05/23/1933-023.I _ ti -F,
`. jolt IH " n 1. OF IW MTAITG
MMEAS, Los Angeles Street from H. palm Street to La NIM Avenue is
the only portion of the present State Highway Route Ho. 2, between Fullerton and
Santa Ana,evhich has not been improved fall width between curbs, and
MIM] iS, the pavement between these limits is not adequate to handle
present traffic and is too high to properly fit the abutting property, and a new
pavement 66 feet wide between curbs on revised grades is neoessary to properly
handle Ws situation, and
TIFABA , the present pavement on Los Angeles Street between La Palm
Avenue and Sycamore Street is badly broken up and needs an asphalt concrete
resurfacing to pe,the value of the present base, and
==PAS, preliminary conferences have held with County and Mate of ficia l s,
looking toward a cooperative Improvement of said Las Angeles Street:
From La Palxa avenue to Syoamro Street, between the existing curbs, which
are bO feet apart, place an asphaltic concrete resurfacing, averaging 2 inches
thick at the crown and 3 inches thick at the gutter, and
From N. Palm Stro,*t to La Palms, Avenue place new concrete curbs b5 feet apart
with Portland cement concrete gutters and asphaltic concrete wing frill width
between curbs mad gutters, and
"' ^ i� Oran" County teas agreed to pay toward this project one - fourth of
the cost of the above work, but not to wtosed X35,000.00, and
MFT, '.,AS, State Highway Commissioner F. A. Stanton has stated, that he will
recommend to the Highway Comm Ission, State cooperation on this project on the basis
of the commission's regular policy, as follows:
City to furnish a right of way at least SC feet wide;
City to agree to provides and ma tain parallel parking of automobiles
on the State Highway routing through the city;
State to pay full cost of a 30 -foot width of paving including,
30 /66the of cost of grading, culverts and miscellaneous
construction where new curb* are installed. 66 feet apart,
and on the portion between I^ Palms Avenue and oamore
Street State to pay 30/b0ths Of total cost of resurfacing
between existing curbs 60 toot apart;
All proposed new construction and second -story work to be done
under a State construction oonc tract.
AND rHMFAS, Commissioner Stanton has further agreed to recommend our
special request that the State pay the cost of .clearing the right of way betwwon
R. Palm Street and La Palma Avenue estimated to Cost t3.250. 00, as was done by
the State on the cooperative project in the City of pem$ura;
NOW, , ':.27MYORE, BE IT RESOLM by the City Council of the City of Anaheim
that said City request the California Highway Cosanission to under;,;,a StAi4
contract the above do soribod improvement, including the special feature of clearing,
the right of way from R. Palos Street to La Palma Avenue On the basis shown above,
and in consideration thereof the City of Anaheim agrees to:-
1. Furnish the right of way with a mininum width of 80 feet.
S. Turn over jurisdiction of this street botween Sycamore Street and
the northerly city limits to the State for the purpose of earring out
said State contract, and hereby agrees to resum jurisdiction of said
street upon completion of said Qtate oontract.
3. To reimburse the Skate Immediately after completion of the contract
and as soon as bills are presented to the City, for one- fourth of the
total cost of the work (exclusive of clearing buildings front the right of
wa $) which amount is to be received by the " i ty of Anaheim from Orange
County, to reimburse the Mate for the cost of overhaul on broken csoneret
proposod for use as bang protection along the Santa k:na River, and to
reimburse the State for the balance raminine due on said contract after
the State has paid Us share of the work as outlined above, said add-
itional amount from the city estimated to cost approximately .47,000.00,
and to pay for its pro rata share of the construction engineering expense
4. And to establish and maintain by proper city ordinances
"parallel parking" for vehicles adjacent to the curbs on Los
Angeles Street from the north city limits to the south city
limits of Anaheim, and
IT rMIMM IRESOLVEL, that certified copies of this re-
solution be forwarded to California Righway Olommission, Public
rorks Building. Sacramento, and to S. V. Cortelyou, District
Engineer, State Division of Highways, !Mate Building, Los
Angeles, with request for approval of our petition as stated
The foregoing resolution is approved and signed this 2.3rd day of May, 1933.
X�yoi of the City of Anaheim.
—7-111ty Clerk