1946-14962 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 11 1 119' RELOL:TiO 110.i2t1,6_ fLE CT= 'a OY Th7 CITY O Cr;:.]:;:T...; a S:h7:11: OF MUZICIAL DISTRIBUTION 7:1. TRA7"FER 0? 14 CITY C.4 SINYTI‘C, T61 The City Council of tho City of does resolve as follows: I•T ;.77aas, the ilunicipal Electrical Distribution System. of the it of requires reconversion Liad. enlarze- ent to en. i the City of .naheim to .rovide an f electric;,.1 srvice to thc citiaens alld residents of the City of Anaheim, End. the '7ity Council of the City of anahcim after proceedins duly 1 .(d and t accordinL to law have accepted the Ltd 3f and wzardcd a contract to the (,:eneral Llectric Company furnish one 3000 KVA Outdoor Liaster Unit Substation in accordance specifications heretofore aplDroved and adopted by the Oit Council, and 77;:iEREA0 the cost of the labor and materils tiofl said aubPtition th of Yit--one Thousand iive Hundred Slytv-three 7ollare (51,563.00) and, =EaE it is necessary to cietc elibh a sink- to tran&j'ex frf tc sininL; fund. from tiKcle to time such amouts ae :1:11 be necessary to pay t' costs of baiC ubstaton, :TO.; T.:. LT:T the City Council of the City c anah,etm th:J.t there 1,E and. there is hereby created. and establiefted a separate sinhir.j fund. 7!'irlich shall be -7,.non as the Electrical aeconversion and Enlar6ement Fund of the City of iinaheim to accumulate and orovioe tile neceesery funs to meet expenditures required in the reconversion :rid eniement of the Lanicipal Electricl 1 Distribati.on Syctem ruirin the expenditure of from One Hundred Ten to One HundTed Tenty Thousand Dollars, and to Ec: IT 7=7 IlZbC tht the Oity ',:reasurer ..)ff the City of Anaheim be and he here7oy authorized and directed to estalish ii ,prate sinking fund and. desiEnte it as the Electrici aeconversion c. to trn.f..=7-:.r from the City 0nrui to L' 1 cink.inL; fund each ,Iionth the Si ia of Yive 72cusanC. :ollars r; rrdn 7ovem1)er 1, 1 e, for a ocrto of yc,..-rs or for L.ch longer period as c.h-. Le necec to ffly th rcoc ntalla- tjon.nf eubzttion herpintafore PATI1 :f317T tis of October, 1C46 at a regulz2,17 meetinL O saj,C Connell. 0 L441h...., Fj� 407/A Wrierx o t h//ty of i.naheim OCUNTY OT OTTY 1, 0}17RLE F. 117H, City Clerk Ex Officio Clerk of th City Council of the 7, of Anaheiin, do hereby he riur of the of the City Ocuncil o the City o n.aLeir ic five (E), tht the fore)ing '7as. passed and adoote. '0: a m&jority of the sLjcL 7ity Council at reglIr n:tir Y2rp0f '•eld or the day of October, 14C, by the folloi.rij vete, to-:it: AYL3 C OTTO I LIME Pe arfq rm Ppect, Rocrin e Bo rn3 Vpro CtUEIC.1=: None J: and Enlargement 1 of the City of AnHhedi None yor ,f the Oity of Anahe weiti4.er