 x 60 etructuee of ho11o7 tile construction md operate a ceneral nardware store; and. :HEREAS, the City Council iin s from coneideeation nd investigation of the facts end th sentiments ex)ressed by )ersons residinc in the vicinity of r,Lia real property that: (1) S.ecia1 circumstances and exce tional conditions do exist es to tie prort r classes of uses in the same zone Jr dis tricts; (2) That a variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of said petitioner; (3) That the grantinv of such coneitional variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious the •D r o perty or imprOvements in the district 7:herein eaid property is lo- cated, provided the conditions hereinafter set forth are complied. NO, THEREFOR EE IT RESOLVED EY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TeE CITY OF AaAFILIM, that a conditional variance be, and the seme is hereby :eranted to Jack Fenix end. Taylor Fenix for the euild.in of a 60 x 60 structure of holiox tile construction nncl the oper- ation of a eheral hardware stoee, upon the followine,: conditions: 1. That any builnines or improvements erected upon said property shall be set back 60 feet from the center of the street or roadway in front of said builelnie that a macadamised parkin lot 100 x 39: shall be provided and maintained for customers along one side of the building. 2. That said building shall be used for a hardware store for the puroose of sellin: new merchandise only, comprising reular hardware merchandise and a regular line of hardware. 3. That said business shall be operated in accordance with all laws of the State of California and Ordinances and Regula- tions of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the appearance of said real )roperty, including all buildings thereon shall be kept and 'lain'ained c satisfac- tory appearance in lilee ith the uses he:ein permitted. 5. That the City Council hereby reserves the ri ht revoke said variance Permit for good cause. THE FOREGOING is sir:ned and aY')roved by me this 27th d of September ATTEST: Mayor of the C ty of Anaheim 1 94° STATE OP CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution as passed and adopteC. at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on t.Le 27th day of September lo7 vote of the members thereof: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pace. And 1 further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim siEned and approved said, Resolution on the 27th day of SAptember 1949. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the sef:„1 of the City of Anaheim this 27th day of September 1949. AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMN: Pearson, Heying, Boney and. Van Wagoner. None. Cit k of the o An eim 194 he fol-