1947-1548WHEREAS, the Railroad CcL.ission of the State of Clifornia by it r6er da.ted July 27, 1J45, (Decisioh No. 2809) Ao7,lication No. 26791) found that the 77c.ent an,71 future oublic conver.ience and o.ecesity require 7d.ison Coz t) altertil current electrid '7.ervice to .e::ch of it cohsucher t a unifar:;:, re of Loprulf utely city (SO cycle and L,%rnted authority to to 'rroceeC to out ovvr oreent fifty (50) cycle .c.yteTi ioc to cee furnihir:ft fifty (5) cycle service Lt F7u'a sixty (5C) cy r7ice 7.717.7AS, the utern Ca]jfcr Edisn Co7oen7 ic ioj 50 electric eery and service to the City of Anehel ourot to e contrt o tec Jot y 1945 arlf. Order of the 7.11:n' of tLe tt1 of C.. te itu. 1545 (5ecilon No. 73167, r nortion of ener,zy IEutilizeo by the City of Anallei and the Wance thereof reerolc'. by the City of rrr 31.stribu ted by the City :'ver itf2 ftributin systenri; te City of Anae ii sirec to 7.hr:)coed wit the conversion of i cycle yten :.rLd. the 72.d.8..otti f frequency .senitive equent oorfote, t for ,e ].1J unif!o).7 st;id fregtiency chf L:.pfoti sixty 60) cycie; ZJEFf.AS, the City (Jf Anv de re thrt ti '5uthern. Cliforni. Edl,Hch Cc:ro! ?uch City v frecuecy equinent c.ectet:' •t perve 7, 7 7 Oitv (:)f krITieirIF 70-cycle ilFtributtn F R77 ON NO; .46 A RE3OLUTION 3F THE CITY COUNCIL 01T THE CITY OF ANAFIY, KUTORIZING A. CO7TT ITH SOU=7 0A1,TFIA EDISON CC)M7ANY FOR THE RECONVERSTOr DF 71T5 CITY ELECTRICAL EQUIPE= FROM FIFTY (50) CYCLES T3. SIXTY (co) CYCLE AND AUTHORIZING THE YAYOR A7 THE CTTY 0T.,77K. TT CITY OF AITAHEILI TO EXECUTE SUCH AGREE:J.-ENT the ='outhern California. Edison Cony arfi the City of An,'71eim; and WHEREAS, the '.3out4ern Edicon is willing to 7)erform said freuency cl..ane work ..lerel_nafter hentfiee, u the terms and conitions he.reU7a.fter ntate6; WHEREAS, the outhcr California, Edison Covpany has subnitted to the City Council of the Cit of Anahei a procosed written areeftent broviein:: f the cPin hy the 3out California: Edien Comoany of the city electrical syste fro1 60-cvolep and nrovidin for the cotabletion of S conversiofl withi n a definte period .)f tiiiie WHEREAS, it to the Ci Coholl tot -td. azreement is fair and reaeopalle a.n one viihch tie City Council Aiay lawfully makez Ne, THER7-PORE, PE IT RET 7Y TTTE CITY JOIATCTL OF .7 CITY 7)F A7AHEIM thet crocose(.., t.greeLent e tne E7-Te 1 herelov' abcroved. A.77 TT FURT777771 RESCUTED tnt the ar tlae City Clerk of the City of Anei T. be the are hereby authuri7ed to execute en.id aLreement fr n behalf the City of helm. BE TT FURTHER RF30LVE'D that ResclpItion No./OW, abbroved and F(..onte0 on the /3 c7hy of Ny, 1947 he f:In6 the se tc hereby rePcinried. The foreLoinL ',Resolutt wae approved a.rA ]e(:' by t:ie tt 02 7 y —vor of the City of Ananel,f_. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STTE, OF CALIFFYI, COUNTY 1'E ss CITY ()F certiry t: tt fre Ro7»t wer ec enC ei e 4-' City te Ilty i)fPr° tolc w the.27 c" rf /1_, 1,947, "oy the foll vote -r A YE 00 7: Pearson, Pace, Heying, Boney and. Van Wagoner TOES: C=CTL None, Cl'Um7T1,: None. An 1 flartr cerfify tii&t the LLyor ji City of siEnee flnd tnnre d re.i.dResolution r).171 the .27 dE Ley, 1947, 1, Cherles E. Grif7ith, City Clerk of the ity of Anheim, Ci t m,Celifornie