10/14/1926-019IN THE MATTER OF AC�)UISITION DISTRICT 1 1 OF THE , OF AkTAHEIM 7 ' U i- I IDENIN"' NORTH AND SOUTH PALM STRE'"S RESOLUTIOY OF INTLYTION NO 197 BE IT RESOLVED: By the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, as folloll"s:— SECTION 1: That the pulblic interest and necessity require and that it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of thd City of Anaheim to order the acquisition of all property necessary for the widenin,, of 'Yorth anC. South Palm Streets in said city to a uniform width of sixty—nine and five tenths (69.5) feet, from the south line of Roanmeyc,.. Drive t6 the northerly line of '.7est Veritont Avenue. SZOTION 2: That "Le property - necessary to be taken for such 7. of North and South Palm Streets includes all thoselofs and parcels of land" situate in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California., described as foiio� - :s: NORTH PALM STRE"'T VMNEYARD LOTS: as per , aa.p recorded in Bo,-.k4, of Deed S/ pa g es 620 emC, 630 Records of Los Angeles County The EaUtexly 10 feet of the ITorltoherly 351 feet of the southerly ' feet of Vineyard Lo t D-G. V V The Easterly 10 feet of the southerly 365.79 feet of the northerly 377.79 Beet of Vineyard Lot D-6. The Westerly 10 feet of the northerly 790.'9 feet of Vineyard Lot B The Easterly 10 - feet of Vineyard Lot B-O" The Viester;q 10 feet. of the southerly . of Vineyard Lot A-5. The Westerly 10 feet of the northerly 2 of Vineyard Lot A-5. KOEFFUR TRACT: As per map recorded in Book 30 page 17, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County: The Easterly 10 feet :�fl Lots 1.2 and 3, Block 1;. the easterly ;0 feet of Lots 1.2 and 3 and the southerly 13 feet of Lot 4 Block 2; and .the easterly 10 feet of that 60 foot strip of land lying; between Blocks 1 and. 2, Koeffler Tract, formerly known as Acacia Street, but now abandoned and vacated. The Za 10 feet of Lots 5 and 6 and ` :.'the northerly 37 feet of Lot 4, Block 2; and the easterly 10 feet of the southerly 33.1 feet of Lot 1,Block 3; and the easterly 10 feet of that '00 foot strip of lanJ lying between Blocks 2 and 3 Koeffler Tract, for.aierly 'l) as Eucalyptus Street but now abandoned and Vacated. -2- The Easterly 10 feet of Lots 2 to 6 inclusive and the northerly 10.9 feet of Lot 1, Block 3, and the easterly 10 feet of the southerly 43.1 feet of that u0 foot strip of land lying between Blocks 3 and 4 Koeffler Tract, formerly known as Cypress street but now abandoned and vacated. ANAHEIM HOI,fv TRACT: as per 111a,p recorded in Book S, page 34, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County; The *stel:ly 4.75 feet of Lot 2. That portion of Lot 1 described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said Lot 1 thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line thereof to t..e southwesterly corner of said lot; thence north along the west line of said lot to the not thwest. corner thereof; thence East along the north line of said lot 4.75 feet; thence south parallel with the west line of said lot 21.45 feet to its point of ta.nuency with a curve to the left having s. radius of 56.13 feet; thence in a southeasterly direction along said curve 57.87 Beet to its point of tangency with the southwesterly line of said lot 1, said point being the place of beginning. MI:2S RAN CHO: as per yap recorded in Book 4, page 7, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Oran e County; The East 4.75 feet of the Sout 460.60 feet of Lot 13, the west line of said strip of land 4.75 feet in width, being parallel with and distant uniforstaly 3:.75 feet nest from the east line of Sec. 4, T. 4 S. R. 10 W" S. B. B. � 24. The east 4.75 feet of the south 419.52 feet of the north 380.12 feet of lot 13 the west line of said strip bf land 4.75 feet in vlic,,th being parallel with and distant uniformly 34.75 feet west fro: the east line of Sec.4. T. 4S., R. 10 W., S.$.B.& M. 9Kfl A portion of Lot 13, in the - southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 4, T. 4 S., R. 10 3.3.B.& M. and - . - . , iore particularly described -i,.s fol Begi at a point U Said ' 7 7 . 