PJ~SOJ:'UTIOK"O. 72R-593
OF l\1'T2\JII.:I' Gli,[-'JT::'L:G CONDI'l'Imil\L USI' PE;71U'J:
HO. 13450
~lliEFmAS, the City Planning Co~~ission of the City of
lL'1aheim did receive an apnlication for a conditional use permit,
from JOH,-J M. SCHY...Ul'W, E'l' .AI.., in care of FRANK SCHHEHR, referee;
owner; BUCCOLA COMPANY, agent, 'to establish a 221-unit. planned
residential development on the following described property,
situatec. in the City of Anaheh\/ County of Orange, State of
California, 'to ,vi t .
l'he SOU-tl1 half of the soutIuvesi: quarter of the north-
west quarter of Section 27, Township 4 South, Range
10 West, in the Rancho Las Balsas and Rancho San Juan
Cajon de Santa Ana, partly in the City of Anaheim and
partly in the City of Garden Grove, County of Orange,
State of California r as pe:::- Flap recorded in Book 51
?age 10 of ~iscellaneous Naps, in the office of the
County :Recorder of said County.
AND i'IIIEFJ;AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a
pUb.UC hearin9 at the Ci'cy Hall in the City of Anaheim upon saL",
application on iiovenber 27, 1972, notices of which said public
hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of
'l'itle 18, Chapter 18.76 of the 1\.11aheim Hunici,:,al Code; and
!'JIILFEAS, Sed':l Commission, after due inspection, L1'!es-
tigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after
clue consL3.eratioa of all evi6ence and reports offeree. at sai'l
hearLlg did adopt, i-l:s Resolution 1-Jo. PC72-.304 c1enyil1Cf Condii:ional
Use Permit No. 134~ ana
~hEHEAS, thereafter, wi thi::1 twenty-bm (22) days from
the date of 'tl18 ado:,tioI'. of sai5, resolution, a written appeal was
filed wi'cn the City Council prot:es,tin~' the ac,tion of the City
Planning' Commission in a,enying saLl conditional use permi'c and
said appeal '/las set for public hc:;arins.' on Decernber 19, 1972; at:
che City Hall r L1 til2: City of Al1aheir~, and notices of such public
:1caring were duly given as required by law and the provisions of
I'i,tle 18, ChClpter 13.76 of '::;18 Anaheir', liiunici',al Code; and
VlE,:,.R.EliS: at th(, till'", and place fixG:.l for saic. public
IlearL,g 1 the Ci',:y Council c;i:t (::uly hoL. and conduct such he,ctrLu:f
3.nd di\;~ gi-ve all p8~csons itltcres.ccd -therein an opDortuni ty to b.:::
neard and di.~ recei~e evi~~e:lce ~nd reports~ and
l~'[~r~~~EAS? <:.hc Ci-ty Council finds r aftf.!r ca.reful consi.._':.c~ra-~
cion of :::1(: .ceCO:-_ID1(~:'i':~:.ations of the-: City Plan.:ning COT(t~issior an ".:l.
3.11 e.lic_cnCE} anD rE;Dori:s offr~.::C8: at s;:::~i5. I1cariJJ.g, .t112.~:::
J_. The: propuse'.. us" is pro:oerly one for which a cono.i-
tional use pernit is authorized by the Anaheim
~'lunicipal Code,:;.
2. ThE'; pronase] us,:; tvill not adversely affec't the
adj olJiin" Ian:, us" s an'::, tiE': c:rrmvi':11 and cJ'2velO1)ner, t
or the arc,:'. i~,.'_ \;lhich i~: is nro )OSf:::('. Jco b;~ locCJ:te,-,J. '"
."1. -
:l::"L: SlZ'~~; and s:i,l~"r)C: OfC:1c;~ si-te y?roposec1 for the
us<: is a6.8saa:b.: -to allovl "'CllC' full CL2-v(~~lo'D:r~:ent of -the
?ropos::-:c.l. use i::. a j",:a:'1:cJ.cr llOt: trijY~'2ntal~ to th:2
:?::,.rticular arc~?.. nor -to -cJu:; peaCG; h;:~al.th... safety aad.
