06/15/1922-0451 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PPSOLUTION OF 77 4F 'R0,47'D rIF TpriSTPE3 OF T;T "ITY 0 F 11 711 P 1 1 1 , 11 , PPRMLIrm Ry the Board of Trustees of the 'Jity of Anaheim: SECTION. 1. That "ha, - Public interert --ind convenience require that the se er T.vor'K be Icna in said 4- e , —Y, to- Th-CIt sa-ita be L,,Li-". d under an, along those rorticns of sai- -ubli.-I 3traets alid alloys it ti =e f 7ity of Anaheim designated as follows, to_ Alley South of P:road4.7ay 7eginning at the center line of Street, and running thence easterly 157.5 feet southerly fronts, and parallel to the southerly L -1 O 7 -clalway to a point 11---1 - feat easterly from tho Said center line of Test Stroe' 'Vest Street Line Ple,' at a Point six feet south or the monur -nt.ad center line of Santa Ana Street and running thence northerly along the center CD line of Test Street to a point 157.5 feet soutIl-lerly fror, the soutn-:r"Ly "Lilre, of Froad Alley Retween C'i and Ohio Paginning a' a rcint six feet South of a can line C Santa Ara ltr�_ ant' runnir _._ 11", northrjr] alor,.,(- th� alloy in Rloci "A" Dolan Tract to a noint 540 feet north37_17 from; said 0 'D L' , �* center line of Santa An-_ " I r �:,- a I Alley Petwemn chic and Indiana 7 Fete in at, a p( Int six ocuth of th monunertqd �3anter lino- of Santa t,-a 3tre-�t and runnin,7 thence northerly a'L'or. the alley in Block "B" Dolan Tract to a point 540 feet northerly from. said center lirn, of 7t'--'nta Ana ' . Alley No. 1 IvIonte `vista Tract Pegin at the center li-e of ' 7trget and runninn souther- C_� __l__ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ly along the alley in T' "n" on Vista Tract to a point 7 feet southerly front, said center line of North A! J �, -ley 2 `!(-,n+ Vista Tract Peainnina at the center line of ? Itrest and - run - ina souther- 17 aloftg the alley in RIOC-1, "0" 1, 1onte- Vista Tract to a point 770 feet southerly fro n sriid cent line of North 3tr--ot. Tral--li Peginning at the center line of r1orth "greet and running southerly along the alley in "P" 7 Vista Tract to a point 770 feet southerly f rog. lir-, cf North Street N119y 'Po. 4 ! Vista Tract Reg.inning at the center line of North Street and running souther- -I alor.g., the alley it Block "A" lfont Vista Tract to a point 770 feet southerly the sail canter line of North Street. Forth Street Line, Monte Vista Tract Pe"inning a. a point t fee westerly fron! the monuir.lented Z-�) C} t - . r, U center line of %;;ic Street and running thence easterly to a point 1 feet westerly frorl� the mnnumanted center line of C: range Street Illinois Street Line 7 eginri 2 r.- at a point 192.50 feet northerly "Eror t"I'le- Center line of Center Street and runninr thence northerly to a point 918.50 1 , thence " J- feet northerly fr tlie 3 cenla,- 'Line of Alley No. 1 J. Lloyd Lloore Subdivision Fe, irnirg at a point 225.01 feet ncrtl fron, the northerly line of Valencia Avenue and running than-Ile sou to a point 133.02 feet soutl—rl�7 fircyr, the SOU'.11 line ol" Valencia Avenue. Alley 'No. 2 J. Lloyd TToore Subdivision Pe-ainnin, at a pcint 7 `5-93 feet northerly frcr; the n( line of Valencia Avenue and runnier t7ience . southerly to a point 45.32 feet northerly fron the nor line of Broad Street. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Alley "'o. 3 J . Lloy-1 ? 31ulodivisi on Beginning at a point 123.97 feet northerly frog~ the northerly lire of Valencia Avenue and runnln? thence sou to a r 43 feet northerly fro7 tl ncr line of Broad Street . the plans profiles, and Sp-,C4 3 -Lxl'i for 3ail •or:k, which said rl---r- and r.rcfl"-- ' - , re ad-nted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, by resolution on the 15th day of June, 1922, and are marked and designated "Sewer System, Anaheim trlwll ifornia, Pro- No. 13" and are in twc shoots designated respectively as "S"heet 1", and "Sheet 2" and are on file in the office of the FCTICN 2. . aid T 70rj- . shall be done in acco with City F-Igineer of said city and .,vhich said specifications were adopted by resolution desi, the Board of Tr oz 7 &a on the Z=n- day "Specifications asteeo of the City of Ana"ieim, by of July., 1911, and are - marked and for th7-, co of pine se in the City of Ana.neirr, "al!-fornia, " and are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. SECTION 3. That t'. City of the City of Anaheim be, and he is hereby auth�rized and directed to p for at least ten days ir the Anaheim Gazette, a ne- of 7,anerai circu lation, printed, and circu"!.ated in said city, a A notice invi q- t1n seal-ld pr ncsals or for thy; furs. Shinn of all labor and materials for the of said worlr in accordance , !,rith said plans and sre-cifi-cations, 711hich said nronnoa or bids shall be received by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anahoim,, at the office of the City Clerk of said City, up to eiS7jj,t ol Clo-'7 P- . , of Thursday, the 4wfllph J�, �19 1 2, day of 0 and the 'Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim reserves the ri-ht to reject- any and all bifis. 3DCITION 4. Al". proposals or bias must be accorimanled by a checl;: payable to the City of Ana"-- certified by a responsible ban! for an amount �-ihich shall not be less than ten - - 2 - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 P ei , cent of the ag�re gate a.r cunt of the prop osa or a bond fo the said ar::ount so sayable, signed by the bidder and +wo sureties, who sh"oll justify 'oefcra any officer comipetert to administer an oath, in double the said amount, ovor and above all statutory exemptions, or by a coA"po' -ate• Surely, as provi_'.eC? 