91 if feet north of the outheast corner of U A Sec'ion 4, thence north alogg the east line of said section 4 .L, 14:1.91 feet; thence wiest 34.75 feet; thence south 12.6^ feet; thence southeasterly, parallel with anc., distant unifol 34, 75 feet southwestrardly fro the monu, center line of n '17 North Palm Street, 133 93 feet to the place of beginning, exceptinE, therefrom such portion as is now included in North Palm Street. A portion of Lot 17, more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 4.75 feet in v extending northwestwardly from the present north line of West La Palma AvenueVo the east l ine of Sec tion 4, T. 4 S., R. 10 W. S. B. B. & 1K. the south- westerly line of said strip being parallel with the present raonuoIented center line of north Palm, Street anv distant uniformly 34.75 feet southwestwardly therefrom. A portion of Lot 17 more particularly described as follows: Beginnin-- at the intersection of the present north line of C; West L-S, PnIma -"venue and the easterly line of North Palm Street, Ii - ed center line thence northwestrardly parallel with the i%onu./xien- U of North Pa.11M Street 399.48 feet to the angle point in said easterly line; thence north along the east line of Iforth Palm Str parallel with the east 'Line of Section 4, T. 4 S. R 10W., S.B.B.& M. 642.90 feet to the present southerly line war d ly of North Los Angeles Street; thence southeast along said southerly line of Morth Los An�_:.­010 St:V 42.61 feet to a point of tangency vrith a curve, the radius of which is 21 feet; thence westwardly an6_ southwesttwmdy along said curve 44.32 feet to a point of tangency with a lime pa- rallel with said east line ofsaid Section 4; -4- thence South alozaE said line, parallel with and distant uniformly 3 feet oast of saiel, east line of said Section 4 571.90 feet to a. point of tanL2 , ency , , , . , ith a curve to the left, r, C' I the radius of which is 230.57 feet; thence sout h e a s t emE I.Y l* aIon se-id curve 60.50 feet to a point of tangency , a L.> ZD line parallel vith and distant uniformly 34.75 feet northeastM4 from the .(ionumented center line of North Pal Strut; thence .. 1. W—! a r, O-ly southeasri along said line 369.69 feet to the present north line of rest La. Pal.raa Avenue; thence west alon said north line =.Ol feet to the point of begin-ninE;. SOUTH PALM SZFEET VINEYARD LOTS: as per reap recorded in Book 4 of Deeds, pages - 629 and 630, Records of Los Angeles County; The easterly 10 feet pf the northerly 403.05 feet of the southerly 408.30 feet of Vineyard Lot H-6. The easterly 10 feet of toe northerly 387.2 feet of Vineyard Lot H-G. The e4.LSj1jerly 10 feet of the southerly - 9 ,35 feet of Vineyard Lot G-F The easterly 10 feet of the northerly 259.45 feet of Vineyard Lot G-6. The easterly 10 *feet of the southerly 771.25 feet of VineyEird Lot F-S. The easterly 10 feet of the southerly 201.75 feet of the northerly 212 feet of Vineyard Lot ZE-6. -5- 11 ZjTEjjR13E_TQqT: as per map recorded in Book 4, Pale 89, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County: The easterly 10 feet of Lot 24, Block 1. The easterly 10 feet of Lot a. Block 1. The easterly 10 feet of Lot 25, Block 1. The easterly 10 feet of the easterly 1 of Lot 26, Block 1. The easterly 10 feet of the northerly 50 feet J"Lot 26,Blook2. The easterly 10 feet of the soutlerly 55 feet of the northerly 105 feet of lot 26, Block 2. The easterly 10 feet of the southerly 53.44 feet of lot 26, Block 2. The easterly 10 feet of Lot 1, Block 2. JXPLAT ORCHARD PARK TRACT; as per map recorded in Book 7, pa, 8 Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orany County: The easterly 10 feet of the southerly 307.75 feet of Lot 4. The easterly 10 feet of Lot 5. The easterly 10 feet of Lot 6. The easterly 10 feet of Lot 7. Reference is hereby made to the diagrams of Acquisition District No. 1, approved by said Board of Trustees and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which said diagrams clearly indicate the property to be acquired and shall govern for all details as to the extent thereof. -6- 6 T hat SECTION 3: A the district of lands which will be benefited by said proposed acquisition, to be known as the "Assessment District," shall, as proposed, include all thoselots and parcels of land in said City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, lying within the following described exterior boundary line, to -wit: Begin, ing at the intersection of the center line of Romneya Drive and the East line of Sec. 4, T. 48. R. 10 uY., S.B.B.