RESOLUTIOl-j liD. 72R-402
WHEREAS, the City Council did heretofore adopt its
Resolution No. 72R-208 finding and determining that the property
and area therein described should be Changed from County of
Orange A-I, General Agricultural Zone, and City of Anaheim R-A,
Agricultural Zone, to City of Anaheim PC, Planned Community
Zone, subject to certain conditions therein set forth; and
liHEREAS, the legal description contained therein
covers approximately 652 acres and the City Council finds that
said legal description should be broadened to cover approximately
675.5 acres, and
MiEREAS, as a result of the increased acreage incor-
porated in said rezoning of said property, Condition No.4 of
Resolution No. 72R-208 should be ~oended to read as follows:
"4. That subjec.t property shall be developed sub-
stantially in accordance with plans and speci-
fications on file with the City of Anaheim marked
Exhibits Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Revision
No. I) and 9."
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim that the legal description of Resolution
No. 72R-208 in Reclassification No. 71-72-44 be, and the same
is, hereby amended to read as follows:
That portion of the land described in the deed to
Anaheim Hills, Inc., a California corporation,
recorded on July 28, 1971, as Document No. 24876 in
Book 9738, page 562 of Official Records of Orange
County, California, which lies within the following
described boundaries:
Beginning at the Southwesterly terminus of the land
described in said deed as having a bearing of South
00 18 I 00" vlest, and a distance of 100. 00 feet; thence
along the lines of the land therein described North
660 33' 56" East, 1689.54 feet and North 750 02' 26"
East, 2264.54 feet, and South 690 5l' 57" East, 149.42
feet, and South 400 19' 10" East, 873.83 feet; thence
leaving the lines of said land South 190 20' 19" East,
328.61 feet to the Easterly terminus of that certain
course in the boundary of ti.e land described in the
deed to the City of Anaheim, recorded October 30, 1970,
in Book 9448, page 533 and 534 of said Official Records,
described therein as having a bearing of North 790 21'
38" East and a dis.tance of 287.62 feet; thence along
the lines of the land therein described along the
following courses: South 790 16' 56" East, 430.99
feet.~ and South 100 26' 36" East, 35.24 feet; and South
440 54' 09" East, 802.14 feet, and South 220 49' 04"
East, 671.79 feet; and South 680 40' 13" East, 415.66
feet; and South 40 24' 25" West, 503.32 feet; and
South 490 18' 34" East, 149.68 feet; and North 580 3l'
51" East, 398.32 feet; and South 150 13' 42" East, 230.83
feet; and South 330 14' 02" West, 378.90 feet; and South
380 43' 55" East, 152.98 feet; and North 520 05' 34"
East, 671.38 feet; and South 730 36' 16" East, 268.41
feet; and South 280 32' 18" West, 778.93 feet; thence
South 600 37' 04" East, 182.12 feet alonq that course
described in last mentioned deed as having a bearing of
South 590 55' 47" East and a distance of 232.83 feet to
that certain course in the land described in the deed
to the City of Anaheim recorded November 19, 1964, in
Book 7309, page 776 of said Official Records, as having
a bearing of North 560 00' 00" East and a distance of
549.00 feet; thence a10nq the lines of the land therein
described,. North 560 00' 00" East, 518.40 feet and North
340 00' 00" West, 8.00 feet and; North 560 00' 00" East,
213.50 feet to the beainnina of a tanGent curve concave
Northwesterly, having" a radius of 220: 00 feet; thence
Northeasterly along said curve, 153.59 feet to a point
of tangency with a curve concave Southeasterly having
a radius of 62.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along said
curve, 23.81 feet; thence along a radial line of last
mentioned curve South 520 00' 00" East, 22.00 feet;
thence North 380 00' 00" East, 97.00 feet to the beqin-
ning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly, having
a radius of 370.00 feet, thence Northeasterly along
said curve, 151.76 feet; thence tangent to said curve
North 140 30' 00" East, 231.19 feet to the beginning of
a tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radius
of 525.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve
691.80 feet: thence tangent to last mentioned curve
East, 68.50 feet to the beginning of a tanaent curve
concave Northerly having a radius of 270.00 feet; thence
easterly alone; said curve, 193.99 feet, thence tangent
to last mentioned curve Nort,1 48050' 00" East, 413.00
feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave South-
erly havinq a radius of 124.00 feet: thence Easterly
along saiJ curve 296.86 feet to the beginning of a
tangent reversing curve concave Northeasterly having a
radius of 116.50 feet; thence along said curve 183.51
feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South 840
IS' 00" East, 367.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent
curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 780.00
feet; thence Easterly along said curve 357.36 feet to
the beginning of a tangent curve concave Westerly
havina a radius of 200.00 feet, thence Southeasterly,
Southerly and Southwesterly along said curve 514.66
feet; thence leaving the lines of the land described
in last mentioned deed along a radial line of last
mentioned curve South 00 33' 36" East, 22.00 feet; thence
South 410 30' 00" l.vest, 92.87 feet; thence South 30 58'
23" East, 322.12 feet; thence South 580 24' 53" East,
189.76 feet to the Easterly line of the 50-foot wide easement
granted to the Metropolitan Water District by deed recorded
in Book 3179, page 22, et seq. of said Official Records;
thence thereon North 3P 35 I 07" East, 286.26 feet to t...'1e
beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly having
a radius of 325.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along said
