10/04/1934-005DESCRIPTION OF STREET PROPERTY 02CUPIED BY ANAHEIL UNICIT HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. A tract of land comprising — The northerly 57 feet of North Ohio Street, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Lot 7 Yax Junge Subdivision, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 8, psye 67, Liscellaneous lips, Records of Orange County; thence eastwardly along the extended southerly line of said Lot 7, a distance of 60 feet to a point on the easterly line of North Ohio Street; thence northvsrdljt, along said easterly line of North Ohio Street, 57 feet; thence westwaxdly along the extended northerly line of said Lot 7, being the nortterly end line of said North Ohio Street, 60 feet to the northeasterly corner of said Lot 7; thence southrardly along the easterly line of said Lot 7, a distance of 57 feet to the point of be,inninS. J. P. HAMOOD Engineer MY A "--- October 4. 1934