10/15/1932-004j: I 1 ', R E 8 0 L U T 1 0 N "" G 2 3 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim 4 that, 5 'li WHEREAS, the League of Oalifornia Municipalities -:slid, Ij e i on September 29, 1932, adopt a resolution, a copy of which 3� 7 ; is as follows: 8 "SUBJECT: Gas Tax Distribution and Secondary State Highway Additions. 9� ORIGIN: Gas Tax Committee, supported by City Managers, Mayors 10 and Councilmen, and Planners. 11 i ACTION: Adoption recommended. 12 WHEREAS it is evident that municipalities within the State of California have not received a fair proportion of motor tax 13 funds with which to construct and maintain streets and highways required by increasing automobile traffic, and 14 WHEREAS a more equitable distribution of said funds is 15 necessary and desirable. 16 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the League of California Municipalities go on record as favoring the following: 17, 1. A program for a continuous state highway system through-I 18 out California, including the construction, maintenance, re- construction and widening of the necessary sections within 19 municipalities; and specifically the addition of 6,624 miles of highways to the state highway system as proposed by the 20 Automobile Club of Southern California and the California State Automobile Association, which addition will relieve the 21 respective Boards of Supervisors of the state of a large portio of the burden now borne by them out of their portion of gas 22 tax funds; this program to be carried out with the present revenues accruing to the State Highway Department. 23 i� 2. The apportionment to each county as heretofore of one- 24 third of the total proceeds of the existing three cent motor fuel tax; however, the amount accruing directly from the tax 25 on the sale of gasoline shall be apportioned amongst the cities of said county and the unincorporated area of said county on 26 the basis of registration of motor vehicles. Of said apportion ment, three- fourths shall go into a fund of the cities; the 27 remaining one - fourth resulting from city registration, together with all revenue resulting from rural registration and all 28 receipts for license plates, etc., shall be paid into the county treasury. The same restrictions on expenditures shall 29 be made for the cities as now exists for the counties, with the further provision that all such funds shall be expended only 30 according to a financial plan in each case which shall be based upon a competent physical plan, including a classifica- 31 tion of existing traffic routes and proposed alterations therein and extensions thereto. 32 1. 1 3. Nothing in the resolution shall be construed to limit the existing authority of counties to meet needs within 2 incorporated cities. 3 ! 4. That the legislative committee be instructed to prepare the necessary legislation looking to this end and that said 4 committee have authority to amend, alter or revise this plan as seems essential to assure an equitable allocation of gas tax 5 monies to the cities, and e BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the League of California Municipalities shall create a large 7 state -wide committee representing the municipalities of all sections of the state for the purpose of assisting the 81; Legislative Committee both before and during the next session of the Legislature in accomplishing the purposes of this 9 I resolution." 10 11 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the 12 City of Anaheim go on record as being heartily in accord with 13 the League of California Municipalities as to the foregoing 14 resolution providing however that (Paragraph one (1)' with 15 reference to "including the construction, maintenance, reeonstruc- 16 tion and widening of necessary sections within the municipalities" 17 and particularly affecting the City of Anaheim specifically 18 designate Los Angeles Street from northerly to southerly city 19 limits and the including of Center Street from the easterly city F 20 limits to its intersection with Lincoln Avenue, thence to include l 21 ; Lincoln Avenue to the westerly city limits and (Paragraph one (1) 22 continued) "specifically the addition of 6624 miles of highways e em" include Lincoln Avenue westerly 2 3� t 0 State highway sy st Y from city 24 limits of Anaheim and Center Street easterly from city limits of i 25 Anaheim and Olive Road easterly from its intersection with 26 5 Placentia Avenue. All regulation of traffic, parking, building w 27� restrictions, ete. within cities to continue under jurisdiction 28 of various municipalities. 29 30 j i 31 3 32 2 . �I 1 2 3 4! 5' 8 7 '' 8' 9 10 11 12 13 " 14 15 F u 16 0 1, 17 18 I i 19 i 20 { 1 21 l 22 1 23 i 24 25 26 27' 28� 29 30 31' 32 The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this � day of (_ , 1932. Mayor of the City of Anaheim. Attest: Lr�Q • - y Clerk of the City of Anaheim STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, 88. CITY OF ANAHE . I T, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do 1 hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of , 1932 by the following vote: AYES: C ounc i lmeja-z'o NOES: Councilmen ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Councilmen And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed the foregoing resolution on the 'Y�' d.ay of r-- 1932. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said city this _ day of , 1932, f fty Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 3.