'by law, ti aid chec or bond to ' :)eCCwR foTrl eited to the City of Ara' '-im it the .l t n contract por the doir_? (­" said ;voxk, and furnish the bonds required within ten day -) contract is awarded to him. 3ECTIOU 5. The ccA ref ,, l a , b7.' C. er s hall, - :tit'.ir ten days after the contract is a:ar:'.ed to hiwi, file �i ±�, the Foard of Trustees of the City of Ana'_ n-in, a bond for an amount which shall not be less than fifty per cent of the aggregate amount of the contract trice, for the furnishtnm of said r:ateria.ls and the doing of said �rork, pas,;alcle to the City of Anaheir and sinned by the bidder, and at least t7rc sureties who shall �ustzfy before any officer competent to administer an oath in double the amount, over and above all statutory exenrticns, or by a ccrperate surety, as provided by law, which said bone; shall be subject to the apr,rcval of the Roard of Trustees of the City cf Anaheiz, and shall be coedit icned upon the faithful performance cf said Contract. The successful bidder shall likewise, 1.�rithir ten days after the contra is awarded to his"", an be fore terit� � d be_c�.e en r- �_.,� �..� upon the rQrformance of said ;sons., f il e with ' �e City !'lerk o f the city I of Anaheim, a good and sufficient bond, to be anrrnved by the Roard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, in a sus" of not less than one -half of the total amount payable by the terms of said contract, which said bond shall be executed by the contractor, and either at least two sureties, or by a cor—porate surety as provided by lair, in an am-cunt not less than the sure specified in the bona, � i and '.gust provide that if the contractor, rerscn, cormar.y, or ccrIOCTa :ion, or his or its subcontru ^tor fails to pay for any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 materials, Provisions, proven -r other su7)piies, or teams U used in, upon, - for, or about +h® performance of the work contract _ ad to be done, 0 " " I nY or labor done th•Ireon, of any U kind, that "Ile surety or sureties :will nay the sa:: ,e in an amount not exceeding th-a surii spec* .Lj..L- in the bon and also in - -ase suit is brouc,;ht upon 3u_ bond, a reasonable attorney a fee to be fixod by 4 1 - h-- coiirt SECTIMNI 0 The work herein referred to and described, must be done and conplated by the contractor within 60 after the execution of the contract 'by the parties hereto, and the ap7roval of said bond by the Rotard of Trustees Of the , i - 'V' - y of Anaheim. L - L - 3FOT'031 7. The 1 0ims O service of any .7orkrrian, laborer, or mechanic amployed upon an ,,,- o 4 "1a ;work he rein: described shall be limited and restricted to eight hours during any one calendar play, and t' e contractuor shall forf as a penalty to the City of Anaheim, ton dollars, for each laborei sorkman, or chanic employed by him in tie execution of 3aid contract, or for any subcontractor under him, upon any of said work herein ref erred to Or described, for each calendar day during which such laborer, workman or mechanic is required or - Permitted to 'labor more than eight hours in violation of the provisions of Section - 053 C of the Penal Code Of the State of California. SECTION a. The Minimum col­. to be p aid f or labor upon all. Work per under and purlt-,uant to the terms of said contract shall be +1 ouri of Two Dollars pe�r day. 3POTIM! Q. The contractor shall at all tunas during the prograss Of "a work contracted for, and at his own cost and expen3a, c4^ rzr L. y oufficient insurance, evidenced by rolicies iosued and executed by some reliable corporation th duly authorized by the la ol" the State of 'Iali'Lornia, or by the 3`ate 1 .3oLiponsatio1i Irl3uran. Fund of tulia. State of clai ifornia, to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 indemnify and. hold harmless, him;V if and th3 ^ity of Anaheim from and against all claims for damages arising out of the death or injury sustained in "he course of his employment by any workman, laborer, or employee, employed upon the ��rorrc contracted to be one, a==` �3-.all at all times :during the progress of such :rorl , keep on fi -e 'lit h the C ity ".1 Of st1Ci1 city, sat isfactory evidence that such insurance is in fus.' force and effect. ''he foregoing resolution =eras p assed and adopted at a rx gular r eating of the Roard of Trustees of tha "ity of Anaheim and :eras 3ignad and apFrov-d and attested by me this l:Oth day of Juna, 19??, Presi en of t e .oar o rust aes of the "ity of l:ahaiir,. Attest; I it y clerk of tha .Ity'of nape im. STATE OF CALIF R'' tA, 'C" TTITY OF CPV GE, j �.. CITY OF ATiANE174 1 1, Edwaxd P). - 4 City rl@�'k Of the Ci ty of Anah eim, wo hereby certify that tine ioregoi.zg rt, solution r'ra introduced and as gassed a.r d adopted at a r gula� .,eating of the Roma of rus J "e 33 s of ha .' i t j V.1. �I.Y a l � • J l:r, he ! d d on the 1 5 t h da o June, by the l ollowin vot a; AYES, Trus t a a 3 /�,�L_= `= �C.�0�rn��- NOES, Tructa3 s � APUNT A..,R T "T V`" Trustaas _ zI II_ And I furt =per certify that the President of the Roard of Tru�ta:� Of tl18 '�i'`y Jf lc >i +31'. Si ; '3Z'.d 0 ^ iu iE'`+iGlLltlOil on the 15 day of June, 19 ^2. TAT rLT "11 'ri ^T�: ^ ^F, I have harc,unto a , t my hand and affixed the corporate seal o said city this 15th day* of Jun_-, 192 ity Clie rk Of O r na!1e im.