& M., thence Nest along said center line of Romneya Drive 380.80 feet to the extended. Vilest line of Lot 13, Miles Rancho, as per map recorded in Book 4, Page 7, 1.11iscellaneous daps, Records of Orange County; thence South along said ffest line of Lot 13, anJ said line extended, 1380 feet to toe monuiaented center line of :Pest La, P :ia. Avenue; thence East along said monu- rrented center line 73.50 feet more or less, to the extended westerly line of Lot 8, ])lock 4, Koeffler Tract, as per map recorded in Book 30, Page 17, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence southeastwardly along the westerly line of said Lot 8 of Block 4, and the westerly line of Lots 15 and 16 of Block 3, Lots 15 and 16 of Block 2, and Lot 8 of Block 1, said Koeffler Tract, and said line extended,to the northerly line of the Home Builder's' Tract as per map recorded in boos. 17, page 32, Hiscellansous daps, Records of Orange County; thence West- wardly along said northerly line to the North Westerly corner of Lot 10, Block B of said tract; thence southwardly along the westerly line of Lots 10 to 18 inclusive of said Block B, and said line extended., to the monu:.,ented center line of Vfcst North Street; thence east: =a.rdly along said center line 56.68 feet; thence southwardly alon aline parallel vrith and ZD -7- distant uniformly 235 ft. westwardly from the westerly line of Lots 1 to 15 inclusive Ha-,milton Tract, as per map recordeC in Book 2 Page 42, Miscellaneous Naps, Records Orange County, to the northerly line of' Vineyard Lot B-F, as per map recorded in Book 4 of Deeds, Page 629 and 630, Records if Los A�ageles county; tance eastitar-f.ly along; said northerly ;ine 14.34 ft.; thence southivrarrdly along; a, line parallel with and distant uniformly 340 ft. westwardly from the easterly line of s^id Vineyard Lot B-6, to the southerly line of said lot; thence vxstwa,--d'Iy alon said southerly line 70.60 ft., thhnce sou along., the extended westerly line of lots 7, 8 and 9, Luckenthaler AJdition, as per , Lap recorded in Book 17, Page 45, Miscellaneous K7-,ps Records of Oranve County, and Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, Block 3, St. Catherine's Adr{ition, as per i recorded in Book 10 Page 30, CD Miscellaneous IL'^ps, Ylecoxds of Orange County to the south- westerly corner of said lot 12; thence eastwarcIly alon� the southerly line of said lot 12 70.60 ft.; thence s6uthw&rd-LY along a line paxallel with and distant uniformly 364.75 ft. westwardly from the monumented center line of North Palm Street, 1! to the northerly line of Lot 14, Janss Subdivision, as per map recorded in Boo' 8, Page 5, �Iiscellaneous Maps,, Recor of Ozqnge County; thence eastwa-rdly along said northerly line to a point 46 ft. westwardly from the easterly line of said Lot 14; thence southwardly parallel with and distant uniformly 40 ft. vestwardly from the easterly line of Lots 14,13 and 12 of said Janss Subdivision, to the southerly line of said - irvrardly along said southerly line of Lot 12, Lot 1"; thence ea.st L; - 4 ft.; thence soutIlwardly along a line parallel with and distant unifor 42 ft. westwardly from the easterly line of Lot 11 of aaid JansS Subdivision, to the nort1 line of EM Lot 10 of said subdivision; thence westwardly along said northerly line to the northwesterly corner of said lot; thence Bout lward.ly along the westerly line thereof and. said line extended southwardly, to the northerly line of Enterprise Tract as per reap recorded in Book 4, Page 89, Miscellaneous maps, Records of Orange County; thence eastwardly along said notherly line to the northwesterly corner'of Lot 7, Block 1 of said Tract; thence southwardly along the westerly line of Lots 7,and 20, Block 1, and Lots 20 and 7,Block 2, of said Enterprise Tract, and said line extended,to the southerly line of West Broadway; thence westwardly along said southerly line to a, point 364.75 