98lteral idc:lfare.,
4. 'l'lEcraffic'fcnsrateu. l)V the !)J~OD(JS2d use \vill not:
imrc'ose an UI1,],ue burdc.,l upon tIle s'tr'3cts am1, higll,vays
desi:msd an:). ic'lprovcd .to carrytlv;; traffic in thE': .'
5. 'l'[le gran'ci,:g of the condi.tional use permit under tlle
cO.\1':dtions inDose..', \vil1 not be det.rinlental to the
peace. h,,'dl th, sa.fety and qeneral w31fare of the
citize:1s of thf' City of Anahei:".
~;imJ; TI1E~-:'EFORC. 3,: rr PJ:;SOLVED by the City Council of
i:he City of ""naheir that the action of the Ci'cy Planning Corrunission
in cienyLlg said condH:ional use permit be 1 and the same is hereby
disap::;roveo., and that ComIi tion 'll Use Permit >Jo. 1345 be, alvlthe
same is ~lereby, granted perrnittinq the establishment of a 221-l1nit
planned resLiential'levelopnent on the p~operty hereinbefore
lescribed, VVib'l vvaivers of .thE' follmving AnaheiH r.'lunicipal Code
Lot frontage (lot frontage must DE
on a deC'.ica te'l street; proposed
lots will not be fron.tina on a dee.i-
cated s.trefjt).
SECTION 18.08.440
?EC'~roH ~8-.:...a8 :_~5...2Jl:-a)
~lil".i"nL'TI building site area (7200
square fee'!: required,' 1400 square
fee,t pro}?os'3d).
5EC'I'IOi'l 1~.]8. 050 ll-b)
l'iini:nWTI building site width (70 feet
required; 19 feet proposed) .
SECT'ION 18 .}_~_:...Q..~g...t5-b)
~.J:axi'lmm building height wi thin 150
feet of an R-A Zone (one story
required.; 'two s'tories proposed).
'l.'hat saL3. Conditional Use Permit: be granter\ subject to the follow-
ing concli.tions;;
1. 'l';lat -::ids Condi'cio:n.al USE,~ Permi,t is granted subj ect
'co the completion of tentative inap of Tract 4001, Revision No.1,
and Eeclassifica.tion ITo. 60'-61-42.
2. ?hat filial 'tract map of subject property shall be
submi.tted to and apE'lroved by th,,: ci.ty Council and then be recorded
in 'tho office of tIle Oranqe Sounty Recor:ler.
3. 'l'ha.t coven.ants, condi-i.:ions and restrictions shall
be submi ttec1 to ami approved by the City Attorney's Office prior
to Ci,ty council apoL'oval of t.ile final i:ract map, and 1 further, that
the anproved covemants, con,'ii':cions and restrictions shall be
recorded concurreni:ly \~ith thE final .tract map.
4. 'I'hat prior to filinc:! the final tract map the
Applicant shall subLlit to th'" I":it.y Attorney for approval or
denial, a, complete sY:,'lopsis of t.lle proposed functioning of thE.:
operatinr:; corporation incLldL-"c:, ;Jut not limited to, the articles
of incorporation by"l aV1S r pror;)()sz(. ,nethods of management, bon,:'.ing
to insure maintenance of CORman property and buildings, and
such other information as the City Attorney may desire to protect
the City, its citizens, and tile purchasers of the project.
5. That trash storage areas shall be provided in
accordance WiUl approved plans on file Witll the office of the
Director of Public Horks.
6. That fire hydra.lts shall bE i'lstalled ano. charqecl
as required and detenni"Ed :co ~e necessa.ry by the Chief of the
Fire Department prior to COlllJ,le:.lcement of structural framing.
