12/27/1932-001A T' ' D T 7­­,, - ' r- y 0 T(. rJRT'--' I r T ' . T IJT 0 "T ­­ 7 01T P1 �'F, m f3v� OF T A I'D CN I T Y 7 R 7 TH rZ,' I 7 ,T C' ­17 SECT1011 1• ThE-1111. -1 1 - he- anuf_ alco thc ul converience rec-11ile, rel.. _ of t1ne 0i -1-Y it Council of the 01ty of Anahei,_i to o.rder he - Followin , �: deccribeC. to­'!:If- t: to lb (f!one. .f. tv Tbat tha.t )ortion )JP a, certain siX t t r r ur l- 711 t t e, e t uai. C b c o c of V T a. u i Subdiv Mion c -- :Dn in r) 12 5 34, 'A s c el 1 - c,neous ",--c Orr:n­e. County, -1 * a orni an(� extendin-� f x ortherly line of the C­st Orly -v­-sterly alley in said m t h� e - to the southr rly line cdf East Cypress Street, be closed S Z C T I That Vae -:rt E tee t (ee­ ' ef necessai-v to t"e clo` ed, u,-1, vacEter' s '3e a 4 , the `) Of Lot 1 I A, u f ai e y e r I s 1 N -al- d i v i ZJL o.n t h n c e To I- h a r d 7 y a 1 o n t e a s tc, 1 1 y line of T,OtS JQ,11,1',13 o f SE , ,k ti, 596.85 feet to t�ae so line �) 7 � - ast "Iy- thence eact alon- e exterffied ji Cy:pres treet, CO feet; thence dZuthwardly - ,l on the =rly line of Lots, a 16, 15, 14. -land 12 Block B of sLid s1fodivision, 5Q2.85 feet to the northerly line of said easterly-v. alley shovm on the a o rin.ap; thence wer-tv alon. - the exte north e,7"17 . ire - f said alley 60 feet to the - ]-F�Ce of SECTIC That � bound.arie­- of the cistxict of lands to "Oe affected_ or benefited s r ai6 rork or 2 �.; - ..Drcve'rient, �vhich CJ.ctrict 4 thin C' 4 of h­ i­ c)unty described as - follovlls l a. nr the u th %,., e s e Lot 9 .-ock A, of said XTo e i�errs subdivi si on; thence north , .-iarl-fly the - 7 , , , est6rly line of - said mock A to he southerly "'J- of '1'.ast I, rec Street ; thence P ia t­.�­..rdlu t h e c.o lir­ ':) "24's "DI st to the northeasterly corner of 7.,ot a., 73lo-11 133, of said `, sou the e&st--:L�ly line of Lot a and cai6 line extended, c 4- � ') (,-,- � '7 ot 7 of ai 71oc', 'R, th�� ncit` ­ly an�- alcn.­;� the -- r l y 1 CD lire of El,-).st Clepll St- ce 4 . 7.­ct Cen to the ­;lace 4: That z�aid i7 `v 'ru nci 3 Cogs here' deter(.�,J ne an6 v - U, -, " ; L; 6, e c 1 C, i e t , h a no a e s s a i e Ti t i s n e c e 0 c E r - v • o -- s a, T 0 o S e that .o shall be that , ;he -ntixe cost and. ts ex,)encec of work , h' - .11. -for �­y said city out o f I Zeneral funr . . I SECTION 5: That the Street, Su,.) e ii - 1 - 1 , tenf of sai 7 i City s1al.L cau^e to 'Py conspicuously , iosted, alonr. tl'� line of sc, d, 4,1 - ­ rk ) in th manne rc� e r a fora: recluired, by noticee of the pa a ESge of 1 7) or this FLe,­olution of 7 on. . He ti ha, I cl, cs,,use a notice, S] n e in substance, to- 'be pu bli-Ehedl f a .,en 1 fl-­,ys i the Analaeim P-ullet a in saiCl cit r Cr"F , 7 That )f tne 1 -s - r­eet worl: Shall be done oursuant to the )rov P t - e - :�­"-o n-1 -)f r ;: Act F­ t T c- 11.1 . I:Dicl -I ­ 'Te t t ". , y I - " - '1 _,. 4 � ^ c ' t DrIl a f C an�, ertitled, " An Al (- t f or layiiri , ) , iit , op t e x t e n, d J- n- Cl � n. _q 2. ?1t - r cl 0 si 11 UO 02: in -part a.-I-y otreet, i-t c r e i rL -iuni ci -,)e I i t ie- and, to and acoai i L?n(f all land'. end c fur tilat purpose, c h v 89, - --i. 6. +, s: e v r� r a act: theTeOf E ( S.7j�'r.4 ) 1 of the m�..heim t v 'lerk . 1� - It a , STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF QRANG S SS CITY OF ANAHEIM I, - -J W ` PrJce u, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution of intention was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the deity Council of the City of Anaheim held on they 71 day of by the following votes AYES; Councilmen wf %lPS: Couac ilm;en• ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Coon l And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of .Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the day of 1952. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have hereunto ,set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim, this day of 1952. Cit of e Cit q of e m. (SEAL)