RES0 VED BY ZM BO .ARD OF TRUS)TET,3 OF M CIT;.` OF 2`1 A1111111 :
SECTION 1: That the public interest and convenience require
and that it is the intention of the Boar -l'i of Trustees of the City
of Anaheim, to order the following described street work to be done
in said city, to -wit:
That the roadway of Soutil Ill:+.nois Street from the sou 'thcrly
property line of 7!est Center Street to the northerly property line
of lest Broa,dviay; the roadway of South Ohio Street, From the
southerly pro�perty line of West Center Street tg the northerly
property line of West Broadway (excepting therefrom that ,ortion
of the easterly half of said road` -Liay included between tl.e extended
northerly and southerly lines of Chestnut Street); and the roadway
of1c Street f torn the southerly y ,)r operty line of East Center
Street to the northerly 1,ro1erty line of East Santa Ana Street (ex-
cepting therefrom that portion of said roadway included between the
northerly and southerly property lines of East Broadway, and that
portion of thf westerly half of said roadway extending f rom the
southerly line of East Broadway to a line _- parallel ther(�witli and
distant 321.56 feet southerly therefrom) be graded to the official
rgra.d; and y�aved with a shaltie concrete pavement five (5) inches
thick and nominally forty -twO (42) feet in width between curbs.
AIM `;MIULAS, in the o of 6aid oard of Trustees, said
c ontern ,lated. % and i,1,Tovernent is of more than local or ordinary
public benefit, said Board h 'erb )Py makes the exi.ense of said work
aund improvement charueable uon a certain district withit said
City of Ana heiin, which district said Board hereby declares to be the
district benefited by said work �>,nd im �rovenent, and to be assessed
to day the costs and expense tip- ereof, which said district includes
all or a. part of each of tIle fo llo rjg lots and )a.r cols of land,
to -wit:
moots "a", "b" �;nd "c", - Lots 1 to 20 inclusive, Blockl,;.nd.
lots 1 to 10 inclusive, :Ulock 2, 7 es t Broadway Tract, as per arils
recorded in Book 4, Page 88, ,ascellaneous slaps, Records of Orange
sots 1 to 10 inclusive, Block A, and Tots 4,5,6,7 and 8,
Block 13, Villa Tract, as let map recorded in Book 14, Page 44,
1 Recorcl.s of 2a08 ','n�eles Cou.rity, California;
Those portions of Vineyard Trot E -7, as !)er ma) recorded
in Book 4, rage 630, Deeds, .T:ecords of TKOs Angeles County, described
as follows:
Bed iijning at the intersection of the southerly line of `Jest renter
Street and the easterly line of South Oliio Street; thence eastwardly
along said southerly line of '�'est Center Street 50.65 feet;
thence southwardly along the extended easterly line of said lot "a"
of said Uest Broadway T-ract to the northeasterly corner of said lot;
thence westwardly along the northerly line of said IJot "a" 50.55 feet;
thence northwardly along the easterly line of Sout 1 Ohio Street to
the t)lace of beginning. Also, beginnin" at the southeasterly corner
of said Tot "c" of said 'Jest Broadway Tract; thence eastwardly along
t'L.e northerly line of 7lest Broadway 123, feet; thence northwardly
;:aral.lel ti,th the easterly lines of hots "c" and "b" of said ":est
Broadway T 210.0 feet; thence westwardly parallel with the
northerly line of West Broadway 23.77 feet; thence northwardly
parallel with the easterly line of said lot "b ", to the southerly line
of Chestnut Street; thence westwardly along said southerly line of
Chestnut Street to the northeasterly .corner of T,ot "b "; thence south -
wardly along the easterly lines of said Tots "b" and "c" to the
place of be i nni nE :
The easterly 141.15 feet of the northerly 10 feet of the
sout'_ - ierly 414.05 feet of Block A, Mots l to 6 inclusive, Iota 30
to 47 inclusive ,and Tots 53 to 58 inclusive, Block B, and _ -aots 53 to
58 inclusive, Block T,, hotel Del Cam,-)o Tract, as .er� rnay� recorded
in Book 24, Pages 69 and 70, Liscel lane o~s Records of Mos Angeles
C Oz -1 y;
1, is I 24 inclusive, Block ??, and Lots 13 to 34 inclusive,
Block !,, laird S 'Ubdivisi on, as ()erma ; recorded in Fool: 6,
li; ccella,r)eous T.T< y:s, Records of OranZe County;
h 7 to dug inclusive, Smith Dean's Resubdivisi on, as 1;er
mat recorded in Book 4, page 31?p rliscel:!anccrus =?� ±.ins, Fecorde of
oraslge County;
And hots 3,4,5,9,10 and 11 Rimrau Scuare, as ,er rear recorder.
in rook 15, iage ?u, iscella.necus ira.ps, Recorcas of?ran�e County;
The boundaries of which said district Ere as shovm on the
maps marked and designate c? "Dia +ter =m siiONVint district to be assessed
for imrrovemen ta, ;ursuant to �,escl.utior. of Intention No. 186 of the
Board of T rustees of tilt Clt; of "�luti6im,' on file in the OlfiCe
of the City t".ngineer o Said City.