7. That all air conditioning facilities shall be
properly shielded from vievl, anc~ .t11e sound buffered from adjacent
3. T~1at sub"j(-:";ct prop(;rt}i'" shall b'3 served by underqroun(~.
9. 'l'hat the OW:,lers of subject property shall pay to
'C110 CL:.y of l\.nahein the approp):iate park and recreation il1'"lieu
fees as determineD to be ap:oropria:te by the" City Council, saL~.
fees to be pai.". at t:hc tiI,le the Duildin?' ::c'erI'li t is issued.
10 '.' '~'"lC.t subject property sh2.11 be ,'!evelopec1 substan-
.tially in accordanCE wi'ell pla:clS arl:.' sr;'o:::L:::ications on file with
.tile Cit:y of F_aahsi~'. narkc :C::xhibi.t. ~io. 1 r '1e'1i31.0:1 ~Jo. 1, an";
~::{hibi-;:s ~Tos.. 2,. 3 i ~1 r 5 and 6 ff :_lll'~: 'tI1C,t:. f~;11ces ;~~esiql1ated on sa.ij.
Dlans alo:t::,cJ 't;-0\:=s':'::' Stre~~;<: ()l1'.~l (iran':'-'2\'lood _.AVC~~1UC~ \,'lit.hi.:1 tIle rcq:uirc<:~
'S'E.t"D"'C> o'-.::.e.....'l....). tL' 1...(~1.,.:,;- l"- '.>c._i.,..tli'. 1';-: h2rf:~b'.',' an.jo~_-ovAc1 for sound
.' _~...............~.........._~_..__...... _""'-"~d::) _ _._._ ._~ ...- _ . _
buffering and aesthetics.
11. That Condi'cions Nos. 2, 3 and 4 above mentioned.
shall be complied vli,:h :')rior to 'ell", introduction of an ordinance
:t:ezoni_,1g t:.he ~:)rOpt'::rty' "LF1<i.2T T~E:classi:::ic::-~:tiC)n No. 60~"61'~42.
mentioned shall be
i:J.sF,r;ctions ~
~ondi~ions ~~os. 5,
CODl.r1 ic:.<.', \,vi'c~.'~ '~-y,:-io!:-
(; i 7., 8 F
to :Ei:~'_a.l
9 D.Dd 10 above.
bnil-:3.i'1~.: and ;.;oni '.'.9'
l'h~: Cll:Y Coul1:.;il l'lt"'_}::' r~.:!seJ:'V2S ti1€ right. to revol:.\~
S"LlCl-i Conc~i-::io::1E,.1 Use.; ?srTI1it:. for crood cause-:: or failure of sa;i:.::.
Q';"lD.crs; t~1::,~iI.' ~(l;;:~i_-i~~;, S~:LC::'~E:sscrs c;r assi~Jns? 1;.0 COnl?1.y \~i th th.c.::
.:\:i.J.ahc:i ~unici~_\::;_l CO(~E; ,J.r).(~ rE~I.:.;u1'3.t.ions an:: cor:.-~.i tions herein..
THT'-~ FORLGOI:.~'S r~~::::S'~)IJUfrI()j_J is aPl-?:i:"ove{:;~ and siq:.1ed by 7~1e
this 19th day of ;)eC(ml}:K:':', 1972.
l\j.'I.~::\E~:-.~ I~.:
WPH : ktl
I, DENE H. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 72R-593 was
passed and adopted at a regular meeti2g of the City Council held
on the 19th day of December, 1972 , by the following
vote of the members thereof: -
AYES: COUNCIL01EN; Sneegas, Pebley and Dutton
&~D I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of
.~~aheiill approved and signed said Resolution on the 19t~ day of
December , 19~
In WITNESS WrlE?EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this _19th day of
~c~r , 19 72 .
I, DINE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
qerttfy that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 72R-593 duly
~ased and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on December 19, 1972.
IN-I );to fl~~~#~
City Clerk