curve 97.81 feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve
North 40 20' 33" EasJc, 363.39 feet; thence leaving the lines
of said easement on a bearing of East, 919.54 feet; thence
on a bearing of South, 1328.00 feet; thence on a bearing
of West, 245.00 feet; thence South 70 50' 28" West, 476.46
feet; thence South 230 45' 01" East, 178.85 feet; thence
South 330 11' 48" Nest, 161.52 feet; thence South 860 09'
07; West, 389.47 feet; thence South 110 18' 36" West, 331.44
feet; thence North 750 03' 57" West, 77.62 feet; thence
North 310 50' 33" West, 30.87 feet; thence South 750 21'
42" West, 414.61 feet to a point in a non-tangent curve
concave Southwesterly having a radius of 500.00 feet, at
which point a radial line of said curve bears North 610
46' 37" East; thence Northwesterly along said curve
146.91 feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve North
450 03' 29" West, 335.15 feet; thence South 440 56' 31"
West, 333.96 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve
concave Northwesterly having a radius of 2000.00 feet;
thence Southwesterly along said curve 140.00 feet; ~~ence
along a radial line of 1as'c mentioned curve South 410 02'
50' East, 40.00 feet; thence South 90 36' 32" East,
242.41 feet; thence South 390 35' 49" West, 548.36 feet;
thence South 60 17' 26" t'lest, 127.77 feet; thence South
620 23' OS" West, 537.19 feet; thence South 460 15' 16"
West, 290.68 feet; thence South 710 41' 30" West, 143.25
feet; thence South 120 39' 26" West, 241.88 feet; thence
South 440 29' 00" West, 333.31 feet; thence South 560
40' 26" West, 1321.82 feet; thence on a bearing of West,
a distance of 862.00 feet; thence South 710 22' 16" West,
365.86 feet; thence i'l"orth 100 27' 57" East, 270.00 feet;
thence North 310 16' 00" West, 574.85 feet; thence con-
tinuing North 310 16' 00" West, 590.64 feet to the begin-
ning of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having a
radius of 1000.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along said
curve 87.15 feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve
North 260 16' 24" West, 582.29 feet; thence North 730 35'
00 West, 2412.86 feet; thence North 90 50' 00" West,
1365.00 feet; thence L-.Jorth 790 05' 00" West, 463.16 feet.:
thence South 360 30' 50" West, 165.67 feet; thence South
100 37' 17" West, 599.69 feet; thence North 560 08' 43"
West, 651. 32 feet; thence North 280 30 i 22'; East, 674.54
feet; thence North 550 30' 53" West, 753.93 feet; thence
North 180 45' 00; West, 598.42 feet; thence North 90 09'
OS" East, 279.37 feet to a point in a non-tangent curve
concave Southwesterly having a radius of 710.00 feet at
which point a radial line of said curve bears North 460
51' 58" East; thence Northwesterly along said curve
281.32 feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve Nort~
650 50' 08" Ivest, 128.10 feet; thence North 240 09' 52"
East, 194.31 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve
concave Westerly having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence
Northerly along said curve, 444.74 feet; thence along a
radial line of said curve North 630 12' 03" East, 100.00
feet; thence North 640 28' 40" East, 759.68 feet to the
point of beginning.
Excepting therefrom any land therein owned by the City
of Anaheim. Also excepting that portion of the land of
Anaheim Hills, Inc., described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeasterly terminus of that line
described in the aforementioned deed to Anaheim Hills,
Inc., as having a bearing of South 800 42' East and
a distance of 310.54 feet; thence North 790 47' 29" West
along said line, 310.42 feet to an angle point in said
land; thence South 20 59' 16" West, 386.85 feet to the
true point of beginning of this exception: thence South
350 00' 00" East, 499.44 feet; thence North 780 26' 42"
East, 252.11 feet: thence South 200 00' 00" East, 333.40
feet; thence South 560 08' 25" West, 608.32 feet; thence
North 330 51' 35" West, 115.00 feet to the beginning of
a tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of
810.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along said curve 452.05
feet; thence tangent to last mentioned curve North 650 50'
08" West, 28.10 feet; thence North 240 09' 52" East,
94.31 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave
Westerly having a radius of 600.00 feet; thence Northerly
along said curve, 458.88 feet; thence along the pro1onga:
tion of a radial line of last mentioned curve North 700
21' 40" East, 246.46 feet to the true point of beginning.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Anaheim that Condition No. 4 of Resolution No. 72R-208
in Reclassification No. 71-72-44 be, and the same is, hereby
amended to read as follows:
"4. That subject property shall be developed sub-
stantially in accordance with plans and speci-
fications on file with the City of Anaheim marked
Exhibits Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Revision
No.1) and 9."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that except as hereby expressly
amended, Resolution No. 72R-208 shall remain in full force and
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by
me this 12th day of September, 1972.
~ Jl76A
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I i "Ii:':: ,::O;'~EGl;i:,:(~
r '-' ':~' "; 72R-49.?__. LV (' 'J 'l-~;)
I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 72R-402 was
passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held
on the 12th day of se~tember , 19..2.~, by the following
vote of the merabers the reo :
AYES: COUNCIU~EN: Sneegas, Stephenson, Pebley, Thorn
and Dutton
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of
Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the ~2th day of
September , 19~.
affixed the seal of the City of
September , 19.~_
have hereunto set my hand and
Anaheim this 12th day of
/ N. ~