ft. westwardly from the monumented center line of South Palm Street ; thence southwardly parallel with and distant uniformly 364.75 ft. westwardly from the monumented center line of South Palm Street to the northerly line of "Nest Vermont Avenue; thence eastwardly along said northerly line of best Vermont Avenue and said line expended , to a point 364.75 ft. eastwardly from the monumented denter line of South Palm Street; thence northwardly parallel with and distant uniformly 364.75 ft. eastwardly from said. monu- mented center line of South Palm Street to the south line of Lot 27 Palomar Tract, as per neap recorded in Book 15, Page 40, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County; thence eastwardly alon said line to the southeasterly corner of said lot; thence northwardly along the extended easterly line 'of Lots 19 to 27 inclusive, said 'P`alo nar Tract, and Lots 8 to 14 inclusive, Block C, California Scua.re, as per map recorded in BooK 16, Page 7, Miscellaneous Ma. - ps, Records of mrange County, and said line extended, and Lots 12 to 22 inclusive,Block C. Mess subdivision, a.s per map recor?.e in Book 15, Page 14, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange -9- County, to the northerly line ofsaid Hess Subdivision; thence westwardly alonw said line to a point 367.25 ft. eastwardly from the Illonumented center line of South Palm Street; thence north- wardly parallel with end C-istant uniformly 367.25 ft. east ar d 1 y from said center line to the monumented center line of West Santa Ana Street; thence eastwardly E�.lon� said center line - to its inter- section with the center line of South Helena Street; thence north- wardly along said center line of South Helenattreet to the monumented center line of West Broadway; thence eastwa7xcly alonr I_J said center line to its intersection with the center line of Sout"L, Helena Street; thence northwaxdly along said center line to its inter- cection with the extended northerly line of the Ifew gubditision of Vineyard Lot D-5 as per map recorded in Book 17, page 72, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence westwardly along said extended northerly line to the monufaented center U -' 1 line of North Pall Street; the nce I. W ardly e-Ion 1 - said center line to the monumented center line of West Sycamore Street; thence eastwardly -along said center line 364.75 ft; thence north- wardly parallel with and distant uniformly 364.7 ft. eastwardly from the monumented center line of North Palm Street to the southerly line of Lot 15, Tract No. 601, as per map recorded, in Book 19, page 47, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County; thence eastwardly along; said southerly line to the southeasterly corner of said lot; thence nolt"hwardly along the extended easterly aiod-y j line of Lots l l5 said Tr,-,,c No. 601, an,, Lots 1 to l3,jnCIU5 Block 3, Allen Tract, as per recordecl in Book 15 page 28, Miscellaneous Maps, Records )f Orange County,, to the monu. center line of West La Palma Avenue; thence West along said center line to its intersection with a Itne parallel with and _10- I diptant uniformly 365 feet eastwardly from the center line of North Palixi Street; thence northwardly alonE., said line 4276.3t feet; thence North parallel with and distant uniformly 365 feet East froi the East line of Section 4, T. 4S. R.101 S.B.B.& M., to the southwesterly line of Anaheim Home Tract, as per map recorded in Book 6, Page 34, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of w._­Vly Orange County; thence northwes along said southwesterly line to the southeasterly corner of Lot 13 of said tract; thence North along the east line of Lots 13 and 14 of said Tract, and said line extended,to the =vatv center line of Romneya Drive; thence West along said center line to the place i of begin-A ng. Reference is hereby made to the said diagrams of said assessment district, which indicate by a boundary line to the extent of said district, anq Maich sAiddiagrams shall govern for all c'.etails as to the extent thereof. SECTION 40 1 7hafbecause of the varying benefits to be derived from the proposed acquisition, the said assess. district s.Lall be divided