72R-541 I'(ESOLU'l'IOU ::'10. 72R- 541 ~ A RLSOLU'I'IOn OF THE crn COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF P"NAIi:::;HI DECLZ-\RING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION IIJ COnNECTION WITH THE PRO- POSED kJNL:XATION OF CE~'I'AnT TERRITORY. (HOHLER m~IVE ANNEXl','rIOn) WHET:illAS, on the 4th day of February, 1972, the City Council did receive from the City Planning Conunission its recom... mendation approving the proposed annexation; and \'JHERl~AS; said City Council did, on the 15th day of February, 1972, adopt Resolution ao. 72R-54 giving its consent to the commencement of said annexation proceedings: and '''i'HERE:.AS, the proposal for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim has been submitted to the Local Agency Formation COmPlission of the County of Orange and has been approved by said Local Agency Formation Commission; and C'lHEHEAS, on the 5th day of June, 1972, said proponents did publish a notice of intention to circulate a petition for the annexation of the hereinafter described property to the City of l\.l1aheim, and \vithin ten (lO) days thereafter did file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim a copy of such notice which contained the name of t:.18 proJ:)onents intending to circu.. late the petition and the specific boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed, accompanied by a printed s.tatement, not exceeding five hundred (50Q) words in length, containing reasons for the petition f together ,vi th an affidavit of the publication of said notice of intention to circulate said petition; and ,~}m;:-\.EAS, ,vitl,in fiftee;1 (15) days after such filinG, the City Council did. on the 26th day of June, 1972, adopt Resolution LTo. 72R-233 acknm-lledging recei~)t of the notice and approving circulation of the petition; and ,~'HEREP"S- on the 6tl1 day of October, 1972, the City Council did r<:~ceive a petition signed by not less than one-fourth of the qualified electors as snown by the County Registration of Voters, residing within the territory hereinafter described containinq a descri9tion oftha nm<' terri-tory proposed to be annexed to the City of ~naheim and asking that said territory be annexed to the City' the City Council finds that said petition is in .?roper order and tllat the ;:Jroponents hav'~ complied wit!.,- all steps require,]. by la\:; and the City Council further finds .that the territor\' proposed to be annexed is inhabited, is con-- tiguous to th2 Ci~':y' ot' l\nahein: and is not a part of any other city: and ..- ',HJ::::?EAS; the City Council finds that the designation of the territory to be annexed by which it may be referred to u,-:lon tl1e ballots usee., at t11.0~ election should be ;\I<XILER DRIVE Annexation: an6 !,vI-iE~:;':S.A.S" -the City Council finds from said petition and evidence and re:-Jort,,; receive:l that the boundaries of the terri-- tory so proposed ane souciht to be annexed 'co t;le City of Anallei", are as follo'J's; to "vit. -1- T:lat parcel of lane: locatee~ in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: "- Beginning at a point in the existing City limit line of the City of l'\.l1aheim, said point being the southeast corner of the Santa Ana Canyon Annexation No. 2 to said City; thence leavinc bIG said City limit line and follow.- ing aloncr a portion of tile northerly right of way line of Santa lma Canyon Road b-,e follmdng courses and dis- tances: (1) N 60030' 02" E, 1,043.24 feet to the begin-- ning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and havinc; a radius of 1,950 feet, thence (2) Northeasterly along said curve t;,rough a central angle of 140 43' 06" an arc distance of 500.92 feet to a point, a radial line bearing S 440 13' 04 L passes through said point; thence (3) S 380 38' 30" E, 20.12 feet; t;1ence (4) N 440 07' 42" E, 663.27 feet to the beginning of a tanaent curve concave southeasterly