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1. 2 _ ~~~ ~~ R~soZUTioDT o~ Tx.~ BoAR~ o~ TRUSTE&S o~~' ~1,~ CITY o~ l~T.i~H~;I~ AD©PTII~G PLANS AND SP~+'CiFICATIONS ~bR.~y~CTRIC TRANSMISSION POL:~S FoR TH CiTY of A~fdH.~IM. Resolved by the Board of mrustees of the City of Anaheim: That .the following specific at ions be, and the came are hereby adopted as the specifications for electric transmission poles for 3 ~~',the City of Anaheim: ~ ¢ ~~~~ Poles shall be round cedar poles. The diameter of poles, de- I' ~ I~ aired Shall be measured across the top of the pole, and the dtamet®~ 6 j'~, at the top shall be the minimum diameter of the pole. 7 ~ Poles shall be of cedar, free frem dry rot , and excessive g ,cheeks and knots, and shall be straight and sound. g ', That sealed proposals or bids will be race ived by the Board of 10 i,! Trustees of said city, at the office- of the City Clerk of said city, ~ I ', 11 i~up to 8 o'clock P. ~. of Thursday the 13th day of November, 1919, ~~, i 12 for the furnishing of one full carload consisting of not lase that . ~-___v~...~.._.~~ ,,..~.,w y.. 13 ~ aiaty poles, to the City of Anaheim, in conformity to the foregoing 14 ; specifications. ~ I 15 I Said poles shall be delivered F.o.B. cars at Anaheim, Calif- lg ~ornia. 17 18 ~0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 one third of said car load of poles must be 35-foot poles, having a diameter o f not lase than seven inches at the top. one third thereof must be 35-foot poles having a diameter of not lass than eight inches at the top, and one third thereof must be 4o-foot poles having a diameter of not leas than eight inches at the top. Each bid mast be aeQOmpanied by a certified ch®ck or a good and sufficient bond, equal to one-tenth the amount of said bid, executed by two good and sufficient sureties, who must justify before an officer authorized to administer oaths, in double the amount of said bond, in aaencumbered property within the State of Cb,lifornia, or by a corporation authorized to execute bonds and undertakings within the State of CAl.ifornia, which bond shall be aub~ect to the approval of the Board of kt~ruateaa of the City of Anaheim, and eha11 be conditioned that the bidder will entex into a -1- -,. ',1 contract and furnish the bonds required within ten days after the 1 ',~ awarding of said contract, if the same is ~ararded to him. 2 ~' The successful bidder shall be required, within ten days after 3 ;I the contract is awarded to him, to enter into an agreement with the 4 ; City of Anaheim, for the furnishing of said poles, and shall furnis 5 ii a bond to the City of Anaheim in the. sum of one~half the amount of 6 ~',' said bid, which said bond shall be a~ecutad by two mod azxl suffi- 7 cient sureties who shall justify before an officer authorized to 8 '~ administer oaths under tha laws o f the State o f California, or by 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~. 9 20 21 I 22 23 ~I 24 25 ~~~ 26 a corporation authorized to execute bonds and undertakings undex and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, which bond shall be sub jaet to the approval of the Board o f Trustees of the City of Anaheim, and shall be conditioned upon the faithful perfor- mance of said contract. Payment for said poles shall be made by warrant drawn upon the City Treasurer of said city ~-ithin thirty days after deliQery and acceptance of said poles. The City Clerk o f the City of Anaheim be , and he is hereby an- thorizad and directed to publish a notice inviting sealed proposals or bids for the furnishing of said pales, in accordance with said specifications, for two su.mce$sive weeks, in "The Orange County Plain dealer", a tri-weakly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in said city. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim reserves the right to re je et any grid all bids. The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this 23rd day of October, A. D. 1919. 27 28 29 ~ I; 30 31 II 32 ~I President protem of the Board of Tru.stea~ Attest: of the City o f Anaheim. ~~r,. City Clerk. -2- 1 ~TATL+` t7~' CALI~'O~IA, ~ j I 2 '!, CU uNl Y Ot+~ ORANGE, ) ~S. 3 'I CITY Ot~ AFxA~;;Z~. } 4 'I~ I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; da ~~ 5 ! hereby oertify that the foregoing resolution was passed ante ~; i 8 'j adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City ^,~ 7 ~, of Anaheim, held on the 2~~. day of October, 1919, by the following,, a 8 ;vote • ~, 0 9 AY~s, Truatee8 C'J~c.~-~o ~u.~lC4 ~a-v,.-,z„r -- , 10 ~I Noes, Trustees ~o~~ - 11 absent and not voting , Trusts es ~~-~-y ~. ~``° /~~ G r - , 12 And I further oertify that the PraBident of the. Board of 13 i ~i 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 21 I I 22 23 ~~ ~~ 24 25 ~ 26 '~ 2 7 ~' 28 29 3U 31 32 Trustees of the City of .~nahe.im signed and approved said resolutia on the said 23~J day of Oetober, 1919. IN t'~ITNESS ~H.ER~'OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 2 ~.~ day of October, A.D. 1919. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim.