1945-1417IIMOLUTION ii00 J11:7 A R,SOLUTXON OF THi CITY 70UF airy OF ANAHLIM mescRi G at CERTAIN RULEsWITH Rg5P7CT T() PUOLIC DANCES AND PUBLIC DANCE HALLS BE XT RE6OLVED by the city Council of the r,ity of Anaheim the it does hereby melte the following rules which shall govern all public nce halls and putlie domes within the City of Anaheim: 1. No person, who atter being admitted to a public donee ball or public danoe, leaves such public dance boll or public donee, shall nokbe readmitted to or permotted to reenter auch public nce hall or public dance without paying the reular tdoission charges or t'ee to suoh oublic donee hall or public donee, 2. No proprietor of, or other person nducting a public dance hall or public dame shoal issue to uty person any 'cheek out or "pass out° or other permit, p.rmitting a person who leaves a oublic den°e hull or oublio dence to reenter or be readmitted to the same wOhout paying the regulur admission oharge or fee, 3. No proprietor of, or other person canuctng u public dance hall or public Ounce, shoal roodmit or remit any person to reenter such publio dance boil or 'Altaic dance without Chargine sunh nerson the rerular odmiesion cllarge or foe for sueh reentering or net 4. Thene rules eholl not be construed to mean that any employee of eueh public dance hall or public dance, or any peace officer on duty sholl be recuired to nay any admission charge or tee to enter or to admitted to such public doom holl or public donee. For the rurpose or thee rules the terms *public dance hell" and ublie dance shall not be loomed to inclule the exterior or Vole butlexino wherein ouch nubile donee hall or public nce is conducted, 8. These rules aze a4e to the orovioions of section 3 or Ordinance 510 oio4iteolitereomme41 of the City of Attest! Anaheim. The forego nr Ro this 15th day of May, 1945. 1TAT3 OF 'ALI COUNTY OF QRANG CITY CF ANAHEIM ell. 0)4 pn4 nppro ed I, Char Griffith, City Clerk of the city of Anaheim, do hereby °fortify that the foregoing resolution was rassed nn adopted at an adjournmid regular meetine of the City 17 ounoll of the Oity of Anaheim, held on May 15, 1945, by the following vote of the members thereof, AYE38 COMILMat NOES, COUNCILIVNI A3SENI COUNCILM4 And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim Airred and approved said Resolution on the 18th lay of May, 1945. IN WITVESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto arfixod the seal of said ity of Anaheim this 15th A of May, 1945 C ty