into three separate zones, designated Zones A B an;, C. Each of said zones, as proposed, is plain shown upon the said dia of the assessmont district to which dia-crains reference is hereby made for the boundaries and 11 =1 a details concerning the said zones. The percenta§es, as proposed, of the surd to be raised each year by the levy and collection of special assessment taxes in said district from the lands in each of said zones for the payments on the principal and interest of the bonds to be issued to defray the costs and expenses of said acquisition are hereby determined to be as follo% From Zone A - 5 Ofo From Zone B - 33 113fo From Zone 0 - 16 2/3fo 1 l- • 16 SECTION 5. That to defray the costs and expenses of the said acquisition, as above set forth, bonds will be issued to the total amount of the same, including incidental expenses, said bonds to bear interest at the rare of seven (7) percent per annul, payable ayable se�Iii-annually, and the aggregate principal , of all bonds issued to be paid and discharged within twelve (12) years after the date of issuance, approximately one,—*welfth part of such aggregate principal to be paid annually, all in C) gold coin, and that a special fund fox the payment of said bonds will be constituted by the levy of special assessment taxes upon the lands within the assessment district, according to the assessed value of said lands (exclusive of the improve— ments thereon) and in accordance with the zoneq&nd percentages as finally determined by said Board. 4fh, Hovember, SECTION 6: That Thursday, the _iAtk day of 0 1926 is the day, eight otclock P.M. of' said day is the hour, and the council chamber of said Board of Trustees in the City Hall in the City of Anaheira is the place fixed by said Board when and where all persons havini any objections to the proposed widening and acquisition, to the extent of the assessment disttict, to the zones into which said district is to be divided, or to the i,)ercentac-es to be raised from each of said zones , or any or all of the foregoing, r-A, a y appear before said Board of (�D Trustees and be heard provided, I that such objections must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk before the hour set for the hearing. SECTION 7*0 That the proceedings for said widening shall be had, and taken under and in accordance with an Act of the Legislature of the State of California known and designated as the "Acquisition and Improvement Act of 1925, approved May 23, 1925, and said bonds shall be issued in accordance I with the provisions of said act. _ 12_ SECTION S: That J. W. Price, the superintendent of streets of said city, is hereby appointed superintendent of work without compensation, and he is hereby ordered to cause to be conspicuously posted., in the manner provided in said Act, notices of the adoption of this resolution entitled "Notice of Public Improvement. " SXTIOIT 9: That the Anaheim Bulletin, a daily newspaper d 0 0 0 a x a published and ci in said City of Anaheim, is the news- paper in which all publications in or incident to these pro— ceedings shall be ;aublished, and the city Clerk is hereby directed to cause this resolution of intention to be published by trio insertions in said newspaper. The foregoing resolution of intention is approved, signed and attested this day of 0 z President of the Board. of of the City of Ana1iei:1. X 195 • »ustees (SEAL) Attest: - City Clerk of t : e Cit o j Anaheim. 13_ STATE CF C& COUNTY CU ORA 'CH S . CITY OF AR'AHZ X 4 c 0 a t* a i Edward .Jarrtt City Cleric of the {pity of Anaheim do hereby certify that tae foregoing Ros olutionnot Intention No. 10Twas intr+aftoed and adapted at <a regular meeting a c t the Board of Trusteo" the City of Anaheim held on the /�- day of _ - 192Zr „_, _, by h* fo .ow_d4i vote .. Ayes: Trust Roes: Trustees �- Absent and Not voting: Trustees And I furor 'certify that The Prosideat of the Board of Tutees of The Ct," of Aim €� fined n a ro�''ed sold Resolution Of i an the -4- f - d of .s . IN WITNESS WMMOF I have hoxsunto set my baud and affixed The offi �,iaj opal of the City Anaheim this � �.. day Of Cl erk or y o e m. SEAL of the City of Anaheim Publish • Tom .: -