�. z -d t h the
S aid work shall be done in accordance puns �'.r!
sj�ecifications t Lerefor, tiriiicil laps ,'Pere arrroTed and a doted by th.e
roarj of Trustees of Vx e C- ty . cf 'mall) r,1, on the 24th day of Se-t e •:ber,
1925, and are masked and desien2ted "Waving -lan, South Illinois
`tree+ Street Ij,- rovenent 1 43," "paving Ilan Sout12. Ohio Street,
Street + Improvener _ t Iio. ;-ni.d "ravine Plan, 1 11Ielrose Street, Street
Imtrove'ment No. 45�" sheets 1 and 2, and are on file in the office
of the City - ngineer, and tTliiicli s )e c z i cations were a, ?roved t: nd
E.da .ted ley said '^ward of Ty'ust(- =es on tine 25th wt' of June, 1925, and
are entitled and d esigratea "Si,ecifications No. 34, Sep e-9 of 1924,
For t Construction of ^Gsy.,lialti c Concrete a vement , Ci t;; of
;�x�al °� eir: , Ca 11 forma., i al.d G;re on file it ta!e office Uf tiie City
Clerk of said City.
SECTIO 2: y�otice is herel - y liven ti-Lat on Tiursday, the 12th.
day oy s4o vember,1925, at the holir of ei, ht o'clock � 11., at the
Council Charilber of the Board of Trus :ecscf the ^_ty of ��ne::�e gin, in
City Ka.11 at Yo. 2,04 East Ceiituur 3 eet in said City, a.nY and
all - :ensons ha.vinL alit' objections to the 1:)ro,)osed worm or iml•rovement
may appear before said Board of Trustees of the Cit y of ;narleim and
show cause vaily said 1-rorosed work a,nd iral)rov =:.,lent should not be carried
out in accordance � til ti.is resolution; provided, all su ch l:rotests
riust be in writing :.nd nust be delivered to the City %','lcrk before
ti-le hioi,)a set for the hearing of objecticns�
SECTION 3: That said T�oard. of Trustees hereby further
determines that serial bonds shall be issued to represent assessmei
o f ,2 5. 25.00 or over for the cost an s an
d expenses of said work d ira-
.L) r ov eme n t that s. aid s erial boods shiall extend oven• a 1eri od of nine
years from tLe second day of January next succeeding tl date, and
an even annual -ro-portion of t"Lle - sum t.L.ereof shall be
t ,:�-vabie, b cou-,on, on the e 2nd (lay of January every year after their
e until the A is , : .aid, and tile interest shah? be ')add semi-
y , - id .Italy respectively,
aiinua I 1 1) y ca n- - - n - - on, on tla-e 2nd days oL January
of each year, at the rate of seven percent - arzium on all sums
un� ,aid, until t1_e whole of said pri c p;l ex interest axe X ;aid.
SECTIC57i 4: The Y�naheiy-q 7ulletin is hereby desi6nated, as
c 1.'rinted, -, - -, ublished and circulated in said City in
which this resolution sh all be - and '61.,e "ity Cley
of the City of Anall is hereby directed. to publish this resolution
Vy two successive insertions in said news - r�aj) er,
The Street Suw „erintendert shall i3 cause to be
conspicuously -, osted alonL the line of said contem-L.1,ted work or
im-)rovement and in front of all the Prooerty liable to be
as:' notice of the L passal.-eof tAa Resolution of Intent-Lon
in the maihner and form required by Law.
All of the herein -Xopo6ed and irfl shall be
clone and said serial bonds--shall be issued under and in pursuance
of an .40t of the Tatislature of the State of Californio, designated
the 'Improvement Acl, of 1912. and all acts amendatory tl - iereof - a
The for
-egoi-;7 Resolution of I signed, a
arLd attested by me U day of a 1925.
�73 D ' A'C4
the 7�oaxdof Trustees
Ire iifi��ntkof
of Ul” e City of J*�nafieira.
Sl,'Al, of Ci ty of Anaheim
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim
Oi 1 4 1 ) 1 ' JU
Is Edward B-11 City Clerk of the City of Anal
do hereby certify that tl foregoing Resolution of 1:
N te -tion
Igo. 186 was introduced and adoj�ted at a reGU'Mr m — ; n thc
",' C et'hus of ctz-
Board of Trust es of the City of held on the — /3
clay of 1925, by the following vote:
Ayes: Trust C 7,,,
Noes: Trustees
Absent and ?Tot Voting:"1'--urt ees —
And I further certify t1 tl,, '- President of the Doa-xd of
e City Trustees of t�j i C J. of Anna d.Leitl signed and ai,),)xoved. said
Resolution of intention on tl e d ay o 0
I 7 E S - 7 17 OF , I ha: c h e -- e u n t 0 s e t r, h and and a. ri d af f" i xe d
the official seal of tl City of juaaaicim , this j d O f
City Clerk of the City of naiei m.
SEAL of the City of Anaheim.
- 4 -