1946-14951 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A 7,1 CZ 17.1; CITY C 7E CITY C ArAL=, CAL:7J.1 Li API7J=T- :J.ErT "-Tr JUDC.2, THT, CT 0 LT: T'77.= AY.OUNT EI2, F0177. The City Couneilen of the City pf ;2 CelifDrnia do reo as folo: heretofore, on the 24th dcy of September, 1 at a. rec._11T meetinL (.)f the City Council of the City of Anaheim, California en Daotion duly ni&de, seconded and carried, John Shea, an attorney duly admitted to protice in all of the courts in the Aate of California, was apponted to the office of City JudL;e of the City of Anaheim, durin the pleasure of the City Council. 7, by the 'City Council of te City of Anaheim that 'r,he appointment of the said J to the office of City J:JdL;e, of tL City ;:)f Anaheim. 0 the said 24th day of 'septeMber, i246, be and the same is hereby confirmed by this i and that the saiC, John Shea a such City Jude shall enter uoon and assume the dui such City Jude on the first day of October, 1243, an(7. 3Z T.TF.T.M 7',E6CLVLL that the affiount of comensation to be paid 1py the City of Anaheim to siA( City Jude shall te imtil the ther order of the City C(Aincil the sum. of Cne Hundred :ieventy-five dollaTe (:175.00) per lionth, and BE 711 TURTF:P. RESOLVED that the said John Shea, be and he is hereby requireq to ivt and ftrnih to the ''ty of Anaheim, California, an officii,1 bond in the cur!: o'f' ciwirifzi, re S W F er of 4 City of naheim 0 0 )hn conditioned for the .7aithful perfornce of his duties as sch City Jude. PA ID AiOTED tTTs day of (Cotober, 1245, at att 440.4vAliftreE:u.lr .:ayor 01 the City AnEdiein 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 32 ;1 CALI CCU 'SY T 41. N one 11.1D None 1, CA,ARLLS E. Cr.71,12TITH, City Clerk and Ex C)fficio Clekk of the City Council of the City of ..,n&h.eim, California, do hereby certify thEA: the 1!!ho7e inumber of the members cf the City ColJncil the City o LhCi lc five (5); that the foreP2r‘dn aPsolution r.)assed and aaopoeu, maio-ly of the s&i.±!, City Council at rei-J;ular meEtin thereof held on the day of 146, by the tolloTlinL,.; vote, to.-Trit: 0 0_1,1 pearmspara....