illld naving a radius of 5,050 feet; thence (5) lJort:1easterly along last mentioned curve tl1rough a central angle of 20 45' 30" an arc distance of 240.71 feet' thence (6) N 460 52' 12" E, 771.70 feet tangent to said curve to a point; thence (7) S 300 42' 41" W, 335.17 feet leaving the; northerly rig;l't of way line of said Santa Ana Canyon Road to the northeast corner of that certain 2.2028 acre parcel of land shown on a lliJap of Survey record-- ed in Book 13, page 40, Records of Surveys, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange Coun-ty; thence (8) S 000 01' 00 E, 98.44 feet to the northwest corner of tnat certain 1.00 acre parcel of land shown on the above mentioned Record of Surveys. thence (9) N 890 54' 00" E, 264.20 feet to an intersection with the westerly line of the land described in deed recorded July 18,196', in Boot 8314, page 249, Official Records of Orange County; thence (10) S QUo 01' 00" E, 330.05 feet along tl1e west line of the land descrioed in said deed to an intersection with the south line of Tract No. 117, as sho"m on a map record- ed in Book 11, page 15, Yiiscellaneous Haps, records of said Orange County; tnence (11) East 2,564.39 feet alonG a portion of the south line of said Tract No. 117 to an intersection with tl-,e easterly line of the land shmm on a -'lap of Survey recorcicc in Book 11, page 39, Record of Surveys, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, said line is also shown on a Map of Survey recorded in Eoole 92, page 8, Record of Surveys, in the Office of the, County Recorder of said. Orange County; ttlence follm;in(,'" along the,; line shmm on the Y.1ap of Survey recorded in B001, 92.' page 8, above mentioned, the follo"v'-- ing courses ancl distancE~s: (12) S 120 44' 38" E, 1,210.83 feet. (13) N 77015' 22" E, 108.91 feet; (14) S 12044' 38" E, 226.03 feet; (15) S 160 43' 17' E, 659.11 feet;: (l6) S 590 43' 27 v:, 162.16 feet; (17) S 120 44' 38" E, 859.08 feet to an intersection with the line shown on a Tlap of Survey recorJed in Book 91, page 40, Record of Survevs, in tho Office of tIle Countv Recorder of said Orange County thence follm'ling along the line shown in the last mentioned Record of Surveys, the following courses -2- awl distances; (18) S 560 04' 55 "\'I, 1,521. 50 feet; (19) S 290 44' 52" E, 84.16 feet; (20) S 550 20' 10" ,'I, 186.6') feet; (21) N 290 44' 35" vI, 86.69 feet; (22) S 560 07' 29" 'iJ, 267.03 feet to the point of intersec- tion with the easterly bound.ary of thel\naheLn Hills No. 2 Annexation to said City, said point of intersec- tion beinCi at the southeasterlv terminus of that certain course described in said anne;cation as having a bearing and distance of S 410 13' 00" E, 874.90 feet; thence followina along a portion of the last mentioned annexa- tion boundarv, the following courses and distances~ (23)N 4P 13' DO" ,'J, 374.90 feet; (24) N 700 52' 00" Fi, 149.49 feet (25) S 740 DS' 20' I'I, 2,264.30 feet; (26) S 650 40' 40;; \J, 1, CBS:. 20 feet to a point in the southeast corner of the Santa Ana Canyon Annexation No. 1 boundary to said City thence leaving the said Anaheim LillsJo. 2 .'illaexation boundary and following along a Dortion of t:1e Santa Ana Canvon ,1lJ1nexation :No. 1 boundary ihe following courses and di~tances: (27) N 10 27' 02" '"',511.71 feeL (23) N 44034' 40" \'1,227.15 feet; (29) ]'1 000 53' 40' \'i, 312.73 feet; (30) S 620 16' 25" W, 235.35 feet: (31) ,~ ,no 07' 05' \'1, 95.81 feet; (32) S 460 02' 38' ii, 49.91 feet; (33) S 50 43' 02" E, 372.00 feet: (34) S 830 43' 58" 'iV, 298.91 feet; (35) N 300 32' 17" ~'l, 273.87 feet' (36) N 4037' 37" W, 763.61 feet; (37) S 470 25' 17 E, 19'0'.92 feet; (38) 11 270 56' 03" E,_ ::'d2.63 feet.; (39) :,y ,no 56' 30"\'J, 40.35 feet, more or less; (40) ,4110 33' 20; E, 660.00 feet, more or less; (41) N 780 2,)' 35' 'ii, 2)'.:) fee-t, more or less; (42) :'-1 2~io 13' 15'; ('J, 460 feet, more or less, to an intersec,tion v!ith the northerly right of way line of Santa Ana Canyon Load, saLt point of intersection being a point in the southerly annexation boundary to said City, as established Ly the aforerr.e::1tioned Santa ,"ilia Canyon Annexation Uo. 2: thence leaving the annexation boundary established by said Santa l,na Canyon l\rmexation '10. 