1946-1494=REA6, U e United tates of America acti_ng by the Com- missioner of the Federal Th1ic Housing Authority and the City of Anaheim entered into a contract on the 2n.1 day of April, to provide temporary housing )ursuant to Title V (as amended) of the Lanham Act, sai A. contract being Number HA (7-4386) mph-1 and, ;KEREAS, under and by virtue of the -reement f resaid, and the rules and reulations of the Federal 2ublic H Autho7it it is necessary that the City of Anaheim desi,:nate a soecial sepa- rate fund for tTi deosit of all fun 6.s. derived or received from said. IJroject and to de igaate a bank, being a member of the Federal "V CF Ai1.II: 1. That A RESOLUTION OF 1 OTTY C7 T7=1: CITY O: TT;EIC.TI A ,.:ZPARATE FEDERAL PUBLIC OUL77.7Cr FJD DE =AT= THE DETCSIT- aY, DE6I3NAT1 A P.FCJOT F1XINC+ 6ALLRY, CY Elf E:DND AND .G1... IG TC) YUNDb FROM ACCCaT l'UR6UAT TO AN ACTREET bET':1EEN TIE UNITED IAi CA A LY An TRCUGH FEDERAL HL'UING, AUTHORITY Ai D THL CITY OF ANAHEIM, :OR. Acu=r, DEVEL- OPING, ADM:16TE71. ANL; RTA.%7IJG =RGINCY TEMPORARY LOU6I: UMER TE:E 7acJa6lon TITLE V OF THE LAIIHAL ACT ENTERED INTO cN LAY OF APRIL, 1946, AND 7-URY=TT TO R IUED EY TIT, FEDERAL l'73L U&I7& AUT:1CRITY. T 73:1 7,7 R2...:.JULUTIQH iL neserve 6ystem, as the legal depository for the sa.id fund, and, E, it is necessary, under and by virtue of said agreeent and thc rules and regulations of the Federal 1ubflc Haus- ing Authority, that the City o.. ';.naheim designate and name a project manager and require a fidelity ton to c by said project manager, aflu ix the amount thereof and name and desinate the persons to deposit in 61L ithdraw fro;1 the funds in said iederal Public Housing Fund, an6 to authorize them so to do, and to fix the salary of said t)roject manager, EY 2 CITY CC,UNCIL oF YHE there be and ther is hereby designated and created a speci: separate fund l!rhich shall be ',mown as the Federal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5. That the salarY of the said Ira Hodgkins as such 31 f)roject manager be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum. of 32 Public Housiae Fund, the maximum depoeit in which at anyone time shall not exceed Five Thousand Iiollars (45,000.00) in which all funds received under and by virtue of the eertein agreement made and entered into by ana between, the United btates of America acting by the Commiecioner of the Federal 2ublic Housing Authority and the City of Anaheim, on the 2nd day of April, 1046, to provide temporary housing pursuant to Title V (as amended) of the Lanham Act, said contract being number HA (V-4386) mph-1 shall be deposite 2. That te ank of eerica ilatioal Trust and avings Aeso iation, a National Laek, of Anaheim, California anC, a member of the Federal ?eserve ;:yete be anc it is hereby named and desig- nated as the depository for all funds derived or received from the said eubllc housirre eroject established, or to be established and maintained under and by virtue of that certain agreement made and entered into by and between the United ,-,A ates of America acting by the Commissioner of Federal bIic H Authority and the City e Anaheim, on the 2nd day of April, 1046. 3. That T.P.A E. D7Kih be an.: he is hereby designated and named as the project manager forthe Federal Feblic h roject under and by virtue of the agreement aforesaid and the rules end regulations of the said 2ublic H Authority and he is hereby ested with full power and authority to do and perform all things equired and necessary as such project manager ander the terms and °visions df the said. Federal Fublic H Authority. 4. And the said Ira E. Hodgkine.ehell be and he is hereby equired to give a good and sufficient fidelity bond in the sum of ive Thousand ',Dollars ($5,000.00) with a corporate surety approved the City of Anaheim end the Federal Yublic Housing Authori ty con- itioned for the faithful performence of his duties as ouch project tanager. One Hundred twenty-five Dollars (125.00) per month. 6. That Ira B. Hodgkins, project manager and A. G. Tuma, City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim, be and they are hereby author ized to withdraw funds feevisaid Federal P Housing Fund herein- e1 before created and desinated, that all funds withdrawn firom said Federal Public Housing 1 Hand shall be withdrawn upon the joint signature of the said Ira B. Hodgkins, project manager and. A. G. Tuma, City Treasurer. 7. That the said. A. G. Tuma, City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to obtain and hire attached to his present official bond, a rider for the sum of Five Thousand Ijollars (5,000.00) conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties in the joint control of said Federal P Housing iund hereinbefore designated and created. APPROVED 3Y L.. 1:1AYOR this day of 6eptember, 1046. (seal) mayor of the City of "naheim 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1S-43. STAT. 'JF OALlF0aIA COUi:TY ORANGE CITY 07 AAHEIld Ayes: 1, CHAR= E. CIRIT:ITH, City 01 and Ex Officio Clerk of the City Council the City of Anaheir.,, do hereby certit th;,t The fore resolutin was passed and adopted at a resular meetinL of the City Council of the Oity of Anaheim held on the ...-2eday of September, 1946, by the follo vote of the me t'flerof: COUNCILEli: Pearson, Pace, Keying, Beney and Tan Wagoner Noes: 0 LL:.1311: None Absent: OCTMCILLN:None and 1 further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and si&jned said. Resolution of the IN '.:LITNESS EOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim tnis day of september, 1946. ay of 6eptember,