1 and following along a portion of the sout~"lerly annexation boundary established by sail'. Santa LIla Canyon ,mnexation':o. 2 the follovling course and distance; (-13) ,j 600 38' 02' Eo' 1,359 feet, more or les3, taLK; point of beginning. nm:, 'fHi:.RtiFORt" m.... 1'1' m";SOLVED by the City Council of the Ci,ty of ,!ma11eim that it does hereby declare its intention to call a special election for the purpose of submitting to the electors residinci in the hereinabove described new territory, the question whether said new territory shall be annexed to, incor- porated in, and made a part of the City of .~aheim and the property therein be, after such annexation, subject to taxation equally ',d th the property within said City of _i\naheim, to pay its pro-- rata SJ1are, based u:()on assessed valuation, of all of the bonded indebt- edness of said City of Anaheim outstanding or authorized as of tile date of the first publication of the notice of special election, or theretofore authorized, and BE 1'1 FURTIlEr~ RI:SOLVED that the territory so proposed to De annexed shall De designated as ';lOHLEm DRIVE Annexation; and HI: I'J:' FUj,'rdEl~ RLSOLVED that the 5th day of December, 1972, at the hour of 1~30 o'clock P.,i\l. in the Citv Council Chamber of the City Hall in t11e City of Anaheim be, and the same -3- ..- 1S hereDY, fixed as the day, hour and place whsm and where any person owning real property within the territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexation, may make a written protest in accordance with the provisions of Goverlli~ent Code Section 35120. Al\lD BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be published at least once a week for two successive weeks prior to the date hereinabove fixed for the hearing of protests and objections to said election and the annexation of said territorv to the citv of ~~aheim in a newspaper of general circulation published in the territory pro- posed to be annexed, or if there is none, in a newspaper of general circulation puhlished in the City of Anaheim; the City Clerk shall also cause a written notice of such proposed annexa- tion to be mailed to each owner of an equitable or legal interest in land, other than an easement or right of way, within the territory to be annexed who has filed his name and address and a general description of such land, sufficient to identify it on the last equalized county asseSSI:\ent roll, with said Clerk. Said notice shall be mailed not less than b?enty (20) days before the first ?uLlic nearinq on the proposed annexation. IrH:C this 14th day is approved and signed by me -4- /kw STATE OF CALIFOlli~IA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF Ai"lAIiEH1 ss. - I, DEHE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 72R-541 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Councii held on the 14th day of November , 1972 , by the following vote of- the members thereof: --'--- AYES: COmrCILIlEN; Sneegas, Pebley, Thorn and Stephenson NOES: COUNCILi\EN: None ABSENT: COUl'rCI:'I'<1EN: Dutton Pro Tern A..~D I FURTBER CERTIFY that the Nayor/ of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution on the 14th day of November , 19 72 . I" 1.\ NITNESS I-vHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the City of Anaheim this 14~ day of 1 192L- affixed the Nove\llPer ,~~ ~)n ~ CITY CLERf< OF THE CITY OF fu"lAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 72R-541 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on November 14, 1972. () ~ )( j)~ City Clerk ..-. "'-.,